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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Golden Light Channel. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, octubre 11, 2013

Council of Angels and Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: Dancing and Skipping Around the Edges of Time October 11, 2013

Balanced Heart Chakra - available from HeavenOnEarthSilks on Etsy
Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit, and full message without alteration when re-posting this message.
Dear Friends,
I’m doing a rare daytime channeling as the urge to rest and bring in a message is so strong that I can no longer ignore it.
For the past week I have been floating in and out of “time” or transcending the 3rd and 4th dimensions .. “Skipping time”.. The only things that seem to be keeping me tied to this reality that includes time and dates are a couple of old work projects I’m finishing up that have deadlines. After those two projects, my work responsibilities are over and I am faced with the prospect of no new “work” in my field; but I feel that my “work” is now in being aligned with my soul contracts and missions, namely the assisting of ushering in the new Golden Age upon Earth by bringing in higher dimensional messages and lightworks of art. My next painting series will be an archangel “miniseries” (not a tv show lol), as well as another two new series which are a surprise. I AM moving forward in faith that financial abundance will come somehow by following my soul mission and soul contract, i.e., the reason my soul came to this earth at this time of great transformation for All.

viernes, octubre 04, 2013

Ascension update: Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Source Creator via Goldenlight: Upgrading to a Multidimensional Operating System October 4, 2013 - The Golden Light Channel

I received a somewhat long but very enlightening and powerful message tonight. I started it with a personal channeling about my financial situation which as many of you know has been very challenging lately, and I received what began as a message from my Council of Angels and turned into a message from Source Creator. It’s always powerful when this happens, it’s only happened a few times….as I bring in the messages I’m so filled with excitement and energy that I can barely contain myself, and just feel so honored to be bringing in a message like this. I’ve left in some of the personal elements for continuity, besides I feel like you are all family anyway. Please note it is in stream of consciousness style with very little punctuation, this one flowed out of me like a river. Love, Goldenlight

martes, septiembre 17, 2013

Message from Adama of Telos and Inner Earth via Goldenlight 9-16-13

Adama, High Priest of Telos
Courtesy of
Dear friends,
After reading Georgi Stankov’s post yesterday I was led to the material posted below, some of which are books transcribed and written by Aurelia Louise Jones with messages from Adama of Telos (see further reading list below). It became crystal clear to me after reading this material that in order to evolve our surface realms more quickly, we are now all being introduced to this material from Adama of Telos (1), describing their civilization in Inner Earth or Hollow Earth which is a continuation of the civilization of ancient Lemuria, a civilization in which I had a past life and “went down with the ship” in a large tidal wave that sunk this civilization. (I have had a dream of dying from a tidal wave repetitively since I was a child, and this former life has been confirmed in several spiritual readings I have received.)

sábado, septiembre 07, 2013

Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain via Goldenlight: Clearing out all Negativity with the Violet Flame - Sep 7, 2013

zadkiel-and-gabrielArchangel Zadkiel and St. Germain: Clearing out all Negativity with the Violet Flame, channeled by Goldenlight, September 5, 2013 at
Tonight we’re going to connect in with Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain, and St. Germain is the keeper of the Violet Flame, and Archangel Zadkiel as well is of the violet flame and the Violet Ray. The Violet Flame is one of transmutation, transfiguration and forgiveness.
The first thing that comes through is that Archangel Zadkiel wants to say that there is Hope. That there is Hope for this world, hope for transmuting all the suffering in this world.

jueves, septiembre 05, 2013

Archangel Zadkiel and St. Germain - Goldenlight: Clearing out all negativity with the Violet Flame,- 9-5-13

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
Background Music ~ Music by Frederic Delarue, Healing for Humanity,
Dear Friends, above is an audio channeling of a message from Archangel Zadkiel which may be listened to lying down in a meditative state. Also above are paintings of the energies of Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Gabriel which will soon be available for purchase.

jueves, agosto 22, 2013

Archangel Michael via Goldenlight: Ascension Update: The Separation of the Worlds 8-22-13

