miércoles, abril 11, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Puertas Estelares se Activan: El AMOR como Tu Nueva Realidad. TÚ ERES la PRUEBA - Abril 10, 2018

Aloha hermosa familia de AMOR,

Puertas Estelares activas y sincronizando todo el tiempo desde la publicación de mi Actualización Energética ayer, durante toda la noche hasta hace como una hora... y luego cambiamos a frecuencias que actualizan/reconfiguran los sistemas inmunológico y nervioso... Esto también se enfoca otra vez en nuestros cristales/glándula pineal/ojos/visión.

Tom Kenyon - Hathors - Meditación del Multiverso

La Meditación de Sonido del Multiverso

Una Meditación Planetaria de los Hathors A través de Tom Kenyon

Esta meditación tiene un doble propósito: 1) profundizar y expandir tu experiencia con una meditación de sonido anterior que dimos, llamada Conocimiento Espacial y 2) brindarte una aliada sonora para explorar el Multiverso, lo que incluye no solo tu propio universo sino otros innumerables universos que existen en dimensiones paralelas de consciencia.

Suzanne Lie - Through The Matrix, 9 & 10 Unconditional Love - April 11, 2018

Online Book

Unconditional Love

My journey began with a strange sensation that I was moving, no it was more like dancing, within an invisible energy field.  At least, I think it was an energy field because I felt engulfed by a feeling which was much like warm air. However, this “air” was constantly moving and swirling around me.

Sometimes the energy field of this new kind of air appeared to be loving and guiding me. And then, suddenly, the sensation of this “air” would completely disappear that I thought that I was just imagining it. “

Jennifer Hoffman - Informe de energía de Abril 2018 - 2 de Abril 2018

April 2018 Energy Report

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Por una vez, nos espera un mes “normal” en lo concerniente a la energía. Desde Enero es posible que nos hayamos sentido energéticamente desequilibrados y con la sensación de haber estado subiendo y bajando en una montaña rusa, tanto en nuestras vidas personales como al observar los acontecimientos mundiales.

Los temas de Abril son la indulgencia y la resurrección. Tendremos ocasión de disponer de tiempo para nosotros y también de sacar nuestros sueños y esperanzas de los armarios empolvados donde los habíamos guardado.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday April 11, 2018

Every time you recognize and appreciate beauty in its many forms, you are actively anchoring the energies of heaven on earth. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

James McConnell - Sananda and One Who Serves - You Are On The Verge, On The Cusp Of A Great Many Changes To This Planet - April 8, 2018

These messages were given during our weekly Sunday Prepare For Change group in Payson, AZ on April 8, 2018. (Article may be reproduced in its entirety if authorship and author’s website is clearly stated. Please make sure to include the question/answer portion as there is much wisdom imparted.)

Lord Sananda

I AM Sananda.

I AM with you here at this time just as I have been many times before. And will continue to be with you as this group I have taken under my wing, so to speak. And I Am here to mentor to you just as you are being prepared to mentor to many others as well. We are bringing the light; you are bringing the light; and you are sharing the light sending it forward, sending it forth.

martes, abril 10, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Reporte de Energías - Abril 9, 2018

Ayer fue poderoso, ya que estos nuevos Códigos Cósmicos se activaron y trabajaron en profundidad a través de nuestros cuerpos físicos a nivel celular. Para mí, personalmente, la cantidad de náusea era fuera de serie con la cantidad de radioactividad que se estuvo liberando dentro de nosotros por medio de la expansión solar y energía plasmática, y parece que hoy de nuevo estamos pasando por una nueva recalibración importante.

Kryon - Designed Synchronicity - 2018 (NEW!) - Montreal, QC, Canada Sunday - April 8, 2018

Kryon - Consciousness and Lifespan - 2018 (NEW!) Montreal, QC, Canada Saturday - April 7, 2018

Kryon - How Old are you? - 2018 (NEW!) Montreal, QC, Canada Saturday - April 7, 2018

Lisa Transcendence Brown - StarGates Activating: LOVE as Your NEW Reality. YOU ARE the PROOF - 4/10/2018

Aloha beautiful LOVE family,

Stargates active and synchronizing the entire time since my Energy Update post yesterday, all through the night until about an hour ago... and then we shift, into frequencies that upgrade/reconfigure the immune and nervous systems.... These also focus on our crystals/pineal gland/eyes/vision again.

Jennifer Hoffman - Obligations, Excuses and Action - April 10, 2018


To what extent are we obligated to others’ well-being, happiness, and security and do we have a choice in our obligations? In this article, which answers a question asked by a reader, I bring up the idea that meeting this obligations is something we can choose to do, or not and sometimes the obligation we assume can be the excuses we need to not move forward with our own lives.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Martes, 10 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Martes, 10 de abril, 2018

Honra tu camino.

Es importante que no te esfuerces en recorrer el camino de otro.

Es importante que reconozcas
el gran valor que hay

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Honor your path.

It is important not to strive to achieve another's path.

It is important to recognize

that there is great value

Selacia - Energize a Breakthrough-Living as Soul - April 10, 2018

Did you know you have the potential to rewrite your life script with more ease now? This means that you can create a new path forward and energize breakthroughs involving your life purpose. Most likely, this involves relationships, naturally interconnected with everything you manifest here on Earth. Continue reading to better understand these energies and how they apply in your life.

Nicole Singer - Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros - Lunes, 9 de abril, 2018

Enseñanzas diarias de Los Maestros

Lunes, 9 de abril, 2018

Se te está indicando tu siguiente paso.

Ahora, es esencial que lo comprendas.

Y es por eso que lo traemos a tu atención
una y otra vez

L’Aura Pleiadian - New Moon in Aries April 15th, 2018 ~ PROFOUND Changes - April 10, 2018

New Moon in Aries April 15th, 2018 ~ PROFOUND Changes

This Powerful NEW MOON in Aries, April 15th, 2018 is at 10:57pm ADT. Changes are constant, and a momentum has been increasing…since the first Civilization, on Mu.

Since 2012, The LIGHT increase from the Pleiades has increased and impacted all of Humanity. Consciousness…shifts to the 4th and 5th Dimension.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday April 10, 2018

Dear Ones, if you are seeking happiness and don’t know what it is that makes you happy, you are still further along than you think. You know what doesn’t make you happy, and that is a wonderful place to start.

ALCYON PLEIADES NEWS REPORT 73 - 2018: Skripal, UK-Russia new cold war, Palestine, UFOs

73º ALCYON PLÉYADES - NOTICIAS 2018: Skripal, Reino Unido-Rusia, Guerra Fría, Palestina, OVNI