sábado, diciembre 15, 2018
Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday December 15, 2018
Dear Ones, every single day, every single moment, love is a choice. It is completely available to you to choose whenever you like but you will find that when you nurture your alignment with Source and practice self love it is more natural and easier to be the flow of love for others.
Do not stress yourself out over love! If you have a moment that is not loving, simply redirect. Choose again. And the more you remember to choose love, to give and to receive love, the more you establish the habit of love because it feels so good. It will become your default choice in no time, and your life will reflect that in all you experience.
Love is, simply put, your most beautiful means of self expression and how you allow your truest essence to shine. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young
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Ángeles de Crystal
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AA Gabriel,
Shelley Young