Mandala Magic by Karen Scott,
“Blue Lotus”, Mandala Magic by Karen Scott

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

Greetings We are the Council of Angels and Archangel Michael and we wish to give you today a most pertinent message or update on your ascension processes for each of you are going through this internal ascension process in a bit of a different way, so that your experiences will be somewhat different amongst you. Many of you will end up eventually in the same place which is a higher dimensional realm of the new earth bathed in 5th dimensional frequencies, while some will remain by choice in the newly created higher 4th dimensional world, to assist others on their higher vibrational path. There is occurring at this time now the splitting apart of “worlds” or vibrational frequencies – the old 3rd dimensional world is nearly dismantled and dematerialized; a dead, unenergized holographic world that is ceasing to exist as we speak. Those in the 4th dimensional world which all of living humanity has entered into are also in a process of “splitting apart” energetically, so to speak, so that some will remain with the higher dimensional world of the 4th dimension – we say “higher dimensional” as it is an upgrade from the old 3rd dimensional paradigm which no longer exists or contains any living human beings –  and another group of souls will move toward, or split off, into the 5th dimensional world. It is an energetic migration, or higher dimensional “crossroads” of sorts that is occurring quite rapidly now, relatively speaking, as we are in the final process of resonance into energetic pathways. This is not a one time occurrence but a process that is continuously shifting and changing and based on a person’s individual soul path or journey combined with their level of conscious awareness, intention, and vibrational frequency.

jueves, agosto 15, 2013

Archangel Raphael via Goldenlight: Healing Across All Time and Space and Integration with Your Higher Self 8-13-13

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.

Dear Friends,

Below is a new voice channeling from Archangel Raphael and you can listen to it lying down in a meditative state, as a type of informational session and healing meditation. ~ Love, Goldenlight

martes, agosto 06, 2013

Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: You are Transitioning into Becoming an Intergalactic Society and Entering the Thousand Years of Peace, channeled by Goldenlight, August 6, 2013

Good evening, we are the Pleiadian Council. We do have some news for you on this transitional reality that you’re in, which is holographic in nature, as are all levels of “reality”. Every dimension, every reality, every hologram, is an extension of Source, and we of the galactic realms are also extensions of Source.
We wish to blend with many of you on earth now; we wish to harmonize into a coalescing reality that you may wish to be in. You may wish to meet with us. We have a lot to share with you. There is a global reset occurring. This will change everything….all aspects of your holographic reality as you know it….as you continue to ascend in your higher dimensional awareness. We can meet you in the middle. We could never lower our vibration to show up in your third dimensional world, which is now collapsing rapidly, as we speak. It was too dangerous to announce our presence in the old third dimensional holographic reality.

sábado, agosto 03, 2013

Consejo de Ángeles y el Consejo Pleyadiano vía Goldenlight – El reinicio Global de todos los Sistemas en preparación para la Edad Dorada en la Tierra - 25-07-13

511- dos
Queridos amigos, he estado alejado de las canalizaciones por varios meses ya que me he enfocado en los asuntos de la 3era dimensión como trabajar, pagar mi renta, pagar mis cuentas, etc. 

Y ha sido difícil últimamente. Continúo leyendo mensajes concernientes a la liberación de los fondos de prosperidad y comencé a cuestionarme la validez de estos mensajes, así que decidí conectarme con mi Ser Superior, el Consejo de Ángeles y el Consejo Pleyadiano para pedirles una actualización de lo que está ocurriendo en éste momento.
Éste es el mensaje que me dieron, y aunque no me gusta postear mensajes de “predicción”, siento que es importante postear éste y dejar la cosquilla de pensar si debería hacerlo o no.
Lo canalicé hace varias noches. Por favor noten que lo tecleé en mi iphone al estilo de “flujo de consciencia” con poca puntuación y largas oraciones.

sábado, julio 27, 2013

Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight – The Global Reset of all Systems in Preparation for the Golden Age on Earth - July 26, 2013

thepleiadesStephen Coook: Just a note here… As with all channeled sources, please use your discernment with regards to any dates and timings.
Council of Angels and Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight ~ The Global Reset of all Systems in Preparation for the Golden Age on Earth, channeled by Goldenlight, July 25, 2013 at
Goldenlight: Can you tell me about the release of prosperity funds to everyone? I’m really curious about it; there’s a lot of talk about it online and I don’t know what to believe.
Do not worry, things are shifting and changing on your earth and all is proceeding as planned.. Your ascension, which is simply a harmonizing with the higher dimensions, is occurring slowly over time… anything faster would be a shock to your systems.

