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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Reporte de Energías. Mostrar todas las entradas

martes, febrero 27, 2024

Jamye Price - March Ascension Energies - Connecting Love - Feb 27, 2024

Blessed Beings, March is a turning point, a shift in direction.

With your Awareness, that path is Connection.

While it twists and turns your head learns. Where it is straight you adjust your gait.

Natalia Alba - 3/3 Portal ~ Trinitization - Feb 27, 2024

3/3 Portal ~ Trinitization

Beloved Ones,

In this new energetic month of March, we will have the opportunity to continue healing the many reversals and hence false geometries, other light symbols, and false codes, that still reign in our consciousness, mind, and planetary fabrics and grids. Guides call this passage: trinitization, the process of bringing two opposite aspects into perfect union, and as such I have named this post.

Cosmic Awareness: "Be Prepared Spiritually, Mentally and Emotionally" (28 February 2024)

Judith Kusel - Being Fluid - Feb 27, 2024

 Puede ser una imagen de lago y montaña

Being Fluid
With the immensely powerful shifts we are currently going through we be finding more and more that all structures, all schedules, all our nicely boxed life, start dissolving as boundaries, fences, and all which has governed us, and ruled our lives for so long, disintegrates. At the same time, I am finding health lessons are coming up for me and have been so since last year. This has had great lessons in soul mastery, as I am learning to listen to my body and what it is telling me and am open to clearing what needs still to be cleared. With this more food that one cannot tolerate nor digest anymore, but then in the higher dimensional states, one can live off Prana, which is life breath itself. 

Natalia Alba - Astral Body Clearing - Feb 27, 2024

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Beloved Ones, 
The importance of astral clearing, through healing our heart center and hence astral body, is never emphasized enough. It is one of the most important imbalances to treat before we can embrace sovereignty, for sovereignty is not only achieved in our physical plane but at all levels of who we are. Sharing our personal guidance, and experiences is pivotal to informing and helping others who may be experiencing this phase. 

lunes, febrero 26, 2024

Natalia Alba - During March... - Feb 26, 2024

 Puede ser una imagen de texto

Beloved Ones,
During March, the importance of personal integrity and authenticity will be emphasized. Values that are key to cultivate and improve, as we continue in our transition to become sovereing beings. Guides invited me today to share the importance of talking about these topics for all who are guided to do daily checks on themselves to see what they could improve to be more loving towards themselves and others, which helps to disengage from the ego self and act within divine love and integrity, being authentic to ourselves and All Creation. 

Brenda Hoffman - Let Go, It’s Over - February 26, 2024


Dear Ones,

It’s time to celebrate your new being. Even though there might be a few obstacles to your happiness, those obstacles will rapidly fall by the wayside. You now have a comfortable trajectory to your personal freedom and joy.

There will be times when your concerns might seem overwhelming or frightening. But those times will be far fewer and less threatening than has been true in this life or any other earth life.

Natalia Alba - March brings infinite possibilities - Feb 26, 2024

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Beloved Ones,
March brings infinite possibilities for us to pursue our personal goals and dreams. It is a month in which our planet continues emancipating from the old 3D world, with formidable energies for us to focus on descending our soul's visions on the tangible, expanding, manifesting, and stepping into new horizons. It is a master month, as its 11 universal number reminds us, filled with many wonderful energies for us to work on what we are personally healing, expanding, stabilizing, and or shifting.

domingo, febrero 25, 2024

Natalia Alba - March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation - Feb 25, 2024

March's Energies ~ Gold/Seraphim Pillar Rehabilitation

Beloved Ones,

As we step into March, one of the most important months of the year, energetically speaking, we will feel the intensity and acceleration of time and the activations that our light body will experience if we decide to align with the energies to bring more healing, rehabilitation, and reconnection into our bodies. 

This a season to continue with the planetary emancipation that has already started, through personal and planetary liberation, assisting in all we can to participate in the current transition.

sábado, febrero 24, 2024

Natalia Alba - We are at a key phase in our ascension journey - Feb 24, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are at a key phase in our ascension journey, in which personal recalibration, rejuvenation, and stabilization is vital to be able to act as the loving, and healing emissaries that we came here to be. This is a personal task that today's Virgo moon together with Piscean energies, already among us, facilitates. Guides invite us to balance all aspects of ourselves before we can step into our planetary work, as the coming two months are going to be pivotal to working with the female and masculine earth's templates. This is why it is so important to hold the same balance within.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Report - Feb 24,2024

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

Beloved One, with every day on your ascension journey, you are moving closer to God.

Judith Kusel - The Sun portals are opening - Feb 24, 2024

The Sun portals are opening as we are fully reconnected now the 7th Central Sun of illumination, which is activating the 7th dimensional gateways.

This not only means expansion but also opening the illumined heart and mind, and the higher waters of the brain, which is indeed the Single Eye of Horus, and flows directly into the spine.

lunes, febrero 19, 2024

Judith Kusel - We are now in the stage - Feb 19, 2024

We are now in the stage where the Divine Feminine has been fully anchored in and where there is a huge return to balance, as the heart of humanity is opening in unprecedented ways, and the shift in consciousness increases.

I have been feeling this intensely in the last two weeks, and I have never felt such inpouring of love, yet more than this, that beautiful balance, that all of us are going to experience at deep inner levels, as our own inner balance returns.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - El DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - FEBRERO 2024



* De su anfitriona de la Luz
* Octavas superiores de la formación financiera
Perder el pasado y desconectarse del futuro ofrece oportunidades que no podrían existir de otro modo. La nueva era, la vejez, toda edad pierde sentido cuando la humanidad da un giro de 180 grados hacia un lugar de reconexión. Las líneas de comunicación entre los seres humanos son delicadas y se tensan como las alas de una mariposa en una tormenta emocional. Verse reflejado en los demás resulta agotador y la mayoría aparta la mirada para no ver lo que tiene delante. La unidad parece minúscula mientras la humanidad resopla y derriba el holograma.

