martes, mayo 30, 2017

Sheldan Nidle Update~5-30-17~ gifts from Heaven...

The great gifts from Heaven are finally being readied to bless you. Take this prosperity and pursue your dreams so each of you is able to achieve your passions.

Ummac Dan ~ Galactic Federation Symbol For The Sirian Star System

6 Chicchan, 8 Pax, 13 Caban

Dratzo! As before, the monies are gradually moving forward. Since this movement is proceeding in the most cautious manner, it is difficult for all of this to unfold as swiftly as we prefer. There are indeed scalawags and rapscallions everywhere. However, remember that there are those who are quite capable of ensuring the guaranteed safety of every shipment. The present procedures are therefore quite unnecessary. Thus, we ask that the methods we have so kindly suggested be vigorously adopted.

John Smallman - Jesus - When you truly open your hearts all that is unloving falls out - May 30, 2017

Humanity’s awakening process continues to accelerate, and for many this is very unsettling, even disturbing. The pace of technological change worldwide has increased enormously over the last one hundred and fifty years, and is continuing to do so in an exponential curve, and again, many are wondering how long this can continue and how people will be able to cope with it. You have experts in various fields who are very knowledgeable, but most people have practically no understanding of how modern technology works, but everyone understands that if your electric grids break down almost all of your modern technology ceases to function, and that is a very worrying thought.

Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel ~ Receiving the Light of Consciousness - June 2017

Greetings Beloved Ones, 

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love. Today, we wish to discuss receiving the Light of consciousness.The rarified Light of higher frequency is reaching your planet at a much faster rate and with increasing intensity than you have previously experienced. It is circulating in and around the Universe to bring opportunities for advancement to all life forms. It is inviting you to experience the feeling of lightness for advancement in consciousness.

Diane Canfield - Energy Update: Waves and GeoMagnetic Storms Taking Place - May 30, 2017

Energy Update: Waves and GeoMagnetic Storms

By Diane Canfield


Today around 4 pm I felt a huge wave coming into my consciousness. This wave wrapped around my entire body enveloping me in it’s light. I felt dizzy for a few minutes and out of balance. I was sitting in my living room talking to my daughter when it occurred. We were going over future plans and suddenly the wave struck me. I had to tell her “hang on there is a wave coming in right now”. This is not the first time she has heard this line from me. She waited until I composed myself and I was able to get back into the conversation. Since I have been feeling these waves for so long I can easily recoup when they take place. This is vital going forward that they serve their purpose and then we can move on from them. This is the same for all symptoms of ascension and anything psychic that takes place. We must acknowledge and respect the upgrades as they come in.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday May 30, 2017

Dear Ones, for every time you can choose beyond fear, you allow your soul to discover even more of itself and your divine vastness. You get to see beyond the contraction and constraint, into expansion and freedom. Another word for expansion and freedom is love. So every time you choose to move beyond fear, you are moving further into love, and that is always what we wish for you - to move further into the experience of love. ~Archangel Gabriel

Jennifer Hoffmann - Arcángel Uriel - Sean amables los unos con los otros - Mayo 25, 2017

Traducción: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Este es un mensaje canalizado del arcángel Uriel

Sean amables los unos con los otros, practiquen la compasión con todos, vivan aceptándose sí mismos y a los demás. Vivan la plenitud de su poder y de su perfección a cada momento. Cuando se relacionan desde la amabilidad regalan a los demás el don de la aceptación, del amor y la compasión.

La amabilidad es algo más que ser agradable con otros. Se trata de un estado de consciencia espiritual desde el cual nuestra naturaleza espiritual está al mando y, a través de ella, hablamos directamente desde nuestra divinidad a la divinidad de los demás. De esta manera, nos convertimos en una luz brillante que ellos pueden ver. Cuando somos amables nuestra luz brilla con más fuerza que cualquier oscuridad que pueda haber cerca de nosotros.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ginebra Nº 3 - Ginebra, Suiza, 14 a 18 de mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Ginebra, Suiza, 14 a 18 de mayo de 2017

Por default (lo predeterminado)

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Queridos, este es un tiempo sagrado. Tenemos que volver a decir aquí en la reunión, que lo que hace una super coherencia es cómo la perciben ustedes. ¿Sienten que estos mensajes provienen del otro lado del velo? ¿O es otra cosa? Mi socio ha estado haciendo esto durante 28 años y en ese tiempo, cada vez que me permitió venir he reconocido a quienes estaban en las sillas; creyentes, incrédulos, no importa. Los veo como almas y sé. El libre albedrío suele crear disensión. A veces los intelectuales, los científicos, no están preparados para considerar esto como real; altera la estructura que ellos casi veneran. Y luego están los que son capaces de estar en medio, y se dan cuenta de que el Físico Maestro es responsable por esto y lo otro.

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Threshold to the Fifth Dimensions - 5-29-17

Threshold to the Fifth Dimension

The Arcturians through Suzanne Lie

How did we get here?
Where are we not?

What did we learn?
What did we teach?

As we move deeper and deeper into the fifth dimension,
Learning and Teaching are intertwined.

We talk a lot about the fifth dimension, and many humans believe they understand what the fifth dimension is like. However, as we come closer and closer to the threshold of the fifth dimension, we are beginning to realize how little we know about it. 

We have imagined it, dreamt it, wrote about it, and even think we have visited it. However, the frequency network for fifth dimensional reality is very challenging for one who has, NOT YET, totally transmuted into fifth dimensional consciousness. 

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Ginebra Nº 2 - Ginebra, Suiza, 14 a 18 de mayo de 2017

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
en Ginebra, Suiza, 14 a 18 de mayo de 2017

Kryon habla del magnetismo

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ciertamente el grupo ha venido por varias razones. Una puede ser la canalización. Y antes de empezar este mensaje corto pero poderoso, deseamos nuevamente examinar la premisa: ¿Cuál es su caja de creencia y por qué vinieron? En los próximos minutos, en este lugar, ¿pueden disolver lo que les han dicho que es posible, que es exacto, que es permisible, que es real? Y les decimos que no duele ni un poco suspender por un corto período la creencia en lo que les dijeron o lo que esperan. No captará lo que es inapropiado, ni tocará su alma de un modo que no sea correcto. Si ustedes expanden su caja, queridos, es con libre albedrío. Y ese libre albedrío, con su intención, recibe respuesta directa con el amor apropiado.

lunes, mayo 29, 2017

Sandra Walter - Gatekeeper Journal: Toggling Realities - May 29, 2017

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Gratitude to the Unity Meditators, and to those who commented on the sensations and purity of SUNday’s meditations.

Personally, I have been experiencing a new level of embodiment since the last Gateway. I could barely write last week. The *high* sensation of this expanded consciousness is challenging to integrate; it is stronger than I have ever felt, which is its purpose. The consistent merge sequence of expand, level up, stabilize at the new level, expand again is familiar to most. However, this level feels significant to the timeline split.