Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lisa Renee. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Lisa Renee. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, julio 02, 2021

Lisa Renee - Why Can't I Sleep?

Dear Ascending Family,

One important factor of kundalini activations during the spiritual ascension process is that no one informed me about what was going to happen to my sleep and that I would feel tired all the time. Actually getting some sleep at night and waking up and feeling somewhat rested became something that happened less and less over time. Maybe this is more of an issue in the western culture, as there is not much energetic space given to people to just rest and explore their spirituality. I find that my body doesn’t turn off until nearly the time the sun is coming up. I’m on watch for the night shift and there is no sensation of deep sleep to be had.

sábado, junio 19, 2021

Lisa Renee - Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA - June 2021

June 2021

Solar Coding, Crystal Body and DNA

Lisa Renee 

Dear Ascending Family,

As we move through the eclipse season and into the Summer Solstice, the Sun is receiving a tremendous variation of solar streams in the form of highly refined electromagnetic frequencies from the Cosmic Founder Source Domains, directing plasma transmissions from the Pleiadian star system. These solar streams from the Pleiades are catalyzed by the return of Solar Christ Michael and Solar Christ Mary into dimensionalization, and are filled with golden cube solar codes that are transmitting activations to the human Crystal Body and DNA. During this phase, the solar coded streams are building the krystal holographic architecture to prepare for the density shift that is occurring soon which will radically change the base magnetism of the Earth and the Sun.

viernes, junio 18, 2021

Lisa Renee - Ascension and Trinity Gate Load Out

Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness.

martes, junio 15, 2021

Lisa Renee - Ascension and Trinity Gate Load Out

Ascension is the divine birthright of all living souls on this planet and as promised by the Christos Founders of the Emerald Covenant serving the Law of One, it is open and available to everyone irrespective of any belief system or religious affiliation. The Christos Mission is based upon honoring the free will of every individual consciousness to choose the course of action that is believed to be the best experience for them, while offering information that supports the comprehension of the mechanics of planetary ascension along with the spiritual laws governing consciousness.

miércoles, junio 09, 2021

Lisa Renee - Sophianic Female Coding

The Holy Mother is progressively returning to reclaim and restore her creation, through the advanced Godhead technology included in the Arc Zone and 13th Pillar.

Recent Guardian Gridworker projects related to the return of the Emerald Order have revealed the Emerald Goddess Green Tara has returned to this dimension of the planet to restore balance to the planet's organic magnetism and offer active compassion from the Holy Mother. She has returned to embodiment in the Asian grid between Sri Lanka and India during the May Electrical Peak cycle 2021.

sábado, junio 05, 2021

Lisa Renee - Self-Leadership


Any person that has a sphere of influence that impacts others is a leader by default. Whether we want to be a leader or not, many awakening people, Starseeds and Indigos that are spiritually activated now, are leaders by default, as the activated lightbody causes ripple effects that greatly influence other people and the environmental energies. When we have energetic influence over others, we must recognize that we hold a higher responsibility during interactions, as a person that is unaware has less influence in cause and effect, than a person who is activated and awakened beyond others. There can be no competent and integral leaders without that person having made effort towards improving Self-Leadership skills. Additionally, self-leadership skill sets give one the confidence and strength to manage their stress and improve their lives in a multitude of ways, which is ultimately personally empowering and spiritually strengthening. When we are truly empowered, confident and strong inside ourselves, and we have a strong spiritual connection, we know who we are and cannot be easily mind controlled or manipulated by human or nonhuman forces.

martes, mayo 25, 2021

Lisa Renee - Protein Engineering


Chemical based methods of genetic engineering use natural or synthetic compounds that form into particles that facilitate the transfer of genetic material or instruction sets directly into cells. Enzymes that catalyze reactions in the bonds of DNA are genetic engineering techniques in which there can be copied, snipped or spliced DNA in order to customize a range of effects in a living organism. What happens when Genetic Engineering previously performed in laboratories to manipulate human DNA are now being uploaded as complex mathematical programs for weaponizing particles in quantum computers and AI machines?

lunes, mayo 17, 2021

Lisa Renee - Emerald Crystal Heart and Solar Christ Michael - May 2021

Dear Ascending Family,

The ascension mysteries continue to reveal with ever unfolding adventures of extremely positive events that are happening in the Albion Lightbody, giving each of us the possibility to birth the Cosmic Christ Consciousness within us in this lifetime. This is the divine purpose of why we chose to come during the ascension cycle, to be wide awake to experience what is unfolding now. While most are unaware of the significant spiritual events happening to help free the planet, rest assured that beautiful events are awaiting us in humanity’s future.

martes, mayo 11, 2021

Lisa Renee - Biological Ionization - May 9, 2021

The Solar Rishi and Solar Dragon Kings are braiding themselves throughout the crystalline grids which hold the holographic celestial map of many Sun-Stars and constellations that are transmitting organic liquid plasma consciousness technology that catalyzes Solar Synthesis. This is a solar symbiosis process which blends physical matter with solar fire plasma codes throughout the Planetary Grid Network, which further energizes the Sophianic plasma shields and Solar Rainbow Dragon elemental shields which are animating crystal vapors into the fluids and waters in creation. These liquid plasma shields are designed to further re-encrypt elementals and purify the corrupted astral waters, fluids and vapors that are within the planetary crystalline matrix and the human body’s water management system. This is re-organizing the fascia crystalline matrix whereby solar codes are igniting plasma crystals in the extensive webbing of our neurological matrix, upgrading the cellular matrix in our bone, blood, skin and tissues to receive liquid plasma codes.

martes, mayo 04, 2021

Lisa Renee - Sorcery Mind Control - May 4, 2021

Dear Ascending Family,

The themes primarily showing themselves in the outer environment are the same patterns which lead to growing and feeding Victim-Victimizer (V-V) collective archetypal forces which trigger an assortment of ego defense mechanisms in individuals. When we digress into V-V patterning, usually the controlling type of personality will come in for a targeted attack to add more pressure or intimidation tactics through emotional manipulation in order to get what they want. We can observe that when the sorcerer archetype does not get what he/she wants, they will resort to an assortment of other types of more sophisticated manipulation; gaslighting, DARVO, humiliation, bullying, persecution and more.

martes, abril 27, 2021

Lisa Renee - Targeting the Human Reproductive System - April 27, 2021

Dear Ascending Family,

The following transcript is a snapshot describing current events in which I am not representing to be a wholistic and complete picture of what humanity is facing with this genocidal agenda playing out in our midst.

