Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 11:11. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando las entradas con la etiqueta 11:11. Mostrar todas las entradas

jueves, octubre 28, 2021

Celia Fenn - Still enjoying Spring where I am - Oct 28, 2021


Still enjoying Spring where I am. But the Energy has been fierce the last few days. The Sun has been releasing Solar Flares and the Schumann Resonance has been high!

I am finding, however, that I am coping well and feeling good.

I seem to have arrived at a frequency where I can maintain my physical balance and well-being despite the Sun being crazy active and all sorts of energies coming in!

domingo, octubre 24, 2021

Celia Fenn - Now the Sun has moved into Scorpio as we head towards the powerful 11/11 Gate... - Oct 24, 2021


Well that was a rough few days after Full Moon!

Now the Sun has moved into Scorpio as we head towards the powerful 11/11 Gate in November.

Scorpio is always an intense time, with Scorpio energy being associated with Rebirth and Renewal.

sábado, noviembre 28, 2020

Patricia Cota-Robles - OPPORTUNITIES FOR THIS MOMENT - November 28, 2020

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 28, 2020

As the Earth passed through the 11:11 Gateway on November 11th, our Father-Mother God Blessed Humanity with a powerful influx of Light that allowed every person’s I AM Presence to accelerate the process of Healing the residue from the painful misperceptions and distorted beliefs our fragmented and fear-based human egos have used to manipulate and control us for aeons of time. The Company of Heaven said that on a global scale for literally hundreds of millions of people this Gift from On High created a tangible shift of perception that has catapulted them into a new Heart-based perception of Reality. We are being told that this shift of consciousness has changed the course of events for this Planet in a most positive way.

miércoles, noviembre 11, 2020

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - NOVIEMBRE 2020 - Nov 10, 2020






Como los incrementos de tiempo se han llenado de posibilidades que hay que ponderar detenidamente, los telómeros de nuestra alma piden nuevas instrucciones y aislamiento. En este punto de energía y luz todo está deshilachado y astillado como si todos nosotros tuviésemos separados los extremos del Alma. Nuestras glándulas suprarrenales están en alerta máxima mientras nos protegemos de todo y de todos. Todos los días tenemos exactamente la misma cantidad de incrementos de tiempo para dedicarlos a pensar, actuar, reír, dormir. Cada día, la forma en que pasamos el tiempo difiere en energía, en movimiento, en pensamiento. El tiempo es como un cheque de paga semanal que nos da la cantidad exacta. ¿Empleamos nuestro tiempo en preocupación y en ira, realizando actos frívolos, o lo empleamos sabia y amorosamente inhalando y saboreando cada minuto de él? Ya sea que vivan en una caja de cartón o en la Casa Blanca, el tiempo es igual para todos. ¿Pasan el tiempo sentados en el inodoro tuiteando al mundo o lo pasan amando, brindando su ayuda, su corazón y su energía a lo que los busca? La vieja analogía de “El pan de maíz es cuadrado y Pi es redondo” también se aplica a nuestra vida y su geometría. Somos un gráfico Pi viviente en una

11/11 Unification into Friday 13th November 2020 - The Dark Spell is Broken

Jamye Price - 11:11 Activating the Four Pillars of Ascension - Nov 11, 2020



I always love it when synchronicities arise. It’s such a special communication with Life that it really adds to the unfolding. When I created the Cosmic Consciousness Ascension Deck, there were many synchronicities that occurred as I learned and transformed along with the process of creating them.

The synchronicity of 11:11 only became known to me when I was creating the web page for the cards. Areon had revealed the technical aspects of the information along the way, but it was never tied into 11:11 until I saw it on the web page. They began to speak to me about the four “suits” of the cards being four pillars.

martes, noviembre 10, 2020

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 11:11 Gateway/Passageway: Thrust - Nov 10, 2020


This has been a gateway of continual gateways opening constantly daily and building to this now, to continue to open more portals/gateways to build upon those... as this is how all works.

The power of these energies are beyond. The Pure Divine Harmonizing frequencies that stream 24/7 for all to tune-into and to with/to.... are beyond beautiful as well.

Linda Li - Mother Divine - The 11:11 portal is now open - Nov 10, 2020

Dear beloveds, the 11:11 portal is now open. Yes. The Divine has opened the 11:11 portal, and flame of Ascension is streaming in as this message is being broadcasted.

The Divine says that this particular portal is very powerful. It is designed for this particular time and it serves a particular purpose. The Divine says that this portal will stay open till the end of the year so that the purpose of this portal will be fully fulfilled.

11:11 Gateway 2020 Meditation: Passing a Golden Marker.

11 11 Charging Healing Shiva Shakti Meditation

lunes, noviembre 09, 2020

Celia Fenn - After an intense week of chaotic energies - Nov 9, 2020

After an intense week of chaotic energies, we are on course as we approach the 11/11 Portal.