miércoles, junio 26, 2013

Council of Angels via Goldenlight: Clearing out the Old to Make Way for the New, Paving the Way Towards the Golden Age of Mankind - June 26, 2013

Pink-Fairy-Yantra-RaysChanneled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
Hello Dear Friends,
Sorry it’s been so long since my last channeling. I’ve been working alot, I’m a graphic designer by trade, and I design print publications and websites. I built an art studio in my garage last fall at the loving suggestions of my council of angels, and finally started painting last weekend! This is the first time I have painted anything since high school, and I’m having a blast!!! The angels and my higher self, guides, and Pleiadian family have told me that I would be channeling divine energy into my paintings and embedding light codes into them, well let me tell you its true!!!

martes, abril 23, 2013

Consejo de Ángeles, su Yo Superior, y la Fuente via Goldenlight: Un Mensaje sobre la Abundancia - Abril 17, 2013

sun-shining-waterIMG_ dos

17-04- 2013

Buenas tardes, somos el Consejo de los Ángeles, su Yo superior y la Fuente trayéndoles un mensaje hoy sobre la abundancia.

Mientras la canal salía a su caminata diaria a la playa hoy, el concepto de la abundancia se materializó por todos lados — en los montones masivos de conchas apilados en la playa, la plétora de espadañas meciéndose a la brisa, los billones y trillones de granos de arena en la playa y el sol brillando en todos lados en el claro cielo azul.

El sol, y la abundancia, brillan indiscriminadamente sobre todos, nadie se queda fuera. La abundancia es el estado natural del universo, y ciertamente de todo lo que Yo, la Fuente, Soy.

Todo es creado de manera que haya abundancia — desde todas las cosas naturales en su Tierra hasta los cielos, las galaxias, las estrellas, los universos y el más allá . . . todo lo que Yo Soy y todo lo que He creado es naturalmente abundante.

jueves, abril 18, 2013

Council of Angels, your Higher Self, and Source via Goldenlight: A Message About Abundance - April 18, 2013


Good evening we are the Council of Angels, your higher self, and Source, bringing you a message today about Abundance. As the channel took her daily walk on the beach today, the concept of Abundance was materialized everywhere – in the massive mounds of seashells that were piled on the beach, the plethora of cat-tails swaying in the breeze, the billions and trillions of grains of sand on the beach, and the sun shining everywhere in the clear blue sky. The sun, and abundance, shine indiscriminately on everyone, with no one left out.

Abundance is the natural state of the universe, and indeed, of everything that I, Source, Am. Everything is created so that there will be plenty – from all natural things on your earth up into the heavens, the galaxies, the stars, the universes and beyond….everything that I Am and everything that I have created is naturally abundant. There are no shortages where I Come From. I have created everything to be plentiful. Notice a field of grass….how many blades of grass sway in the breeze….or a flock of birds…..all flying in formation together. As you look up into the sky at night, you see just a small area of the billions of stars in your galaxies….and there are many, many, other galaxies, and many other beings in all of the other galaxies and in the multiverse.

martes, abril 16, 2013

Pleiadian Council via Goldenlight: The Santa Fe Galactic Command Center Already Exists in 5D Apr 15, 2013

sf-renderingChanneled by Goldenlight, April 11, 2013
Goldenlight: A very rudimentary sketch of the vision I was sent today about the Galactic Command Center in Santa Fe. I tried to illustrate this a little more clearly digitally last evening, without much success. I am going to attempt to paint this at some point soon! The digital version is below.

viernes, marzo 22, 2013

Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron via Goldenlight: Releasing All Karmic Patterns

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit at top without alteration when re-posting this message.
March 18, 2013
Greetings we are the Council of Angels, Archangel Michael and Archangel Metatron.

We wish to speak to you today of releasing all karmic debt that is tied to unhealthy patterns that have existed for you in your lifetime on earth. All beings have, to some extent or another, become entangled in a karmic web pattern during their earthen lives. Some have worked very hard to become free of this, others not as much.

This is a momentous time in the creation of your realities on earth to become free of all karmic debts, obligations, contracts, and entanglements that have existed for you before your lives on earth (as some of you have carried the karma from lifetime to lifetime), and during your current earth existence. All karma can now easily be cleared by you so that you have a clean slate as you progress on your spiritual ascension through the waves of higher dimensional frequencies now surrounding your earth, your bodies, and your spaces.