lunes, enero 03, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Assignment & Your Mission - Jan 3, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are a collective consciousness, just like you. You think of yourselves as individuals having your own thoughts, your own ideas, getting inspiration from within to do something or say something, or even to just think about something. But you are tapping in to the human collective consciousness more often than you think.

domingo, enero 02, 2022

2022: The Year of Awakening, Creating & Connecting

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - 5D Energy Update - Jan 2, 2022

5D Energy Update 
Dear beloved ones, again, I have come with a great message from our glorious galactic federation to assist and guide us in our mission on Earth:

"Greetings, we are your galactic family, and we are pleased to greet you in love and light on this day.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Sunday, January 2, 2022

What spiritual practice or positive change have you been meaning to implement but haven’t made the time or commitment to do? Now would be an ideal time to start to put action to those intentions, for what you incorporate into your life, no matter how small, becomes part of who you are, and your beingness is what leads the way.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - Jan 2, 2022


JANUARY 2, 2022

Dear readers, welcome to the New Year which will be one that holds surprises and change. Much is going to be exposed during this coming year and some of it will shock you. Most of you have already intuited many areas of change but some things will come as a surprise.

Be not afraid or concerned dear ones, when familiar beliefs, traditions, and ways of going about your life no longer feel as important and fail to resonate as they once did. This simply means that your energy has shifted to a new resonance, causing you now to be out of energetic alignment with much you have always accepted as a part of your life. Preferences for food, clothing, employment, entertainment, and most outer activities will change, sometimes profoundly and sometimes just a little. You may find yourself being drawn more to silence and aloneness rather than to many of the outer activities you previously enjoyed.

Blossom Goodchild- Federación de la Luz - Diciembre 21, 2021

Blossom: ¡Hola! Hagamos el intento antes de Navidad ... ¿Hay alguien en casa?

FOL: Bienvenida a ti, queridísima Blossom, ya todos aquellos que eligen formar parte de nuestra comunidad de esta forma. Somos conscientes de todos aquellos que te escriben agradecidos por lo que traemos a través tuyo y nos gustaría mucho aprovechar esta oportunidad para dar nuestro agradecimiento a cada uno por prestar atención a lo que ofrecemos, que a su vez eleva la Vibración del Planeta ... que nos trae gran Alegría ... porque nos permite notar el cambio de Energía en su Planeta ... y dentro de ustedes. Este es sin duda un resultado muy positivo para nosotros que tantos "CONOZCAN" su Verdad Interior y sirve tan bien para lograr el enorme "Cambio" que está a punto de ocurrir.

EARTH's AURA | Schumann Resonance + Ethereal Soundscapes to Calm your Mind | Meditative Mind

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Meeting Mentors in Your Astral Travels - Jan 2, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very satisfied with the way that we see you progressing, and yet we know that you also have a long way to go on your journeys to becoming your fifth-dimensional higher selves. You have been establishing new contacts during your astral travels, and these contacts have been wonderfully significant in the evolution of your consciousness. Those of you who are awake have been meeting with mentors during your astral travels, and these mentors have been helping you to step into your power as leaders in the movement that is afoot on planet Earth.

sábado, enero 01, 2022

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Miércoles de Sanación - 22 de diciembre, 2021 - Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 4

Canalización introductoria al Círculo del Doce  
Kryon a través de Lee Carroll

Miércoles de Sanación – 22 de diciembre de 2021

Atributos de la Reencarnación – Parte 4

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Puede que hayan estado siguiendo las canalizaciones de este mes. Tienen que ver con la familia. Apropiado para la semana de las festividades. Familia en otra palabra: reencarnación. Hemos dado muchos, muchos hechos. Algunos conocidos para ustedes por canalizaciones del pasado, y algunos son nuevos. Pero tienen que ver con un proceso, si quieren llamarlo así, un sistema, si quieren llamarlo así, en que un alma continúa viniendo a este planeta en expresiones diferentes. Expresión es la palabra que muchos usarían para la forma humana que ustedes adoptan para el alma que son.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Saturday, January 1, 2022

What does freedom, what does soul expansion, what does joyful self expression look like to you? An even better question might be what do they feel like to you, because these are some of the core traits of 2022 and beyond. You don’t need to know the exact details you just have to be open to the discovery of your truest matches that make your soul sing.