Brenda Hoffman - Entering Your New Comfort Zone - February 19, 2024

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you feel you know what is suitable for everyone. You will soon discover that varying degrees of sameness are more likely to feel right than everyone voicing the same beliefs. A bit like everyone agreeing on blue instead of all the colors of a rainbow.

You have focussed on one color for eons to no avail – trying to ensure everyone is thinking and acting similarly. Something that seemed comfortable at first, only to discover that you or someone you loved were outliers. ThreeD outliers were pushed into a corral, hoping they would assimilate through sameness – instead of glorying in their differences.

sábado, febrero 17, 2024

viernes, febrero 16, 2024

Natalia Alba - As we continue stepping into this new phase - Feb 16, 2024

Beloved Ones,

As we continue stepping into this new phase, reigned by the eclipses, our bodies will need periodical detox, for we are under a profound process of transmutation and constant release, of all the past energies and emotions that need to be freed to allow the new influx of light. The past is everything previous to this moment, and clearing our emotional and mental bodies of past pain and energies is vital to be able to live at peace and in alignment with our soul.

jueves, febrero 15, 2024

Natalia Alba - Many of us are already feeling the coming energies from the eclipses - Feb 15, 2024

Beloved Ones,

Many of us are already feeling the coming energies from the eclipses. We have this energetic window now to clear our bodies and prepare for the next portal, which is going to last three months, although as you know its energies will remain anchored in our plane. At the end of March, we have a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (Penumbral) at 5 degrees Libra that will be a very important stabilizing force, to help in the magnetic fields. As you know eclipses have a great impact on our Earth's magnetic fields, which have been deeply distorted and are not being rehabilitated.

Judith Kusel - It is our ability now to adapt to the cosmic frequencies - Feb 15, 2024

It is our ability now to adapt to the cosmic frequencies and the multi-dimensional forms of life, which will see us through.

Nothing is stagnant and all is transfiguring at an enormous rate now, and it is a matter of being liquidized and then simply flowing as we flow on cosmic seas and when we reach the shores of New Beginnings, we are perfectly formed and reinvented as we already are in the New Earth. 

martes, febrero 13, 2024

Natalia Alba - During this time of soul and monadic reconnection - Feb 13, 2024


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Beloved Ascending Souls,
During this time of soul and monadic reconnection, many of you will sense how you move into a higher sensorial state. This is due to the increase in our energetic quotient, as we move into more illumined dimensions. To be able to support the energetic current entering into our bodies at this time, Guides remarks on the importance of working in our DNA, and neurological system receivers (a complex including the brain, spinal cord, etc.) This is where our bodies integrate and decode the input received from our God Self and other Divine Sources.
It is through our body (brain) and DNA receivers that we embody light, wisdom, and the guidance required for our spiritual journey. We are now moving into Piscean energies, which are going to assist us remove the many false implants and beliefs that are still blocking our receivers, by first working on clearing our lymphatic system, which is one of the main things that Pisces too rules. 
We are always heard and answered when we ask, it is our DNA and body portals the ones who need to be open to receive, and we are moving into a phase in which the energies will support the work of our non-physical senses. Ascension is about simplicity, however, we also need to understand the complexity of it within our body and the process that occurs when we move into a new state of being, supporting it and working on it, daily, as nothing happens by chance or without the proper inner work. 
Learning to sense, to interpret through our feelings our environment, relationships, the land, where we live, the situations we experience, and everything else that surrounds us, is essential. It is when we start working on the previous that we open and restore our receivers, for they precisely function by transcribing our emotions and energetic inputs. The more we learn how to recognize the blueprint behind everyone and everything, the more we will be in touch with their essence, message, and divinity.
We have been programmed to lose our natural ability to connect with things, people, nature, objects, and everything within Creation, for everything has a blueprint, and hence unique consciousness. It is in that way that lose connection, feeling just our individual selves. Now, within this New Aquarian Cycle, we are regaining this lost ability to communicate, sense, and be unified with All. 
When work on our sensorial abilities, we train ourselves and receivers to read beyond the physical. The current energies will help us to precisely move inward to discern, and reconnect our senses, so we can detect false ascension timeliness, personal programs, and other anomalies, removing all that is impeding us from moving into a higher sensorial state.
At this time, Guides invite us to clear our lymphatic system which is as you know the anatomical structure that transports lymph, through a net of nerves, whose main mission is to remove toxins from our bodies. It is similar to the circulatory system. However, it transports lymph, not blood, and its main mission is to fortify our immune system.
Clearing our lymphatic system is pivotal to be able to transport the light, wisdom, and hence guidance, throughout our bodies, as together with our circulatory and digestive systems, are in charge of integrating and conducting the divine current within our bodies.
Lymphatic massages, pure water, teas, sound therapy, and exercising are just some of the ways to keep it clean, as of it depends the well functioning of our body but also our non-physical senses as if it is full of toxins and debris, our receivers cannot embody light, adequately. 
Immunity, protection, strength, and above all, divine reconnection start by knowing our bodies, their portals, and how we can cleanse and fortify our entire body system. This is where not only physical but spiritual healing begins, so we can start descending more Divine guidance.
Choosing this ascension path involves being totally responsible for how we treat our bodies and their functioning, as it is as spiritual as our non-physical ones. This is a very important phase for us to finally start ascending, while we are still in a physical body. It is with Pisces that we have the opportunity for ascension, by integrating polarities, erasing eons of manipulations, and distortions and finally moving into a sovereign state of being, resurrecting as the Divine Beings that we are in nature.
Within Infinite Love,