Your feelings have transformed through the understanding of what they truly are.
Your beliefs and thoughts of this world have transformed into a greater neutrality of Being, through your heart.
The greater harmony and peace within you have transformed all of your perceptions.
The Original Light has sifted through all of your experiences and through this Divine Alchemy ~ made them all new.
You walk seamlessly now ~ in a new world. Where the events, people, understandings, feelings and thoughts have ALL changed.
The tests and struggles that once were, have aged like great wine, within the beauty of eternity, that lives on the threshold of your consciousness as the Portal of transformation that has forever beckoned you to enter.
The uniting with this eternity and the entering of this sacred Portal, has anointed your Light Body, with grace, blessings, and the Ancient Divine symbols of Light ~ recognized by all Light Beings throughout many universes.
You are a child of the Great Light, immersed throughout the many Light Levels, being guided in all moments, in all ways.
With nothing to fear now, you walk through all the Portals as the Initiated ~ transformed one, who has risen on all levels.
Who has joined with all the Ancient Beings, remembering what you are, and what NOW really is.
You have become the master of your eternal hopes and dreams, you have become you.
For this we are grateful, as we are blessed to anoint you, and watch have grown beyond all previously imagined.
We take your hand now, our hands on our hearts, we anoint all the levels now, with eternal love. As the Original Light Consciousness that we celebrate you AS.
Eternally blessed, you are, Great Children of the Light.
Becoming the Masters, Being everything that WE Are.
Now as Light, acknowledging your transformation to great Light awareness.
WE anoint your Holy Presence, as the One Great Light Being ~ that YOU Are.
We are with you, we always have been since before Earth.
We are the Divine Council of Overseers,
The New Earth, New World ~ Anointed as Gods LIGHT for ALL, blessed throughout eternity. In Glory and Love, Now.
L’Aura Pleiadian (The New Divine Humanity)
copyright L’Aura Pleiadian~ The New Divine Humanity 2012-2018.