lunes, mayo 06, 2024

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - What Happens Right Before Physical E.T. Contact - May 6, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased to find ourselves connecting with so many humans at this time, as more and more of you are awakening to the truth that you are not alone in the universe. We are but one of many councils that are out there in space, in other dimensions, who are looking to make contact with all of you. Physical e.t. contact will occur, and it will occur in the not-too-distant future for all humans who desire it. But when you seek contact with the unseen, it is not that different from seeking to connect with Source Energy, or if you prefer, God. Connecting with the unseen has been done by humans for a very long time, and of course there have always skeptics. There have always been those who wondered, ‘Where is the proof in all of this?’

domingo, mayo 05, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - INFORME ENERGÉTICO PARA MAYO 2024 - May 1, 2024


Configura tu GPS hacia
Rico, Feliz, y Exitoso
Episodio 132

Viviendo con Altas Vibras MR
con Jennifer Hoffman
Traducción: Marcela Borean
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora
Por el Canal "Despertando Conciencia" de TELEGRAM:
Por el canal de TELEGRAM en el canal El Manantial del Caduceo - Kryon, TODO y Únicamente KRYON:
Ahora en MeWe

A medida que avanzamos hacia otro mes, es posible que pienses "aquí vamos de nuevo", pero eso no sería prudente porque nada es lo que parece y todo está cambiando, simplemente no somos conscientes de ello. Tengo una teoría sobre esto que discutiré en el Informe Energético de mayo.

Mayo se abre con algunas hermosas bendiciones y eso marca la pauta para un mes cuyos temas son abundancia, fertilidad, nuevos crecimientos y comienzos, y la tierra. El mes de mayo, que lleva el nombre de la diosa griega Maia, es el comienzo de la temporada de crecimiento, por lo que se centra en el nuevo crecimiento, la floración y los nuevos comienzos.

Natalia Alba - 5/5 Passage - Galactic Awakening & Walk-Ins Agreements - May 5, 2024

Beloved Ones,

We are now immersed in the Pleiadian/Emerald passage that has been activating since the beginning of May. Today, we enter into a powerful transformational and manifestation vortex, depending on where you are in your path. A portal that many of you as ascending souls are supporting by being light pillars in many locations and spaces on earth, anchoring the healing required to assist in the elemental transfiguration process that is taking place.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Círculo del Doce - Primer miércoles 1 de mayo de 2024

Círculo del Doce – Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Primer miércoles 1 de mayo de 2024


Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon.

Acérquense un poquito más. Acérquense un poco más y sientan el amor increíble que este Creador del Universo tiene para ustedes.

¿Alguien les ha dicho que son nada, que nacieron sucios? ¿Alguien les dijo que no pueden presentarse ante Dios? Quiero que reconsideren eso. Si Dios es amor, ustedes son amados. Si Dios los creó a ustedes y a sus almas, son parte de esa creación de amor; son amados. En este planeta ustedes son conocidos; su nombre es conocido, su sendero es conocido, sus problemas son conocidos. Su dolor, tal vez, o su tristeza, si están allí en este momento, son conocidos. No solo eso. Hay algunos que no están en problemas, o no están en la tristeza, que tienen lo suficiente para comer, están ahora volviendo su concentración sobre ustedes, con amor. Para enviarles a ustedes su compasión. La familia del alma está despertando.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - May 5, 2024

MAY 5, 2024

Welcome to our message dear readers.

At this time many are suffering from extreme conditions but it is important to remember that before incarnating every person with guidance, creates a plan for the experiences and people that need to be a part of their time on earth. Contracts are usually about situations that will serve to complete unfinished past life relationships, experiences necessary for opening the person to higher ways of thinking, and are frequently about the person's need to experience the "other side" of prejudicial thinking, words, and actions taken in a previous life.

Blossom Goodchild - The Federation of Light - May 5, 2024


Every now and then I feel the urge to moan. This is one of those ‘now and then’s!’ Thank you for your understanding.

Good afternoon! I don’t wish to start on a downer … yet, I am going to. Too many folk are having a really, really hard time. Either through sickness, or relationship failure, or housing and financial issues. You name it, everyone I know has something quite huge going on. Here we all are, us Lightworkers, doing our very best to keep Light, yet, Truly, you say the Energies coming in are much Lighter, which we have been able to feel, yet, at the same time … it sometimes feels like the darker energies swamp the Lighter ones, and we have no fight left in us. Try it down here for a few months … you will soon know what I mean.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Gently and with love, honor yourself - May 5, 2024

Gently and with love, honor yourself.

Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this, for it is not easy to be in an earth body. There are many demands on you. You can be so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to remember your spirit. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your earth-walk easier.

Suzy Ward - Matthew Ward - Reporte de Energías - Mayo 3, 2024

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Los informes distorsionados de los principales medios de comunicación sobre el ataque de Israel a Hamás; el ojo por ojo y belicismo de ese país y de Irán; miles de millones más de dinero en efectivo y armamento para Israel y Ucrania; y el floreciente antisemitismo podría considerarse teatro del absurdo si esas situaciones no estuvieran dañando a tanta gente y acabando con decenas de miles de vidas. Con el tiempo, la verdad eliminará la interpretación de los medios sobre esos asuntos importantes y todos los demás en los que los Illuminati están causando condiciones traumáticas.

The Extraterrestrial Link: India's Ancient Technologies

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Being Truly Awake Means You Make This Choice - May 5, 2024

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are feeling very fortunate to have the attention of so many of you there on Earth, because we know there are lots of places that you can put your attention at any time in any given day. We want you to be aware of that fact as well so that you choose where you are putting your attention more consciously. You do not have to put your attention somewhere just because everyone else is putting their attention on that particular subject, person, or thing. You do not have to put your attention on something just because it is loud or alluring in some other way.