miércoles, noviembre 08, 2017

Meg Benedicte - Resurrection Spiral - Nov 6, 2017

As we gain proximity to the Galactic Center, exact on the 12:21 Solstice, we move into position with the black hole portal to the Great Central Sun, the source origin of our universe. This is where stars are being birthed! While the 11:11 – 12:21 Gateway is active, you have the golden opportunity to birth alive your ascension life!

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - November 8, 2017

Blessings to you, wherever it is you are!
We are ‘here’ in this moment with you.

Are you also elsewhere?

Indeed. For as with the Energy of White Cloud … we are not just restricted, as you ‘believe’ you are … to Being in just the one place at one time.

It’s not that I believe I am restricted … far from it. It’s just, I haven’t quite mastered the flitting hither and thither at will … yet!

You shall. Many are!

Hints on how?

Without doubt … ‘FAITH’.


Jennifer Hoffman - Judging, Judgment and Energy Flows - Nov 8, 2017

The amount of darkness, density, corruption, and criminality that is being exposed in the halls of government, film, music, in the US and internationally, is simply astounding. While it has been going on for a long time, the entire house of cards has come crashing down. Look at how quickly Hollywood went from being celebrated on its ivory tower and is now being trashed around the world, and the ivory tower is smashed to pieces. One revelation was enough to end the cult of celebrity, as I wrote in the November Energy Report.

Suzanne Lie - Return to Day 4 of 7 Days with My SELF -11-8-17

Return to 7 Days with my SELF
Day 4 of 7 Days With My SELF

Finding and Living your Inner Power
Suzanne Lie and Your SELF
Greetings every ONE,

I took a little break from the 7 day process of: “Finding and Living your Inner Power.” I needed to absorb that process a bit, and I hope you all had a chance to absorb it as well. If that process is new to you, then you will find the beginning of it at:

It is on my blog, just as this article is. If you are new to this process, or wish to refresh your memory, please see the above link.
Day ONE was, “Unconditionally Loving My SELF”
Day TWO was, “Embracing the Light”
Day THREE was, “Forgiveness.”

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 8, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, November 8, 2017


The ego will tell you that you must hurry to stay safe.

You must stay busy.

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .Colleen -YOUR FIRST CONTACT - Book excerpt from Sheldan Nidle's book November 8, 2017

Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .

It is Tuesday ~~ in the past Tuesday meant Galactic Update day! Oh how we miss Sheldan's updates. I hear from so many how Tuesday was the highlight of their week as you read the updates from the Galactic Federation and Ascended Masters it helped you cope with our shared Ascension process.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday November 8, 2017

Magic, simply put, is experiencing energies beyond what you thought possible that surprise and delight you.

The first steps of living a more magical life is being open to the idea that the unknown can bring you much goodness and wonder, and allowing the universe free rein to show you what else is possible. It is being willing to accept energies beyond what you can see or imagine from your vantage point. It is playing in the etheric and receiving in the physical.

Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - November 7, 2017

Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. As most of you know I am dedicated one hundred percent of my time to the Ascension of the earth and work with the Earth Council.

We are proceeding rapidly with the earth’s Ascension. We know that you follow many points of reference, and numerous sources of information. We observe that you are becoming increasingly better at discerning what is true and what is not. Your empathy levels have risen substantially in the last couple of years. You need this empathy in order to be able to ascertain what is occurring around you and on the planet. You need to be able to determine truth.

Ron Head - The Council – Now You See It. Now You Don’t - November 8, 2017

The Council – Now You See It. Now You Don’t.

Not long ago we asked you to accompany us to a quantumly small place. We took you to a place where you could stand upon an electron and use your telescope to see other electrons that were astronomically distant from you. And , of course, what we are doing now is recreating this image in your minds.

Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - 11:11 Ascension Stargate with the Pleiadians of Peace - November 8, 2017

11:11 Ascension Stargate with the Pleiadians of Peace

Starseeds’ Heart Telepathic with the Dolphins, Whales Trees, Birds

***World Participation Connect with Us!

11:11 Stargate is a synchronistic code configuration creating an energy portal for the Cosmic Ascension to unity. The 11 11 of every year is a gateway to connect with Source and the galactic families. The 11 11 awakening phenomenon is a pre-encoded triggering sequence to activate a massive wake-up call for Starseeds to a higher mission to accomplish in connection together.

Kryon in Argentina, Buenos Aires - 2017

L’Aura Pleiadian - Stripped from Everything of The Mind and “Becoming” Real - November 8, 2017

Stripped from Everything of The Mind and “Becoming” Real

The Heart ~ Awakens us and Opens fully when the mind is no longer the ruler.

It is sort of like not being able to sleep.

It’s not so much “not” sleeping that is painful.

It’s the resistance to not sleeping that really causes the mental agony.

martes, noviembre 07, 2017

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - November 7, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

What you are doing is identifying Truth.

Coming into some realizations of your own.

