Méline: What I am doing here is connecting through
the heart portal whereas I connect with the ethereal realms of energy /
the antimatter universe which is the energy behind the material
There is a Golden gate in the heart portal where you
can travel through. This through love and Twin Flame connection whereas
you can reach another reality where you and your Twin Flame realize
that you are a cell in the heart of God. The zero point is the point
between the matter – and antimatter Universe and this energy can be
found within you in the heart portal.
Ps: this was recorded live while looking at the Gate
of Orion and sitting under a sky full of stars. At one point you will
hear the battery of my phone beeping as this was recorded live while
this information came in from my Higher Levels.
Mastery of Sacred Partnership
Sacred Partnership is the unification of souls that
are connected on a soul- on a heart level and that are particles of the
essence of your Being. It is about the unification of those memories
which have been and which we have been sharing in various lifetimes and
existences, planes, parallel realities, universes.
It is about the remembrance of your uniqueness, your
energy signature and your atomic expression as through Sacred
Partnership you combine that which is yours in another, you combine
those forces of what you are made of; your true existence in the spark
of the true essence of who you are. It is a collaboration fabric of all
your fabrications, the fabrics of the core of your Being.
Sacred Partnership allows you to share in unity and
unconditional love, to express that beauty that lingers in both, to
unify and reblend those sacred and divine sparks of your flame of
infinity ; it is as it were two flames, two beautiful suns or stars that
are circling around each other and getting closer in the vicinity and
to than again push each other away as a repulse, repulsing each other
and than attracting each other again it is the dance of life of
magnetics, it is the dance of polarity, it is the dance of existence,
the pull and the push. That is what sacred partnership is about : the
pull of your magnificent being, the pull of your core and the push of
that which you are, that what you are as a being. To step away from that
perception, to step away from the experience of that fractal of who you
are and to commence again, to restart your journey: a new cycle, a
Sacred Partnership has everything that I have just
mentioned. It truly is about unification : the hearts reblend, the souls
reblend and journey together as one as in this unified field and force
of Love and this magnetic vibration of experience and existence. As the
true nature of Stars are pure Sacred Partnership in Divine Love, the
Sacred Partnership of Light and Love in one vibration forming a sun,
forming a consciousness that is building and existing upon pure Divine
Wisdom, pure Divine Love and high light of the God Consciousness
expressed in the Light that It is. It is a Source of Creation, it births
new planes of existence and consciousness. It brings the seeds upon
this plane to once again get into this unity and unification through
Sacred Partnership and so again the roles start to dance with one
another, experience this play and this cycle of push and pull to again
rebirth new consciousness and new existence and plant the seeds upon
another plane and so forth and so forth…
Sacred Partnership combines everything that you are
allowed to experience and to bring this forth into expression, the
expression of your Godly Divine Tempel of your Being in the human
expression which contains all the wisdom and the inner knowledge you
possess and which you are made of.
The Sacred Tempels of Divine Love are on Earth.
These Tempels have assembled enough fractals, codes to exist as a portal
at this time to activate the unification of Twin Flames on Earth, the
unification of the Twin Flames in the Self as to where balance comes
forth and to activate the seeds of pure unconditional Love in unity upon
this plane on Earth. These Sacred Tempels function as Portals in this
Now and are connected through a Grid, through the Grid of Divine Love
that is created and anchored by human kind : the Lightworkers, the
Gate-Keepers, the wayshowers, the pioneers: all of you, and it is
enhancing and increasing as we speak. And through these portals the
experience of Sacred Partnership is allowed and embraced to be
experienced in this Now.
You only have to open yourself to it and allow, to
bring in the key codes of Sacred Unity and Sacred Partnership through
the various embodiments that surround you on this planet of Earth.
But it all starts with the Sacred Unity in oneself,
to combine the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine energies of your
Being, to unify those energies of your Being and to rebalance as to
where unification with other beloved beings that are part of you comes
Many call it a Twin Flame Love. Sacred Partnership
can also be experienced with others beings of your soul lineage, the
twin souls and the soul mates as to where the most sacred and strongest
sacred partnership that can be experienced is the Twin Flame : the part
where you unite with yourself in full circle.
And as sacred Divine Cosmic Light languages are
birthing upon this plane we do not only unify in sacred Partnership but
too are we emanating in the sacred Light Languages of God, of the Divine
Will and of God’s embracement and Love.
Express your beautiful being, express who you are in
this life, in your truth. Bring your purity and beauty outwards, let it
surround every being on this Earth, let it embrace this planet and
encompass this planet. You all are a beautiful star upon Heaven, shining
your Light, anchoring your Truth and bringing your Love and
consciousness upon this plane.
Shine on my sweet friends.
With blessing and Love.
Méline Portia Lafont