Each step forward that we take is creating a bridge of Light as we open out into the 7th and 8th Dimensions so that we can inhabit Nova Terra Elysium and work with the Golden Solar Light to create the New Earth Reality.

domingo, noviembre 08, 2020

Patricia Cota-Robles - HEALING OUR PAINFUL MISPERCEPTIONS - November 7, 2020

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 7, 2020

The seemingly miraculous Activities of Light that were God Victoriously accomplished during our Planetary Reboot have moved Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her further up the Spiral of Evolution into New Life-transforming Cosmic Coordinates. The sacred geometry associated with numbers has always been a way that the Company of Heaven has given us outer-world signs confirming the Truth of our various Activities of Light. When the 34th Annual World Congress on Illumination was complete the statistics given to us by YouTube and Facebook confirmed that just during the two hours of the Live Six-day Virtual Event, there was a total of 144,000 views on YouTube and an additional 77,000 views on Facebook. What magical numbers!

sábado, noviembre 07, 2020

Sandra Walter - Ola de Revelación: Reactivación del SOL - Nov 5, 2020

Bendiciones, Amados ~

Solaris está revelando una mancha SOLAR muy activa para nuestro Portal del 11-17 de noviembre. Las llamaradas han sido constantes y las energías han sido muy activadoras. Recuerda el principio de como es arriba, es abajo. Importantes puertas estelares están en juego para esta Ola de Revelación. Y está sucediendo AHORA. Retírate de la contienda del mes de elecciones y ve lo que se está desplegando.

viernes, noviembre 06, 2020

Sandra Walter - Revelation Wave: SUN Reactivation - Nov 6, 2020

Revelation Wave: SUN Reactivation

Nov 6, 2020

Blessings Beloveds ~

Solaris is revealing a very active SUNspot for our November 11-17 Gateway. Flares have been consistent, and energies have been very activating. Remember the as above, so below principle. Major stargates are in play for this Revelation Wave. And it is happening NOW. Pull back from the fray of election month and see what is unfolding.

jueves, noviembre 05, 2020

Shanta Gabriel - The 11:11 Gateway to Higher Consciousness - November 4, 2020

Art by Daniel Holeman

Dear Ones,

From the beginning of time there have been clear moments when the Portals of Awakening open for individuals to advance. The 11:11 Gateway is a collective, high-vibrational portal opening to assist the evolution of consciousness on the earth at this time.

Stepping through the gateway in a figurative sense, allows you to move into your most Evolved Self, in oneness with All That Is. We will offer suggestions and visualizations so your imagination can help you to create a beautiful scenario to empower this Light-filled ritual. You have been coded within for this awakening moment. It is another step in the evolution of consciousness, one with great power and support. The Archangels stand at the gateway to hold you in love while offering you strength and courage to step into your new awakened life.

Celia Fenn - Things are getting REAL...- Nov 5, 2020

Things are getting REAL as the Sun crackles to life with new Sun Cycle 25 gearing up with massive Sunspot AR2781. The sunspot has already sent off some minor flares, but we can expect more.

This is all part of the New Cycle and the Journey towards the BIG Solar/Earth alignment on the 21st December 2020.

miércoles, noviembre 04, 2020

Natalia Alba - Energy Update - November 4, 2020

Beloved Ones,

Among the many important personal, and global, events that we are experiencing, today, and during the next days until 11/11, we will be immersed in a phase of profound stabilization. This is a passage, especially for the ones who are here with the mission of being stabilizers to get out there and be the strong pillars that we are meant to, bringing peace, and compassion to All, in a moment where many are choosing to respond violently - decaying in this process of transformation.

martes, noviembre 03, 2020

Meg Benedicte - A New Era Has Arrived - Nov 2, 2020

It takes approximately 2000 years to transition into a new astrological age – lasting 200-300 years to gradually shift fully into the new cycle. Entering the Age of Aquarius has life-altering affects, emphasizing humanitarian values, intellectual reason and innovation. In a year-end crescendo both Saturn and Jupiter move into 0° Aquarius on the Solstice, December 21, 2020. We already see signs of Aquarian influence with the world-wide-web, AI algorithms and virtual realities, plus advances in science.

domingo, noviembre 01, 2020

Emmanuel Dagher - It's Our Turn - November 2020


The Gift of Intuition

One of the many gifts the Divine Feminine offers us is the gift of intuition.

Our intuition works closely with the right hemisphere of the brain and the higher heart, offering us insights that bypass the confines of logic and reason.

Intuition is our natural inner Knowing. It transcends mental intellect, and connects us to the wisdom of the heart. It is the voice of our Spirit.

sábado, octubre 31, 2020

Celia Fenn - The energy of the Full Moon/Blue Moon/Halloween is amplifying the flows of Love and Sacred Light Codes into our Hearts - Oct 31, 2020

The energy of the Full Moon/Blue Moon/Halloween is amplifying the flows of Love and Sacred Light Codes into our Hearts.

We are approaching the Final Stages of this cycle of Ascension.

Starting tomorrow we will begin crossing an eleven day bridge that culminates at the 11/11.