My goal is to empower the females in the spiritual community, to know with certainty that this agenda to attack human reproduction and female fertility is confirmed and real, and to begin to gather all women concerned about female reproductive health together to discuss this issue openly and transparently. Women that are midwives, naturopaths and holistic doctors can begin to troubleshoot and develop counter measures that support rebalancing of female hormones and mitochondrial functioning in natural and alternative ways. May the following excerpt contain information that is supportive to women and all those that have loved ones that are being impacted with direct physical symptoms that are targeting human reproductive health through this toxic injection.

jueves, abril 22, 2021

Lisa Renee - Solar Synthesis - April 17, 2021

April 2021

Solar Synthesis

Lisa Renee

The planetary ascension is accelerating now with the return of the Solar Consciousness of Christos to the Earth, and nothing can or will stop the organic timeline of disclosure. Many incredible things to support humanity are happening from behind the scenes and within the planetary architecture which confirm that the current dark reign of terror and genocidal campaigns are temporary. The most empowering step we can take now is to refuse to be terrorized in fear and complicit with this human genocidal campaign. We must find within our heart the direct connection to God, our highest power, and seek inner guidance and higher truth to help direct us forward.

viernes, abril 16, 2021

Lisa Renee - Embodiment Starts with Body Awareness

Real embodiment only happens when the higher consciousness bodies are able to come into the physical realm, which means to fully align, embody and seat within the physical body itself. Currently, the structural changes as a result of the bifurcation within the past, present and future planetary realms, impacts all human beings towards greater embodiment levels of their soul, monadic and higher spiritual layers.

lunes, abril 12, 2021

Lisa Renee - Law of Consent - April 12, 2021

For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and Negative Aliens who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of Consent and it's critical importance.

What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance created which impacts the self and others.

viernes, marzo 19, 2021

Lisa Renee - Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody - March 2021

March 2021

Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Following on the Gaian Matrix recovery we move further into changes and revelations occurring at field level, which could be described as animations of the ascension design to reunite all of creation with God Source. From geomantic structures powering up to inner initiations taking place, changes are afoot. This is ushering in the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.

miércoles, marzo 17, 2021

Lisa Renee - Holding Space in Global Lightning Strike


These are unprecedented times in which many of us are observing some extremely difficult situations happening around us, that are impacting our lives and the people that we love and care for. The set up at the collective level is knowing that the lightning strike will come at some point and that will bring major awakening when seeing beyond the falsity of deceptions when the truth is finally made known. Some people will be strong enough to awaken in order to be willing to see the truth, while others will not.

martes, marzo 09, 2021

Lisa Renee - Emerald Order Reclaiming Human History

Emerald Order Reclaiming Human History 


Guardians regained access to the hibernation zone that held the overview of the AI holograms used to project Founder creator code into false timelines, false holograms that used usurped Emerald Order DNA, which was taken during the Thothian hijack that led to the Essene Massacre and Breeding Programs for alien hybridization on Nibiru. These Emerald Tablets held codices for deconstructing all the information recorded in Emerald Sun DNA, specific to planetary staff and permanent seed atom schematics in all of the four planetary rounds making up the Universal Tribal Shield.

miércoles, febrero 24, 2021

Lisa Renee - Spiritual Immunity


To be sovereign over one's self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one's own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one's consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies, and thus when these higher consciousness bodies come online, they activate and amplify our Spiritual Immune System. Our Spiritual Immune System requires personal attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. It is the same as our physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative pathogenic forces.

lunes, febrero 15, 2021

Lisa Renee - Organic Alignment

Organic Alignment 

Dear ES Family,

Those of us who can stay awake, alert and connected to the truth spirit and God self during the current planetary dark night of the soul, are able to anchor into their lightbody the organic krystal directions which are the correct positions within time and space. This organic alignment allows us to stay in the eternal moment of now presence while simultaneously travelling towards our true north position, which is the consciousness journey towards spiritual ascension. As the collective consciousness voyages into the death passage to discover the spiritual process of consciousness rebirth, the trajectory takes us to explore the past darkness in order to shed the dead energy of previous trauma, in order to expand into the garments of light which hold the plasma spiritual body record, the container for our highest consciousness.

lunes, febrero 08, 2021

Lisa Renee - Organic Alignment - Feb 8, 2021

Organic Alignment 

Dear ES Family,

Those of us who can stay awake, alert and connected to the truth spirit and God self during the current planetary dark night of the soul, are able to anchor into their lightbody the organic krystal directions which are the correct positions within time and space. This organic alignment allows us to stay in the eternal moment of now presence while simultaneously travelling towards our true north position, which is the consciousness journey towards spiritual ascension. As the collective consciousness voyages into the death passage to discover the spiritual process of consciousness rebirth, the trajectory takes us to explore the past darkness in order to shed the dead energy of previous trauma, in order to expand into the garments of light which hold the plasma spiritual body record, the container for our highest consciousness.