miércoles, julio 11, 2018
Sandra Walter - Living the Metaphor of Resurrection: Eclipse Season Shifts - July 11, 2018
Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~
This article describes the factors involved in this current passage and what many of us are beginning to experience as this realignment begins. There are no sufficient words to describe the true return of the Christed state, or the sensation of pure Source amplifying within the heart.
Follow the metaphor of Self-as-Cosmos; the realignment happening with the SUN and Solar system is directly connected to our experiences of resurrection in this Now. Let this guide us in our sacred work over the next few weeks.
Living the Metaphor of Resurrection
As we consciously merge with the ultimate unity of Divine Oneness, we self-realize the infinite within. Not as sacred study or dogmatic concept, but true knowing and feeling the expression of Source in all of creation and intricately being part of it all.
This is freedom from separation and distortion. It activates the harmonics of the heart, which serves as a frequency generator for Source to purify the realities around us.
Past information and experiences merge with future information and expression, to create the new resurrected Self across time-space. The experience of unity makes us aware of our multidimensional aspects, Source, other expressions in the multiverse. Welcome the vastness of Self, while aligning with the Oneness of Source. We are reaffirming the Limitlessness of the Infinite, as the Infinite.
When we confront and encounter the loss of Self, dying to the old Self, we feel the need for Source. It restores our compass to its proper position; original unity with Source. Faith in the Infinite Creator. This is a cognizant realization, a conscious choice of the Ascension process to experience Source-as-Self within.
We transmute, transfigure, and resurrect into the risen, new self which knows itself and all of creation as Source.
Apply Multidimensional awareness to Everything.
As the energies deconstruct and dismantle the illusion, we gain the higher truth of Unity Consciousness. The Source codes return in this Now in Divine timing to resurrect the True Self. Source resurrects itself through us, this grand experiment of separation and reuninfication.
Since we must lose the illusion to gain the truth, we are simultaneously deconstructing the old reality while resurrecting the New. This is the deeper meaning of the bifurcation of realities. The bifurcation is felt within our own lifestreams. Rather than here and there, we feel a split in our own consciousness as the false overlays of the illusion are removed.
This goes beyond the walking between worlds sensation of the past, because the higher level that is resurrecting with embodiment is a much higher frequency than ever before (due to the Source codes and repositioning into cosmic stargate light flows.) We are experiencing both, in a profound way, in this Now.
Cosmic Factors supporting this phase – Key Influences
1. Collective Higher Trajectory
Much stronger energies and acceleration since beginning of June, another jump with Solstice; all energies are consistently leveling up this year. They do not step down any longer.
This higher trajectory is providing a beautiful and more intense flow of Source-encoded plasma. The presence of Source-encoded plasma produces a pure liquid crystalline light sensation, like liquid light flowing through the heart and Ascension column. The experience of this infinite Source light is consistent now for many, who in turn serve as conduits of this for the collective.
2. Pure Photonic Light triggering magnetic shifts
Pure Photonic Light is of a pure positive polarity. This positive light neutralizes;It balances negative polarities and distortions, shifts the magnetics of our hearts, bodies, energy fields and beloved Gaia. This is a strong global clearing mechanism which brings dismantling of distorted reality structures, both within and without.
Shifting magnetics, triggered by the positive charge of these influxes, affect us by:
• Releasing dense emotional and egoic structures. Brings up doubts, confidence issues, worthiness, fears to be released.
• Shifting thought patterns to accomodate clearing. This can be confusing becasue the mind cannot recreate what is being cleared. Change over habit.
• Activating DNA by changing the polarization of the toroidal fields around the DNA, which allows the light codes in to trigger etheric reconnection of additional strands.
• Allowing for pure states of self-realization and resurrection
• Dissolving distortions and illusionary overlays. Binding these away from the planet, back to Source, has been easier for Gatekeepers & Gridworkers. You may do this in your own lifestream and with Gaia.
• New Earth crystalline bridges opening in Gaia and people, becoming stargates for cosmic flows and revelation dynamics. Lifts the self-imposed veils to reveal the 5D/7D/9D overlaid realities which already exist.
Pure Unity Consciousness is a very different existence, it feels dreamlike or surreal and New Earth is seen/felt as a Divine perfected paradise. Meditate in the stillness, open to receive her.
3. Eclipse Season: Ending one phase, beginning a brand new one
Eclipses tend to punctuate endings and beginnings, and during this phase they serve as a massive stargate for dismantling and releasing distorted realities while simultaneously experiencing resurrection on both planetary and personal levels. It is a huge boost to our process, and demonstrates the overwriting and overriding effects of the Primary Christed timelines.
