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Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta Conciencia Crística. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, marzo 19, 2021

Lisa Renee - Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody - March 2021

March 2021

Rise of Arthur and Albion Lightbody

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

Following on the Gaian Matrix recovery we move further into changes and revelations occurring at field level, which could be described as animations of the ascension design to reunite all of creation with God Source. From geomantic structures powering up to inner initiations taking place, changes are afoot. This is ushering in the return of the benevolent and rightful Christos Solar King to planet Earth, the beloved Maji Grail King Arthur, rising to be the protector of the Holy Mother and Sophianic Grail, which is the Cosmic Heart principle of Earth.

jueves, marzo 18, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Sacred Seals - March 18, 2021

The Sacred Seals

The most sacred Seals containing immense Light Pockets of information for the New Golden Age and the New Earth have just been broken and the Light Pocket information is being released in several stages to those souls on earth who are ready to receive such information and activations.

These go hand in hand, with the most, sacred and hidden teachings of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, which were indeed burnt at one stage, and some copies were confiscated and never given the light of day, by those who wished to control such information.

domingo, marzo 14, 2021

Celia Fenn - As the seasons begin to shift - March 14, 2021

As the seasons begin to shift, we are moving through some intense inner and collective "stuff".

Many people are feeling exhausted and complaining of lack of sleep. A year of Covid and lockdowns has taken its toll on the global collective. After a year of dealing with the "virus", we are now dealing with the vaccine issue. I am not here to tell you what to do, you are all sovereign beings who can make your own choices based on your own truth. But I do feel that millions of people being injected with a foreign substance all at the same time must cause some disruptions at the level of the collective consciousness.

sábado, febrero 06, 2021

Judith Kusel - The Sacred Heart: Transfiguration - Feb 6, 2021

The Sacred Heart: Transfiguration

We are in now stepping into the Tidal Waves of transformation and transfiguration, as mass awakenings will now start occurring on unprecedented scales as never happened before.

This is an inpouring of immense electromagnetic storm waves, and indeed, these are working directly with the Heart center of humanity, and indeed all creations on planet earth and directly through the Heart center of Mother Earth.

viernes, febrero 05, 2021

Celia Fenn - The Path of the Feminine Christ/Magdalene - Feb 5, 2021


The Path of the Feminine Christ/Magdalene

Living Life from the Heart.

Connecting with the Depth and Richness of Life that lives deep within, and not being distracted by superficial and manipulative energies.

Moving beyond survival to thriving day by day.

Living in Love and Compassion.

martes, febrero 02, 2021

Celia Fenn - 2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal - Feb 2, 2021

2/2 Aquarius Gate Portal.

The Aquarius Gate is an annual portal that allows us to activate consciousness and shift timelines as we grow and evolve with the transits of the Earth.

Today we are reaching deep and re-connecting with the Sacred Christ Consciousness that will lift us up and through the Aquarius Gate.

lunes, noviembre 30, 2020




To each soul this will mean something different. For every soul, was created with different soul attributes, talents, genius. Not one is the same.

The same applies to the Christed Universal and Galactic Races, who work with the Intergalactic Counsels:

The Pleiadeans are the Master BOTANISTS of the Universe, yet also hold the Temples of Light and thus the Light Language.

domingo, octubre 18, 2020

Judith Kusel - We are literally changing form - October 18, 2020

We are literally changing form. We are morphing from a very low vibrational frequency embodiment into a much higher vibrational frequency one.

Note that drastic changes are upon us, escalating in the next three months.

We are stepping from the old into a totally new existence, in all forms and expressions, which includes the physical, emotional, mental and spritiual bodies.

viernes, agosto 28, 2020

Sandra Walter - Collective Timeline Shift: Imminent and Palpable - Aug 28, 2020

Sandra Walter
26 min ·

Blessings Beloveds ~

Another positive collective timeline shift is imminent. Gratitude to all who have participated during this Gateway. Congratulations on a task well done. This shift will physicalize as we enter September, another reality-shifting month in this transformative year.