lunes, agosto 26, 2019

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Monday, August 26, 2019


Dear Ones, one thing we wish for you to truly understand is the flow is fully customized to move at the exact pace that is perfect for you. If you are in an action phase, you are well prepared and supported in that forward movement. If you are in a lull phase, it is restorative, integrative, nurturing, and healing. Through your

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, August 26, 2019

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, August 26, 2019

Remain teachable.

You are learning the Truth.

And who is teaching you?

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Three W’s - August 26, 2019

The Three W’s

Weird, wild and wondrous things are afoot! This is not something created to induce anxiety or worry. Instead, allow it to bring a bit more fun to your existence. There have always been quirky things on your Earth-plane, and with your current growth and change, those instances may increase. (Smiling) Take a moment to see them for what they are and enjoy! ~ Creator

Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper - Cosas Invisibles (Parte 2) - Ottawa, Canadá, 17 y 18 de agosto de 2019

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll y Adironnda por Marilyn Harper
Ottawa, Canadá, 17 y 18 de agosto de 2019

2 - Cosas Invisibles (Parte 2)

Marilyn Harper:

Ah, de modo que buen día para ustedes, ¿ah? Qué bueno ver su luz, su brillo, su presencia divina, ¡su irradiación! Creo que hacen falta anteojos de sol en este momento del día porque brillan tanto, ¿ah? Entiendan y sepan que las herramientas son muy importantes, pero la herramienta no es más grande que ustedes. Pueden gastar todo su dinero en herramientas, y no hacer el trabajo del alma. Cualquier herramienta que miren y usen como fuente de luz en unos pocos momentos, solo magnifica su intención; pero la intención proviene de ustedes. Ustedes son el médico sanador.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Emotions in the Digital Age - August 26, 2019


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have taken an interest in the ways in which you all communicate with each other, and we recognize that there have been a lot of changes over the years in regards to the types of communication devices you have had available to you. You now have several ways to get a message to someone else or to talk to someone else instantly. This brings you closer together as a collective.

Judith Kusel - The earth changes are pouring in...- August 26, 2019

The earth changes are pouring in, as Mother Earth is rapidly changing into the much higher vibrational frequency version of herself.

These changes are nothing to fear, but rather to embrace.

Brenda Hoffman - Stop Carrying Others on Your Path - August 26, 2019

Dear Ones,

You are shifting from acquiescing to the needs of others to informing them of your thoughts and feelings. You are no longer the agreeable mime that others want you to be.

Of course, this information is not new. What is new is that you no longer feel guilty about your truth. You no longer wonder if someone’s feelings are hurt or worry that others might not care for you if you do not participate.

Crop Circles UK - August 2019

Jennifer Hoffman - Judgments, Assumptions and energy Drains - Aug 26, 2019

In this week’s newsletter I share a video describing how our judgments and assumptions can lead us into the pathway of energy drains, leads, and focusing our energy on others when we really need to be more self-focused. We need all of our energy resources now as we make our own transitions into new energy dimensions and frequencies. But we cannot engage with the fear we’re leaving others out or behind – we are not and in fact, we cannot do that when we acknowledge their energy sovereignty which is the portal to their free will.

Nancy Tate - Horus - August 26, 2019

Message of the Moment

08-26-19: There is an oncoming new way for all of us to go through what we've been seeing as the way to be confounded and malnourished and not in a frame of mind that is good for what we want in life. I know that many of you have gotten past that way of seeing life. When the results come about it is a good thing to share the reality of one's own passion and creativity for what it is that we see as the ideal way to live life in the way that makes us not only happy but stronger in the energy that creates what we want, rather than what makes us feel less than capable of bringing about the best that we can bring into our lives. As we each see this and live it, we are being occupied in ways that are irresistable and have the power to bring us the truth in the open for what we want in our lives.