This is a powerful step in our global Ascension process; migrating realities to new, purified systems where the Higher Self as Source can express right through the physical. It can make you feel like you are simultaneously coming apart and unifying with your Higher levels at once. Both are occurring. Endings and beginnings. Death and rebirth on a new level.
Pyramids and resurrection chambers of the past gave us the experience of death, dying off of the old Self. By facing the fear of death, we can experience true resurrection.
The Ascension frequencies trigger a collective experience of this, to varying degrees over the linear years, which allow us to confront our anxieties, fears and doubts about total transformation. We learn to trust ourselves, Divine Love, and Source again.
4. Our SUN (Solaris) and the Solar System are moving into alignment with cosmic stargates which contain transformative harmonics, codes and frequencies.
From the Steering Committee point of view, it appears we will drop into a significant bandwidth of these cosmic stargate flows around the July 27 eclipse. It looks like a cosmic adjustment to align with the higher dimensional platforms. I have mentioned this at many events this year, and others confirmed seeing *the shift at the end of July.* In Service, we open up for the most beautiful support of our Ascension possible.
This is why we have been anchoring 5D-9D. It is a restoration to a Divine path of Gaia’s organic Christed timelines. This is why the High-Vibe Tribe is having such strong experiences of merging with the Godhead since the higher trajectory was attained. It places us in the path of much purer cosmic flows. Open hearts will feel it; best to stay very present with this as the eclipses unfold.
The July 26-28 Gateway has been on our radar since the beginning of the year, like a massive wall of light that we move into. It is connected to last year’s August Solar eclipse and the Gates opening at the end of this August. Higher trajectories, more expanded and purified experiences for the collective.
This may be a visible/palpable change in SUNlight (again), however the emphasis is on consciousness itself. Changing our hearts and Lightbodies to support a new level of existence. We are already feeling the entry into this area, and some are seeing the flashing activity pick up (not solar flares, this is dimensional.) Like a light ship flash, sudden and through the heart, on a Solar level.
5. Embodiment is ON.
We have a whole new level of pure consciousness being anchored into the HUman collective by embodiers. Embodiment has a quantum effect which triggers mass Ascension experiences. We see more leveling up and increased awakenings as embodiers bloom the infinite within.
Next-Level Lightbody: DNA fields Shifting Realities
When the fields of our DNA, which creates our coveted experience of Divinity in form, begin to spin and radiate this diamond-plasma light, our energy fields expand to match that vibration. Holding the higher frequency is getting easier as our activated heart centers collectively lock into the vibration of Unity consciousness itself. We suddenly find our hearts, fields and DNA running on Love auto-pilot.
Whenever something outside of the box is experienced by even a small amount of the collective, that experience becomes available for all. Through the combination of our past Mastery experiences, and the future trajectories which have been attained (Christed timelines), we may begin to demonstrate those skills in the physical. We do this by aligning completely with the highest realities co-created by past, present and future Self.
Gatekeepers, Gridworkers, Lightworkers, anyone who works with Gaia, the SUN or the grid systems; this is another passage for our Galactic Task List.
Planting, placing and connecting crystals (they want to be outside), elemental and kingdom blessings, sacred ceremony, meditation with Gaia … do this Now to support the positive realignments this month. Much has been presenting with Mount Shasta, and I will be mostly offline after the 20th to do the good work and focus for highest outcomes. A recent water fast truly assisted with leveling up to a new experience; honor this sacred passage.
Unify with the Global Light Tribe
Thursday, July 12
New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse at 8pm PDT
SUNday July 15, 22, 29
Global Unity Meditations at 8:11am, 11:11am & 5:11pm PDT. Details HERE
Tuesday, July 24 – Monday July 30
Lunar Eclipse Gateway Passage, Cosmic Realignment
Friday, July 27
Full Moon & Lunar Eclipse at 1:21pm PDT
Honor the Changes Presenting
Understand that creations or projects won’t *land* or manifest as per usual right now. Don’t be discouraged, it’s just the fluctuation in progress. Light-ground the ideas, don’t be attached to plans as the energies shift quickly moment to moment. This teaches us to be present, grateful, forgiving, and Christed.
This phase doesn’t have to be a grandiose life shift, unless you have not honored your guidance or intuition this year. This is about peace, within and without. The internal request for change must be honored in order to resurrect into the New. We support the changes in body consciousness while experiencing the limitlessness of infinite possibility.
HUmans are untouchable when they activate their heart and Source reconnections. Remember that Self-love with Source embodiment is end game. We surrender lower identity for the Universal Identity; the Source of all love, consciousness, life, creation. And it changes everything for the better.
Blessings upon all of creation, and gratitude for our unified Service to the Ascension.
In Love, Light and Service,
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Ángeles de Crystal
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