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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Denise Le Fay. Mostrar todas las entradas

lunes, septiembre 08, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Hit the Ground Running - September 8, 2014

On August 1, 2014 I perceived, very loudly, that I needed to prepare because soon I’d ‘Hit the ground running’. Of course I thought that meant something different from what happened, but, I’ve indeed been running like crazy since my mother’s August 28th triple bypass surgery.
There’s the obvious, the very top layer of stuff that’s happening physically, but as is always the case, there’s so much more going on with that obvious surface stuff than one may be aware of at first. This is what I’ve gone through—increasingly this year and don’t expect that to end any time soon—and very much so with what’s happened to my mom and all who and what is connected to that life-changing event. I’m not alone in any of this as this is the theme of 2014; ongoing mini revelations about oneself and what MUST be IMMEDIATELY admitted to and released (sudden Uranian-like changes) if one desires to continue embodying more of ones Greater Self in their current physical body in this timeline. Period, end of discussion. Because I desire continued evolution/ascension in this physical Denise package more than anything, it’s easier than ever before to now IMMEDIATELY correct whatever it is within myself, old beliefs, worries, habits, expectations, limitations etc. At this point there aren’t many options with this phase of the Ascension Process; it’s change whatever is needed within oneself now to continue embodying the NEW and be pain-free.

viernes, agosto 29, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Second Half of August 2014: More intense than the first! - August 29, 2014

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                     (Artist unknown)
This is for my readers who, from 5D HighHeart awareness feel/sense/know that something big is up with me now. I’ve always felt all of you but I know more and more are feeling me now too as this is a primary aspect of what life, consciousness, reality and being is within a fifth dimensional (5D) level and frequency of being. This is the ‘we are all One’ business but while we’re still individuated. I should also preface this by saying that I’m exhausted (nothing new with that however!) and terribly sleep deprived at the moment not to mention overly emotional in both highly positive 5D ways, and saddened in other personal ways too so please bear with me.

domingo, julio 20, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Experiencing any Mid-July Time Distortions? - July 20, 2014

First I need to apologize for the problems with a link in the July 17th article Mid-July Changes  to The 12 Labors of Humanity within the NEW. After three days of messing with it I think I’ve finally solved the problem and that link is now working. My apologies everyone, it’s been “glitchy” everywhere again lately.

sábado, julio 12, 2014

Denise Le Day - HighHeart July Newsflash - July 12, 2014

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As I’ve said before, any time Team Dark—human and nonhuman—amps up their negative, distracting, derailing, fear-mongering, focus over here people and not over there efforts on global humanity, it’s always an indicator that some very positive, very high NEW Divine Ascension related energies are about to arrive on Earth for humanity. That’s why Team Dark becomes so obviously active in the physical world again; they desperately need to ‘Smash & Grab’ as many human minds (human mental focus, thoughts etc.) and human hearts (lower frequency emotions such as fear, hatred, religious zealotry, warring, killing, death/dying, getting even etc.) as they can to literally perpetuate and fuel their negative agendas on Earth. Why? Because Team Dark cannot sustain any of them without human minds and human emotions constantly focused on and literally fueling them. Due to the Ascension Process however, Team Dark continues losing more and more humans every day to the current Ascension waking up process, meaning they’ve been greatly amplifying their efforts over the past years to not let humanity escape them and/or utilize these potent Evolutionary Ascension Energies.

lunes, mayo 26, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Divine Push into deeper Change & Release - May 26, 2014

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It has been one heck of a time lately hasn’t it? Multiple aspects of my life have been divinely exploded into further change and release since the last week of April 2014. I’m certain many of you can wholeheartedly relate.
For many the April into May 2014 energies have been a Divine blinding blast that helped us fully see, know, understand, standup for ourselves and our happiness and future well-being, make adjustments and/or completely disconnect and release in all ways from certain people/family members/friends/partners etc. if  that’s what was required of us at this time. For me it was with more family members. Sometimes it’s easier to have loved ones die than have them remain in-body and not progress but disintegrate even more, falling into deeper mental and emotional sickness.

domingo, mayo 11, 2014

Denise Le Fay - The April 2014 Explosion of Change - May 11, 2014

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After April 2014, there shouldn’t be one bit of doubt in anyone’s heartmind that the NEW has fully arrived within this physical dimension and world. I don’t know about you, but my life exploded thanks to the April 2014 energies and demanded some much-needed changes, which will despite it being difficult at the moment, manifest some much-needed improvements. I do love how you can know something for years, decades even, and when “it” finally arrives, “it” does so in a way or ways that you never thought of before. Aah, that wondrous Divine Creativity.

viernes, mayo 02, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Spirit is Abundance, Negativity Restricts - May 2, 2014

The fault is not that nothing is happening, for indeed much is underway both at the surface levels as well as the inner levels. But what must be acknowledged now as one is moving forward in their own personal growth and evolution is the extent to which one has been brainwashed, has been indoctrinated into belief systems that are limited and restricted, that are indeed the chains of slavery that humanity has been taught to wear so well…”

martes, abril 29, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Things are not as they seem - April 29, 2014

