Prior to this Ascension Process, the Duality of darkness (negativity) was the ‘only game in town’
on planet earth for thousands of years. Because of this, humanity
adapted to it and eventually came to believe that all that horrible
darkness and negativity was “normal” and “natural” when in fact it was
anything but normal and natural. Then the Ascension Process began
showing up within the physical dimension and the old Duality world of
negativity has been freaking out, and violently lashing out ever since.
Transmuting Negativity in 3D Duality
Since birth I’ve been really good at transmuting negative energies within physicality.
I was preincarnationally energetically wired for it, as were many of
the Ascension “Volunteers” — Lightworkers, Galactic Family Starseeds,
energetic Pathpavers, Wayshowers etc. In years past I’ve often referred
to myself as a Cosmic Janitor, indicating this natural energetic ability to transmute dense, negative energies within the physical and astral dimensions.
One example of this natural ability for both your entertainment and edification:
Nearly ten years ago we had new light
tan-colored carpeting installed in the house I’m still living in. I’ve
always needed to lay on the floor and stretch in the mornings and/or
after hours at the computer writing, and I usually did (still do) this
in one spot that’s out-of-the-way in the living room. However, that spot
where I’ve laid on the carpeting has very noticeably become a much lighter color in exactly the shape of my physical body! In other words, I’ve created my own Shroud of Turin sort of image on my living room carpet and I cannot get it out!
This image on my carpet is not beautiful or sexy or spiritually moving or even artistically inspiring; it’s simply a solid, much
lighter colored image on the carpet of my butt cheeks and upper back
and the back of my head! My body has literally pulled out (transmuted)
the color (man-made chemicals, dirt, dust and whatever else is in
carpeting) and turned the carpet there almost white colored.
I moved to other places in the living
room to do my floor stretching but discovered I was only creating
another of these same lighter colored images of my physical body in
those areas too. Instead of having the entire living room carpeting look
like some weird repeating pattern of my backside, I decided to restrict
the phenomena to only one spot… and blatantly lie to unaware
people when asked about what that strange white mark on the carpeting
is. Like I’d tell anyone, “Oh that? That’s my butt cheeks, my spine and back and the back of my head! Cool huh?”
This is why some—not all but
some—”Volunteers” or Team Light have had vastly more contact and work
(as in repeated battles, attacks etc.) with Team Dark. We excel at
naturally transmuting dense, negative energies and at times we’ve needed
to only radiate Light, and at other times it’s been a real battle.
The farther into that first phase of this
Ascension Process work I and many of you went in decades and/or years
past, the more I realized that that phase would, thankfully, end some
day and that I and the other Transmuters of negativity within Duality would have NEW and very different jobs within the overall Ascension Process. For many of us that time has fully arrived in 2014. We’ve been inching our ways towards it since late 2011, but some of us have fully begun our NEW jobs within this phase of the Ascension Process and it is radically different from that old Cosmic Janitor work.
During phase one of the 3D Ascension Process many of us were Transmuters of negativity in Duality for humanity and beyond. But, with that level of energetic work completed, we’re discovering that we may occasionally be amplifying Duality. WHAT?! Oh dear gawd! I know, I’ve been shocked and dismayed by this myself and it’s taken me some time and real effort to figure this one out, but more importantly to finally evolve/”ascend” beyond it.
Amplifying Neutrality (Unity) in 5D Neutrality
I’ve been excruciatingly aware of the growing amplification of both
sides of Duality since 2011. Many of us have struggled with this,
hurting in so many ways because of it and so on. Like I said earlier, the more Divine Cosmic Light Energies that arrive, the more amplified the old Duality extremes become. That is until one finally
breaks on through (“ascends”, evolves) to the next level of being and
consciousness that exists beyond the Duality frequency range.
Once there you’ll eventually notice that the rules are different, as are the tools. I’ve
discovered through repeated failures, that aren’t really “failures” but
multiple personal trials and errors, that every time I unintentionally
“fell” energetically from my NEW higher frequency of “Unity” within
Neutrality, that I was unknowingly and unintentionally AMPLIFYING anything that I focused on!!! Now
all this amplifying was fine so long as what I was focused on
(emotionally, mentally) was positive, however when I’d be triggered by
someone/something negatively (the “test”) I eventually discovered that I was unintentionally Amplifying whatever negativity was being directed at me.
And now we know why
we’re not capable of “ascending” until we’re individually able to be
fully aware of and responsible for our own thoughts, emotions,
intentions, focus, creations etc. and not be derailed by anyone or
anything. When one evolves beyond the level of Transmuter of negativity within Duality, one naturally becomes One who Amplifies energy… as in any and ALL energies!
Finally escaping (evolving) beyond the
energetic gravitational pull so to speak of Duality frequency
automatically lands one in a NEW higher frequency (5D and beyond) range
which is Neutral or “Unified”, not Dualized or polarized (3D). Once this
level is reached—such as many of us are doing right now—we’re quickly
learning that we must remain within, embody, hold and maintain that higher 5D frequency of Neutrality and not let ourselves be manipulated to “fall” like “fallen Angels” back down into old 3D Duality
reality. Nor I might add, indulge the sometimes great temptation to
occasionally glance back over our shoulder at the current Sodom and
Gomorrah world with its still vast population because some of those
unaware natives are hurtling rocks, insults or whatever else at those of
us evolving first and paving the way for them to evolve in the future.
It’s almost incomprehensible to me at times that these two great, great extremes
can be so physically close to each other and one half of that extreme
(unaware humanity still within Duality) is completely unaware that the
other half even exists and is literally
Ascending/Evolving before their very eyes and/or right next door to
them etc. But how many “normal” folks ever notice when someone is going
through the trials and errors and great tribulations of spiritual
ascension and perceives or feels anything for them? This just is what it
is and it’s a highly personal affair for those of us living it.
I’ve learned the hard way that every time I’ve allowed myself
to be lured, pulled, distracted, derailed or hustled out of 5D
Neutrality by someone in 3D Duality, that all I did (since 2011) was Amplify that
old Duality which they greatly enjoyed but which caused me tremendous
pain, suffering and frustration. That old saying about how you can’t go back is true in this case and who’d want to anyway!
I suspect that all the April 2014 Energy events will amplify this
situation for many and that’s the main reason I wrote about this now.
April 11, 2014 was a profoundly important day for me personally. It was
one of those rare, glorious, life-altering days when you suddenly know something because you just lived it cell by cell, heartbeat by heartbeat and you’ll never
be the same again because of it thank goodness! Thank you Divine April
2014 for everything and more. Use April well my friends and spiritual
co-workers and let go of, release and bend in these winds of rapid and sweeping spiritual change and growth.
April 13, 2014
Donations can be made here and Thank You deeply.