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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Llamas Gemelas. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 14, 2017

Judith Kusel - The Eternal Search for Wholeness, Unity - July 13, 2017

The Eternal and restless search for wholeness and unity in loving relationships, is in truth the greatest search for meaning and purpose in our lives. It is the search for something greater than the sum total of ourselves, which brings us into wholeness again.

One of the greatest reasons why human loving relationships fail, and often turn into war zones, is that we want the Other to fill the deep void inside of ourselves up, so that we can finally be WHOLE.

sábado, marzo 04, 2017

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday March 4, 2017

So many ask, “How will I ever meet my next great love?” Dear Ones, when the time is right, when both of you are ready, the real question is, how on earth could anything ever keep you apart?

If you are desiring to draw to you a deep and profound soul connection, there are many things you can do to move into readiness for that experience. First, it is imperative that you understand that all things must begin within. In order to move into the outward expression of anything you desire, you must understand that you, above all others, are responsible for your wholeness, wellness and satisfaction. No external can make you whole, it is up to you to discover the wholeness that you are.

sábado, febrero 04, 2017

Judith Kusel - My soul has loved you through it all….. - February 4, 2017

True intimacy means the cleaving open of the heart and soul, into the very depths of Being: – where there are no hiding places any more.

The masks have come off.

The Pretence.

The love me.

Now all has changed.

Everything has been stripped off.

The “’I” stands bare, naked, open.

The heart is cleaved open.

One stands there vulnerable, like a little baby, new-born in the highest truth of the soul, yet in the power of the SOUL.

The SOUL itself, has been ever present, lifetime after lifetime, in all expressions of life and forms of life of the soul in the vastness of its home galaxy, in its journey across the cosmos. It is not power-less, it has infinite power.

sábado, noviembre 28, 2015

Judith Kusel - Mystical Marriage – the ultimate union - November 28, 2015

There is a deep and profound union, which truly is that of the body, mind, heart and soul, which is the ultimate alchemical fusion and transcendental transmutation of the mystical ocean and the deepest deep of that which one can experience in the union between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine.

In the Ancient Mystery Schools this was understood, that the Divine Masculine  was in its purest form, it was as proactive force, a force which brought the action into being, as well as all the cosmic equations, the order, the movement, the firmaments, and that which is then the foundation on which the cosmic order is built.  It is the higher mind infused with the Higher Heart Energies which truly creates the concepts, the formulas, the engineering, the architectural, the structures – and puts the firmaments, the cosmic whole into place and positions it.

domingo, julio 26, 2015

Judith Kusel - Twin Flames: The Highest Pathways of Love and being Loved: EN-LIGHT-EN-MENT - July 26, 2015

4458_107289619026_6735585_nTo love and be loved is an infinite Precious gift.
If this gift is not nurtured, treasured, and truly honored from deep within, it will dissipitate and ultimately cause more woundedness.
It is the sublime gift of the first coming together in love, harmony and union of the Divine Masculine in total balance and bliss with the Divine Feminine – those moments of Creative Oneness which spans the whole cosmos and brings wonder and awe.

viernes, mayo 15, 2015

Judith Kusel - The Cosmic merging of Twin Flames - May 15, 2015

There comes a time in Twin Flame Love when all the old squabbles, the old discord, that which makes one run away, and then towards each other again, fades away.
That first adrenalin rush has settled.
Those moments of pain – and all that was there in one form or another, is slowly fading away.
One starts now to move more and more into a stage where the inner YOU, has gone through transformation and you have become whole in many ways.  Before the insecurities, the low self-worth, all the old dragons that used to haunt you, are slowly but surely disintegrating.
A new you has emerged – a greater and more balanced you, that revels in that sacred sanctuary of your heart, womb and soul, and finds that life indeed is just a matter of loving and that one can love in new and more profound ways than ever before.
It is not so much that twin has changed – as one has changed.

miércoles, marzo 11, 2015

Judith Kusel - The Way of the Mystic – Sacred Union - March 11, 2015

There are always those who seek the higher pathways in life, rather than the lesser.  They seek the ultimate state of Being, which then becomes the quest to experience the Divine essence, the infinite state of bliss, or existence itself, through the medium of going ever deeper within.
It is that reconnection with the soul, the soul group, but more than this, the reconnection with that energy which is the pro-creative energy, the alchemical fusion which transform the mundane into the extraordinary, the sacred, the magical, and therefore the sublime.  Once one experiences the supreme state, one cannot walk the lesser pathways for one has spanned the higher octaves of Being, and therefore has glimpsed the ultimate bliss – that state, or consciousness of the Divine.
The Ancient Mystery schools knew this, and therefore the High Priestess at the birth of a child, would not only read the soul records, but would confer with the Astrologer Priests and birth crystals were programmed to accompany the child for the rest of its life.  With this reading it was already defined if the child had incarnated to be trained and to contribute to humanity by serving in the temples themselves.