April 2014 will go down in my personal her story book right next to the Divinely epic Three Days event of December 21, 22, 23, 2012. Seriously, April has felt that intense, that life and reality altering as the Three Days where. We individually and collectively have, once again, been changed, evolved into something very NEW and improved… even though it doesn’t remotely feel or look like it at the moment. Quite the contrary actually.

martes, abril 22, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Aim Higher, Dream Bigger, Open Your High Heart Wider - April 22, 2014

Over the years I’ve repeatedly said that we all need to aim higher, dream bigger, expect so much more etc. in regards to the incomprehensible changes—improvements—that this natural but rare evolutionary Ascension Process is causing. A child cannot comprehend what marvels and creativity adulthood will bring, and we certainly cannot adequately comprehend what marvels and creativity our ongoing spiritual evolutionary ascension process will bring either. We think we know, we believe we know, but really all we of this moment do is speculate, intend and hope from our still very limited awareness’. We need to get out of our own ways now like never before and let the Divine do what It is to each of us. Open your High Heart as wide as you can and just let the Divine rest happen… and don’t restrict the creative vastness of any of it with lower mind thinking and limited expectations. Aim so much higher for self and for all…

domingo, abril 13, 2014

Denise Le Fay - From Transmuter of Duality to Amplifier of Neutrality - April 13, 2014

533x800 duality 6As has become increasingly and painfully obvious over the past few years, the more higher frequency Light Energies that pour down on earth, humanity and all else, the more extreme the differences, tensions, pains, frustrations and growing gap between the old and the NEW.
Prior to this Ascension Process, the Duality of darkness (negativity) was the ‘only game in town’ on planet earth for thousands of years. Because of this, humanity adapted to it and eventually came to believe that all that horrible darkness and negativity was “normal” and “natural” when in fact it was anything but normal and natural. Then the Ascension Process began showing up within the physical dimension and the old Duality world of negativity has been freaking out, and violently lashing out ever since.

domingo, abril 06, 2014

Denise Le Fay - And then there was April 2014…April 6, 2014

I’ve mentioned before about how I felt a massive positive Shift happen on January 1, 2014, and it’s only continued and increased since then. After a Team Light lifetime of amplified negativity living on earth during the End Times of Team Dark, it’s certainly very easy to feel when the energy tides turn and that there’s finally a new boss in town. This Process has been unfolding incrementally since late 2011 of course, but it amplified tremendously when we entered 2014 and has continued every day of this very important year.

jueves, marzo 27, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Collapsing Old Timelines & Other Exciting Spiritual Adventures… - March 27, 2014

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It feels like months since I last wrote something at HighHeartLife, yet it’s only been a couple of weeks. Such are the current energies and changes! I knew I wouldn’t be writing much for a few days before and after the March 20, 2014 Equinox because I intended to take part in my way as usual, plus, I wanted to be as aware of these profound Shift changes happening at this time as I possibly could. Because so much has been, is, and will continue unfolding due to this Shift, this article will probably sound like it’s jumping wildly from topic to topic, but please know that each is intimately connected with the others and that this Process is still happening to and through each of us.
We’ve known about many past 3D timelines collapsing due to the Ascension Process and Evolutionary Shift (and Separation of Worlds) into the NEW. Many of us Volunteers have worked multidimensionally in-body and out-of-body alongside other Team Light Beings to tweak some of them and/or intentionally collapse certain timelines altogether during these Ascension years. This has simply been another of our many multidimensional tasks, jobs and missions during these lives of Service during this compressed cosmic evolution.

sábado, marzo 15, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Ready or Not here comes much more Reality Humanity! - March 15, 2014

A few days ago Stu, an old Starseed friend emailed me and asked, ‘What do you think has happened with the missing airliner Denise?’  Because I’ve been so very busy with multiple physical doings and non-physical Conscious Creating and Intending and constant escalating Embodying etc., I haven’t even answered him yet but have decided to do so through this short but important article. [Please also see the link to what Cosmic Awareness has said so far about the "missing airliner" below my article.]
Like I said, I’ve been unusually busy with multiple physical things since February and I know this isn’t going to slow down anytime soon. I’m learning how to “do” when needed, “not do” when needed, exit linear time when needed, reenter linear time when needed, “be” when needed, “be” whenever I feel like just “being” from my High Heart Consciousness Center, and, further embodying the approaching NEW March 2014 Equinox Energy Wave. My ears ring constantly and my body reacts to the NEW higher frequency Light Energies getting closer and closer to Earth and feels the weight and pressures from them building, but what’s new about that at this point right? We simply continue doing, being, embodying and radiating what we have been all along as Volunteers/Wayshowers. ;)

martes, marzo 11, 2014

Denise Le Fay - 2014 March Equinox & April Makeover - March 11, 2014

In years past at TRANSITIONS I often referred to the current disintegration and death throes of the global patriarchy and their systems, structures, beliefs, “church & state” lies and con jobs upon mass humanity etc. as The Downfall of Atlantis Part II.  This topic about the NEW is a big one so for a while you’re going to be hearing about it from many sources. Each of us talking about the NEW in 2014 and beyond will of course do so from our personal current levels of awareness, perception, unique abilities and our remaining filters and beliefs. All you need do is what you’ve always needed to do; discern all information from everyone, including me, and take what works for you at this moment and toss the rest or let it ride for the time being.