For too long, you have been trying to acquire

Kara Schallock - Se el Guerrero del Amor - 4 de Noviembre 2017

Traducción: Fara González
Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Si deseas realmente evolucionar, debes asumir la responsabilidad por todo en tu vida, porque todo en tu vida son tus creaciones. Todo en tu vida lo has creado a través de tu energía y pensamientos (los pensamientos son energía, como todo en ti). Entonces proyectas todo lo que eres hacia el mundo, que entonces lo refleja de vuelta hacia ti. Este es un regalo porque entonces puedes hacer elecciones conscientes basadas en quien eres realmente…si esa es tu elección. Por supuesto, si quieres mantenerte en la misma dinámica no hagas cambios. Sin embargo, el no hacer cambios puede mantenerte atrapado en el dolor, ya sea emocional, mental o físico. La mejor forma de avanzar más allá de lo viejo es meditar, lo cual fortalece tu corazón y al fortalecerse, despiertas de la ilusión que implica crear algo una y otra vez. La razón por la cual te mantienes en el mismo patrón es debido a que es cómodo, conocido como tu “zona de confort”. Suelta cualquier resistencia a avanzar, lo cual te ayuda a liberar cualquier temor que tengas en ese sentido. Podrás entonces soltar cualquier tipo de control, lo cual es temor. El control te mantiene fuera del Flujo y fuera del Momento, donde se crea toda vida a partir de la Percepción. Cuando controlas tu vida, mantienes en su sitio todos los patrones viejos y debilitantes.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Argentina - Parte 5 de 5 - Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 de octubre de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
y Alcazar por Prageet Harris
Buenos Aires, Argentina, 29 de octubre de 2017

Prageet Harris:

Bienamados, los saludamos otra vez, soy Alcazar. Y una vez más los invitamos simplemente a relajarse en la energía. Sientan todo lo que han creado a su alrededor; recuerden a los ángeles, los Maestros, las familias estelares. Ustedes los invitaron y todavía están aquí con ustedes. De modo que les pedimos ahora que ustedes les pidan que aumenten su presencia aquí. Alrededor del mundo habrá millares escuchando estas palabras, y mientras escuchan los invitamos a cerrar los ojos y sintonizar con esta energía, y sentirán lo que aquí sentimos. Vamos a pedir a cada uno de los presentes aquí que ayuden a los que escuchan. Los invitamos en este momento a imaginar a esos miles que escuchan en todo el mundo, imagínenlos sintonizando con este momento, y les pedimos a ustedes que irradien su amor y esta energía a todos los que sintonizan ahora. Envíenles su amor, compartan esta energía, tráiganlos a esta unidad, visualícenlo, créenlo.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday November 7, 2017

Dear Ones, if you don’t create a space of comfort for yourself you will naturally be in a space of complete resistance to your reality. What causes you to feel the most resistance in your life? How can you change it? If it is something you cannot change right now, can you shift your viewpoint of it?

lunes, noviembre 06, 2017

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Monday, November 6, 2017

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Monday, November 6, 2017

You are a self determining body of Christ, understand?

You determine how far you will go.

Where you are headed.

What is to be on your voyage.

You have options - slow, medium or fast.

You are a self determining body of Christ.

You have a fast pass tucked away for times

of extreme measures of faith.

Care to use it now?

You make the call.

You are a self determining body of Christ.

And so it is.


Brenda Hoffman - Dreaming or Your Reality? - November 6, 2017

Dear Ones,

Today is not like most other days because you are undergoing a deep shift that is cleansing your emotional palate.

Perhaps you know of wine tasters or sommeliers able to discern tastes others cannot. So it is for you now. You climbed your mountain of fear and cleared those 3D pieces that precluded you from a 5D or beyond life. You are now refining your being in ways we cannot describe – any more than a sommelier can describe a fine wine to someone not interested in wine.

Christine Day - Message from Pleiaidans November 2017 - Nov 5, 2017

Message from Pleiaidans November 2017

Sunday, November 05, 2017

Beloved ones we greet you, You have the potential to be reborn through the upcoming changes during this month of November. This is your time for a conscious rebirth. To expand your sacred connection within your Heart and open like a flower to the sun, open like a flower in the light, taking flight like a moth to a flame, rejoining that which you are naturally a part.

Patricia Cota-Robles - CALLING ALL LIGHTWORKERS! -

by Patricia Cota-Robles

November 1, 2017 = 11-1-1 = 11:11 - Eleven Days to
November 11, 2017 = 11-11-1 = 1-1-1-1-1 – A Powerful Time for New Beginnings

Hear the Clarion Call

Precious Heart, our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are sending forth a Clarion Call that is reverberating through the Ethers. They are calling Awakening Humanity to a higher octave of service during this critical and tumultuous time. On behalf of YOU and me and every single person, group, organization, company and Activity of Light that is in any way striving to add to the Light of the World, our God Parents and the Company of Heaven are orchestrating a Divine Plan that will allow us to unify our Hearts and effectively expand our Lightwork a thousand fold.