viernes, abril 18, 2014

Small Talk with my Twin Flame Higher Self – Multidimensional Ocean 18 April 2014

Laura: my twin flamé’s higher self (Usakhar) has been around me literally all day long, which is a wonderful experience, very pure, and brings me back to my childhood, and reminds me of the love you used to feel now. I have never felt that unique love before since then. It is truly a remarkable experience and very unique. Anyhow, I decided to try channel him, since he is always here :) !
Laura: would you have a message for my readers?
Usakhar: yes, i do. I just wanted to tell them not to loose faith in their own love and abilities to love. One day, their twin flame will appear to them, when they will expect it the least.
Of course one has to realize that the Earth incarnation is not separated from the Higher Self incarnation. The connection between both is constant. However, we do like to carry a different name. I am Usakhar, he has his Earth name and life of course. His life will end when his life is meant to end and his body shall return to Mother Earth, while I shall continue to live in the higher dimensions, as I do know. your Earth twin soul incarnation is an extension of me in the material world, but I am still part of both the material world, and of the spirit world.

miércoles, marzo 19, 2014

Judith Kusel - Twin Flames, Love and Sacred Sexual Union - March 18, 2014

Your soul is pure energy, and in its greater whole, is made up of 12 equal flames or energy shards, and thus vibrates then at that frequency.  In your soul body, you are pure energy and vibrate at your soul frequency and vibration, which then is in tune with your soul blueprint.
At this moment in time we are given a window opportunity to raise our own frequencies and vibrations, to become more in tune with the cosmic pulse.  Essentially this means, that frequency and vibration on which you’re whole SOUL GROUP vibrates cosmically and thus the higher dimensional states of Being.  Your soul group then belongs to a greater CLUSTER of soul groups, and these then form their own energy pool for a certain life expression, which they in turn, reflect back to the Divine Source.

domingo, enero 12, 2014

Sunday Musings ~ My Transition Finishing Line Now In Sight! - Debbie Erasmus - Jan 12, 2014

twin flame sacred marriageFor most of my adult life I’ve been clearing discordant energy for Gaia without being fully conscious of this. At the same time I’ve also been merging with my Soul. When you take on this physical form you have to lower your vibration so much that it can take many, many years to integrate your energy back into its original state of being. This process is called a transition, and it happens over a period of time. For some it can take decades. The major changes started with the opening of the portals in December 2012 when Earth began receiving the first major influx of high vibrational light energy.
2013 was a roller coaster ride for many including me; a year that will go down in my “Reminder to Self to never do this again” journal! I joke not! The year wasn’t all that bad though. After I started working with Michael and the energy of Divine Love through the Trinity of Blessings in the early part of 2013, my living experience started to change. I got through major blocks that I’d lived with all my life and cleared huge amounts of negative energy. Love truly does heal and change everything. The higher your vibration, the easier it becomes to manifest blessings into your life, because you are no longer working with just yourself in this physical experience or reality, but with the greater part of your Self. Your Soul. As Michael said to me earlier in the week – “You have no idea how much I can do for you.” 2013 also brought me more love, joy and peace that I had ever thought possible!

sábado, agosto 31, 2013

THE ILLUMINED TWIN FLAMES AND RE-UNION 2012-2024 By Judith Kusel the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..
As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within one soul, there are a million shards or pieces of soul, in the form of particles of energy, the male and female, positively and negatively charged particles thus form, what one would see or visualize as a SPIRALLING FORM OF ENERGY, at its most stretched part, forming a concentric circle…. This, then when in Androgynous form…
At one stage in the evolution of intelligent life, and thus the evolution of what one can term a human-like form, a lot of souls, wanted to experience life, in the more male aspect of form and female aspects of form. Thus a certain number of souls, volunteered to take on a solely male form to experience the more masculine side of life and its other half the more female side of life…..
The Divine Source itself has got two definite sides: the Male aspect and the Female Aspect and both as DISTINCT FORMS of the same entity or life expression. Creation was birthed in the first act of the coming together of these two and from the seed planted within the womb of the Divine Mother, all other life forms were created…..

domingo, julio 07, 2013

TheOne-DreamDreamer – Found Your Twin Flame? – 7 July 2013

Probably not… and you’re probably spending enough of your energy looking for it. Till you find one, THE one, who’s perfect and it is your real twin… until you move one cause there’s too much to it and one of you runs away. Then comes the next real twin. And so on and so forth.
But how come? How many twins can we find? Cause… you were so SURE that was THE ONE!
Well a lot in fact. A whole bunch of them. At least a number with 4 or 5 zeros behind it if I’m not wrong, but if I am then it’s more than that for sure! Why? Simply cause you’re a fractal, a fragment of your soul. Each time you come here a part of you stays “up there”. And each time you die a part of you stays with your soul family and those you loved and who loved you. Getting it? So imagine all the life experiences a soul has… and start counting. 3 divisions every time.

viernes, mayo 24, 2013

THE ILLUMINED TWIN FLAMES AND RE-UNION 2012-2024 - Judith Kusel - May 24, 2013 the beginning of all time, when the first soul and soul groups were birthed, a lot of these new souls that were born decided to take on Androgynous form… thus the male and female in one body…..
As a soul consists of pure energy, and thus within one soul, there are a million shards or pieces of soul, in the form of particles of energy, the male and female, positively and negatively charged particles thus form, what one would see or visualize as a SPIRALLING FORM OF ENERGY, at its most stretched part, forming a concentric circle…. This, then when in Androgynous form…