martes, noviembre 23, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - Your Perspective - November 23, 2021

Your Perspective 

No one sees the world through your eyes and you do not see the world through another’s. Perspectives differ. Rather than asking

the other person to change, honor their vision. In doing so, you will honor your own. ~ Creator


Zane Morgan - The Captain - Your Truth Is Your Power - Nov 23, 2021

A word from Zane-

Hello dear Brothers and Sisters.

I have not posted any messages for some time now, as I have been moving through my own inner turmoil and trauma. To move through this process to the best I my ability I needed to step away from this work briefly. Although I AM still working through this process, I have reached the point where I AM ready to continue with bringing forth messages of inspiration, hope and love.

James and JoAnna McConnell - KaRa and OWS - YOU ARE SYSTEM BUSTERS! - November 14, 2021

KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am KaRa. I come at this time as the Pleiadian Emissary to this planet, to this collective consciousness of man. I am here to follow up on your earlier discussion as ‘system busters.’

And what makes you system busters? You already know, each one of you, deep within you, that you already are that. You know that you are here for a reason. You know that you are here for a purpose. A mission, and a fulfillment of promise. A promise given long, long ago. And here you are now as those system busters to bust yet another system wide open, as you have done many times before, in many different systems, different galaxies, different planets, perhaps even different universes. But here you are, at the culmination of this particular system.

Aurora Ray - A Message From The Galactic Federation - Nov 23, 2021

Dearest, beloved souls of light!

The love of the Galactic Federation is unlimited, and they wish to reach out to every person on Earth. They wish to share their love with you, and their wisdom comes from a place of loving-kindness and respect for all life.

I am here to share with you the recent message from the Galactic Federation of Light. The message is radiated with love and a compelling need for humanity to awaken to its true potential as a civilization of peace, harmony, and abundance:

Steve Rother - El Grupo - Canalizar la ira - Noviembre 2021

~ Canalizar la ira ~

Saludos queridos. Yo soy el Científico del Corazón

Les contamos que están en un momento increíble en el planeta Tierra. Nos han escuchado decirlo muchas veces. Y, sin embargo, comprenden que los desafíos y todo lo demás ya no funcionan en la forma acostumbrada. Su perspectiva general es que las cosas son cada vez más difíciles. Bueno, en cierta forma así es. Pero también se mueven a un ritmo increíblemente más rápido que antes. Ahora, con todo lo que sucede, queridos, es mucho lo que ha surgido como resultado. No podrán continuar algunas cosas en la misma forma que antes. Las personas lo están descubriendo, especialmente respecto a sus trabajos. Quizás tuvieron determinados trabajos o sostenían ciertas energías, y se presenta este virus y todos se toman un descanso.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - November 23, 2021

Well, it’s 3.15 am. I guess now, being as good a time as any to try and ‘make contact’. So unsure of content, as so unsure of my energy. Let’s see, shall we? So, the state of the world? Screwed, wouldn’t you say?! Yet, many freedom rallies worldwide, so people are awakening. Yet, so many just doing as they are told and getting ‘done’. What say you off-worlders about all this?

Welcome to you dearest Blossom and firstly, we mention to you the Joy of your husband in returning home and the absolute expression of pure Love offered to you for the sadness you are experiencing.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 29 ⚡️ 29 - Nov 23, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

23 November 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 23/11 17:00 The movement reported above, which lasted about 3 hours until 10 UTC, was followed by a period of lower intensity which ended around 13 UTC when all the frequencies simultaneously recorded a new decrease. This condition led to similar peaks to the previous ones, Power 21 at 14:30 UTC, Power 24 shortly after 15 UTC and again, Power 29 just before 16 UTC. At the time of this update, the frequencies are slightly rising.

Schumann Resonance Today 23/11 09:00 From 6 UTC this morning, a simultaneous decrease on all frequencies set the Amplitude in motion which rapidly rose towards significant values recording a first peak at Power 21 at 7:30 UTC and then continuing to rise up to Power 29 at 8 UTC. After this maximum, at the time of this update, the frequencies continue to remain all in the lower quadrant, suggesting further movement.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday, November 23, 2021

During times of energetic acceleration people may find themselves branching off on different paths or moving at different speeds than those they had been sharing their journey with. We urge you not to take this personally!

Think of it this way. Imagine you are on a race track. You are in a ferrari. A dear one of yours wishes to walk. You are both on the same track, just moving at different speeds based on what your soul needs and what you are ready to experience.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Working with the New Energies About to Come In - Nov 23, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are in the process of discovering how best to deliver the latest batch of energies to humanity there on planet Earth. We often do take the direct approach and send the energies directly to your fields, where your guides can then grant you greater access to them when they feel it is appropriate to do so. We also target individuals that we know will receive the energies we are sending and do something with them. We know who the teachers, channels, and leaders are at the current moment there on Earth and which ones are ready to do something creative with the energies as well. We are aware of the artists and writers, the poets and musicians who can create something for many, many people to enjoy that will also result in the up-leveling of their consciousness.

lunes, noviembre 22, 2021


 Blessings Everyone,

We are now at the very beginning of a NEW Timeline. This timeline is one of peace, joy and new Earth.

To join this timeline all we need to do is see this in our minds eye, our third eye. Focus on New Earth where everything is at peace and working as one. Harmony and LOVE abound on the entire planet. This is the timeline coming in, this is the new timeline we are creating.