viernes, marzo 07, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Show Me the Excitement! - March 7, 2014

“Hi Denise,
My name is Alex. I’ve been reading your blogs for several years. They bring me peace, knowing I’m not going crazy. I assume you receive a lot of these messages, so I’ll keep this short.
I believe in the Ascension Process wholeheartedly and can see how it has worked and is working through my life. I can feel myself moving away from a state of “doing” to a state of “being”. The problem with this is that the more the process goes on, the more I feel any and all motivation slipping away and the less I feel like doing anything. Even the things that for many years brought me great joy–writing stories, quilting, creating–now seem backed up by only the tiniest and most fleeting waves of energy, to the point where soon after starting I can’t even force myself to work on projects I would have once dove into with a joyful heart.

domingo, marzo 02, 2014

Denise Le Fay - It’s 2014 & I still feel like #%*!

I’ve always believed that most people are more interested in the truth, even when it’s not all fluffied-up, intentionally made to sound completely bright n’ shiny, pain-free, negativity-free, and wholly easy and wonderfully fabulous. The people who want and need to hear the fluffied-up versions of the Ascension and Shift Process don’t read what I have to say. But, if you’ve been living and struggling through this Divine, this amazing, this amazingly difficult Ascension Process for many years and/or decades, then you’ve been through so much already that hearing me talk about a bit more Ascension related aches and pains in 2014 isn’t much of a big deal at all.

lunes, febrero 17, 2014

Denise Le Fay - The 5D Pleiadian to 6D Sirian Shift - February 17, 2014

This article is an expansion on something I talked about here
In that article I mentioned about seeing and realizing that my etheric entourage, my higher dimensional “Ascension Assistance” Crew had changed (again) at the start of 2014. In that article I talked about this Ascension related process happening on an individual, personal level and why the changing of our individual nonphysical “Guides”, “Ascension Assistants”, “Helpers” etc. becomes necessary at different stages of our lives and ongoing development. However, in this article I want to discuss how this same thing, this same process is happening on a grand scale for all of humanity, earth, and beyond. “Unity” remember? There cannot be the one happening individually now without the other happening for humanity, earth and beyond.

miércoles, febrero 12, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Finally, Changes - February 12, 2014

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As is usually the case I need, and very much prefer, to live something myself first and long enough to finally be able to See (clairvoyantly) and/or Know (claircognizant Higher Awareness) what the latest Ascension Process changes actually are. Once I’ve done that, then I’ll write about what I know is happening based on what I’ve already lived and still am living and further discovering.
This is the reason I’ve been gone or not present energetically since January 1, 2014. Those of you that are highly sensitive have felt that I’ve been gone sporadically since 1-1-14, and I wanted you all to know some of the whys behind it. So much positive change arrived with 1-1-14, and from my perspective, not a bit of it has slowed down for a moment since!

sábado, febrero 08, 2014

Denise Le Fay - From Head to Toe - February 8, 2014

Every time another large Energy Wave comes in–such as what almost all 2014 has felt like so far–my body and I go through this lightning rod-like process of embodying it and eventually grounding or anchoring it into this physical dimension and Earth. This isn’t anything new as many of us have done this for years already, but I don’t think I’ve ever written about when this head to toe process happens over multiple weeks and/or months. And as always, this isn’t only about the Ascension related aches, pains and symptoms but about why and what all is changing because of it.
Aquarius: cosmic "outflows"
Typically, these post 12-21-12 Energy Waves come in now and I (many) first feel them in our Crown chakra and very top of the physical head and skull.

jueves, enero 30, 2014

Denise Le Fay - Followup to “Covert Light Ops” - Jan 30, 2014

800x800 tunnelpipes I thought some might find a couple of things that happened to me after my December 31, 2013 Covert Light Ops Mission through certain countries in the Middle East interesting, informative, or if nothing else entertaining. [See original article here ]
Throughout most of December 2013, I had the most excruciating physical pains in my head and eyes. Every time I blinked my eyes vastly worse pains shot super-fast from my eyes up over the top of my head/skull/scalp and down into the right and left neck muscles on either side of the spine at the neck and out into those big right and left neck-into-shoulder muscles. It was mind-boggling abnormal pain every time I blinked my eyes and was like being stabbed or zapped with electricity. (Only during the Ascension Process could someone say “abnormal pain” and have others understand!) I’d experienced this same exact pain for a few days in 2012, but this last bout of it for most of December 2013 was absolutely brutal and I sensed something other than normal Ascension pains was going on than I fully understood at the time.