Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Stuart Wilde. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Stuart Wilde. Mostrar todas las entradas

sábado, mayo 18, 2013

The Messiah’s New Brightness - Stuart Wilde

In the inner worlds viewed by us in trance, we see a vast, eternal, multi-dimensional hyper-verse. What the visionaries that post here and I see, varies slightly depending on which of us is watching, but the overall shape, form, and topography of those inner dimensions (what they look and feel like), is always the same no matter who views them. They are real and anyone can train to see them.
Recently, we have seen a new brightness, the celestial light flashes with an ever greater intensity. Sometimes we can watch it for hours. The light goes out into the world and changes it, it seems to latch onto people’s souls and it helps them heal and see more, though I don’t see exactly how the method works, it is beyond my ken; way too complicated and technical to understand.

One night recently, I saw the Messiah light for four hours. It was very beautiful; the most intense set of visions I have had in the last twenty years.

lunes, abril 01, 2013

WakingTimes – Stuart Wilde – The Global Ego – Resolve To Escape – 31 March 2013

My ol’ teacher said that before you are born you choose your parents and that you have an overview of the circumstances and beliefs that you are to be born into, he even said you have a comprehension of the defects or inabilities of the future body you will inhabit at birth, your DNA karma say.
It is a very original idea because your birth and the mindset you inherit from your parents overwhelmingly dictates the nature and circumstances of your life’s initial journey. It is our first karma to be born into the restriction of a physical body that is sometimes frightened and it moves slowly, and the second karma is the family imprint that is emotionally embossed upon us. Our third karma develops as we grow up and we go out and test our embossed-self up against real life and other embossed, sometimes warped souls, and we learn through action and reaction.