Dear Ones, again we greet you at this time of
accelerating Light energy on earth. Much higher dimensional energy is
flowing and being received by all who are receptive. Many still refuse
to acknowledge and accept the gifts of spirit being offered at this time
but that is the blessing of free will for no one need do anything if
they choose not to. All who are open and receptive are now experiencing
the increasingly intense light energies physically, emotionally, and
mentally. It is a powerful time to be on earth and many who wished to be
here, stepped aside for those who could carry and add more light to the
evolution of mankind.
We are aware of the anger and frustration many feel with
regard to current world wide situations. Be patient dear ones, for
every awareness with regard to some world issue indicates Light shining
into some shadowy corridor of the third dimension. Many of the issues
now coming to light all over the world are not new issues as they may
seem, but have been hidden, denied and thus perpetuated generation after
generation by an un-evolved society as well as by those who realize
that their self-serving interests would be affected by change.
Exposure brings about change, for as mankind becomes
aware of what has been going on behind the scenes, it begins to realize
the necessity for change. When enough people demand it, new laws will
begin to be passed that reflect a public awareness based in reliable and
true information while giving no credence to the protestations of those
who find security in what is old and finished.
Practice seeing painful world events with new and
spiritually aware eyes…as wake up calls for universal change. Recognize
these things to be the illusory manifestations of a dense and
un-awakened three dimensional consciousness.
There is an element that wants to start wars and
continually feed the energy of fear to the world for their own self
serving reasons. Be aware and do not allow yourselves to enter in to
their games, for fear is the energy that feeds the dark on all levels.
Fear is the root of all problems within the third
dimension. All worry, anger, frustration,disease, etc. etc. has at its
root the energy of fear. Fear of the unknown, fear of things not working
in the way one has been led to believe they must, fear of lack and
limitation, fear of pain, fear of death, fear of certain life
experiences etc. Fear is the belief in separation and is the bottom line
of every human issue…serving to create and maintain all third
dimensional problems and difficulties.
When you find your self concerned about something be it
large or small, ask yourself; “What exactly am I afraid of? What am I
believing that is making me feel this way?” Be very honest with
yourselves, not allowing the ego to immediately voice some concept the
world has given you regarding your particular fear. When done sincerely,
this practice will zero in on whatever concepts and beliefs you may
still be holding, allowing you to acknowledge and then clear them.
Individuals usually need not be consciously aware of the
source of their deeper buried fears. (eg; life long fears of heights,
water, animals etc.) If this information is necessary in order to clear
it, it will be given–in dreams, through a spiritual teacher/channel, or
in whatever form may be needed. Do not actively seek to revisit these
experiences simply for curiosity sake for this can add energy to that
which you are trying to clear.
The job of the spiritual student is to state his
intention verbally or silently to clear all old and finished energies
from his energy field. With this intention will come whatever help and
awareness may be needed. Remember always that you are powerful beings of
light and your words, thoughts, and intentions serve to create.
The deeper fears are usually rooted in past life
experiences, but until an individual spiritually awakens, new ones
continue to blossom as a result of the teachings and influence of a
universal impersonal world consciousness containing all human beliefs.
Always remember that any fear issues you may discover are never
personal, are never really yours, Fear is imposed upon the un-awakened
consciousness from the consensus beliefs of separation and duality.
These beliefs are always available in human consciousness to be accepted
or not–the choice is yours. Evolution is the dissolving of these false
energies, replacing them with truth which then manifests outwardly in
higher and truer forms.
The real YOU consists only of Divine Consciousness and
contains all that is embodied within Divine Consciousness. Your
realization of your Oneness with Divine Consciousness automatically
constitutes your oneness with every Divine Idea as well as with the
spiritual reality of every living thing. However, this realization must
become your state of consciousness and cannot be just intellectual
knowledge. This is the journey.
When you realize that something is not true , why hold
on to it? Ask yourselves that. Too many still view spirituality as nice
ideas limited to an hour on Sunday but impractical for everyday living.
It is time for all those serious about spiritual evolution and ascension
to walk the walk and to cease just talking the talk. Those who confine
their spirituality to some Sunday morning service, are going to find
that they make very little real spiritual progress and remain enmeshed
in outdated concepts and beliefs.
If you seek to come into the actual realization that you
are all the things you have been seeking, then you must realize that
the “saints” and “holy ones” of the past as well as the present, are no
different from you. It is only that they know who they are, they
remember. That is the only difference. Now it is time for you to
remember– living out from and being all that you truly are. No more
victimization, no more feeling sorry for your plight in life, no more
whining. It is time dear ones, it is time.
We are the Arcturian Group 8/17/14 / via newsletter 17 August 2014