domingo, febrero 03, 2019

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, February 3, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, February 3, 2019

You are choosing
to be the Source of Love.

Now this is a choice that is often missed
and forgotten.

As you come to embrace
yourself in totality,
as you bring all of your previously
rejected parts into wholeness
you will walk
with the power of a Master.

You will no longer need to project out
any feared imagery
because you will have already learned to
side with your Whole Self.

This is the time to deny no thing.

To welcome in every remembrance,
to love and embrace every moment
and to surrender it to the eternal now.

You are leaving 3D consciousness behind now
because you no longer have need for it.

You are remembering
the power of Love.