domingo, febrero 02, 2020

Christine Day - The Pleiadians - February 2020 - February 2, 2020

Beloved ones we greet you, The spaces within your earth plane now carry the links to multidimensional expressions of the sacred. Your Earth has become a container for you to open up into reconnection to that which you are within the higher realms.

You, your physical vehicle is a catalyst for your changing. Your cells have been realigned for your creation element to become manifest within you once more.

This is an aspect of the New Dawning prophecies that were anchored and set in motion, pre-destined for you on earth. This is the time for you to take another step consciously on your pathway. Open up your awareness within your heart and reclaim that which you are within the higher realms. The Doorway is open for you to achieve reconnection to the higher sacred level of Self.

The elementals of Earth play a strong role of holding the platform for you to springboard yourself off into these new realms of consciousness that are now linked from the higher realms to you.

Take moments to claim elements, levels of this reconnection through linking to your Heart space. This is your doorway Home, this is yours, claim the moment and realign to Home. Utilize the sacred tool of your Heart to reconnect yourself Home. Only you can create this natural shift within your perceptions to Truth.

We hold the space for you to honor yourself by moving your awareness beyond the veils, beyond the illusion now. Open within your Heart and Be!


the Pleiadians