jueves, febrero 04, 2016

Benjamin Fulford Update - The Empire Strikes Out as Khazarian mafia fake Zika virus, negative interest rate offensives fail - February 1, 2016

Clearly the Khazarian mafia is running scared and running out of ammunition. The fact that the Khazarian mob controlled Bank of Japan was forced last week to resort to negative interest rates proves their fake fiat money is now worth less than nothing. The Federal Reserve Board will soon be forced to do the same thing. The more you put money in their banks, the more that money vanishes. More about that later.

The other thing that is clearly failing is their ability to create mass panic, fear and loathing, their traditional control tools. Their latest attempt, upgrading a relatively minor illness known as Zika virus into a baby head-shrinking pandemic is so totally fake, with nothing but computer graphics of small headed babies as evidence, that very few real doctors or hospitals are taking it seriously. Time to round up the criminal liars at the WHO.

miércoles, febrero 03, 2016

Selacia - Connect with Your Passion to Take the Next Big Leaps - February 3, 2016

If you feel like you've been stuck in a sea of molasses or just blocked creatively, get ready for a shift. The energies of Chinese New Year are beginning to unfold - with plenty of fire for your projects and impetus to spread your wings.
With Monkey Year energies already in the air, you are building up to another new cycle. Before Chinese New Year officially begins February 8, intend now to connect with your passion. Invite in the energy of that passion now.
Not sure how to connect with your highest passions? Keep it simple.

Patricia Cota-Robles - WHAT IS THE NEXT STEP? - February 3, 2016

The Company of Heaven is heralding 2016 AS THE LONG AWAITED CATALYST YEAR during which Awakening Humanity will lift up in consciousness tapping into previously unknown patterns of perfection within the Causal Body of God. We have always known that the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Frequencies of the New Earth will transcend our human miscreations. The prophecies of old indicated that when Humanity completes our Ascension process we will no longer be manipulated by the pain and suffering we miscreated on the old Earth. As a result of that sacred knowledge, we think of the New Earth as a beautiful place where the maladies of the old Earth do not exist. We imagine a Planet where poverty, hunger, physical and mental disease, corruption, greed, abuse of power, hate, prejudice, war, aging, inclement weather conditions, and even death and dying as we know it now do not and cannot exist. But in reality, the New Earth is infinitely more than that.

Christine Meleriessee - Lord St. Germain: Fully Stepping Into Oneness of the Self - Feb 03, 2016

Greetings it is with much excitement of my Soul’s I AM that I speak to you today.

As we come into a new state of being in 2016, elements need to come into place so that there is a stability of life that will occur for each individual inhabited in this planet. To me it is a long awaited time in history to come to this creation upon the Earth to truly know the Universal Laws.

Divine Oneness is a step in allowing full consciousness to be accepted within a soul’s experience within a physical body. As each of you became aware of your true self, what is it that gave you excitement that there was more to life than you previously thought in your third dimensional mind?

Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Our Wings of Light - 2-3-16

Our Wings of Light

It is interesting because it feels like it has been forever, but also feels like this is the first time. For all we know this may be the first time, at least on this planet, where masses of people are thinking about, striving for, even believing in – Ascension.

Now we are beginning to begin. But, we will not know exactly what will occur or how it will occur or when it will occur. But, we are greatly confident that something is happening. That something is brought to us via these waves of higher Light.

Our lives are eternally guided within this Now. So all we really need to do in regards to these higher waves of Light is just to relax into the knowing that something is occurring, even if we are not exactly sure what it is or even why it is. But, as long as it feels like Unconditional Love, as long as it feels like Truth, then we continue.



El Amor Incondicional es un campo de energía interdimensional el cual sirve como una llave para abrir su corazón para sanar las muchas vidas de innumerables "corazones rotos". Cómo sana el Amor Incondicional su miríada de encarnaciones de corazones rotos? Es ahí donde la parte interdimensional entra. El Amor Incondicional es un campo de energía interdimensional que puede capturar un patrón de frecuencia inferior y transmutarlo en uno de frecuencia superior. Este campo energético transmutador es mucho como la Llama Violeta, pero no exactamente lo mismo.

La Llama Violeta trabaja de una manera alquímica en la cual la resonancia actual de una persona, situación, o cosa es expandida hacia una frecuencia superior de la realidad. Cómo logra esta actividad la Llama Violeta? Ella tiene la habilidad de sacar una situación FUERA del holograma tridimensional y hacia el mundo astral tetradimensional. Cuando la Llama Violeta y el Amor Incondicional trabajan como UNO, pueden cambiar la frecuencia de esa personal, lugar, situación o cosa hacia la quinta dimensión de resonancia de la luz y más allá.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Patrones Cuánticos - San Antonio, Texas, el 23 de enero de 2016

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

En este momento mi socio se hace a un lado. Lo decimos otra vez, de modo que él no es parte de la consciencia del mensaje. La canalización puede parecerles rara y misteriosa, porque usa el intelecto, la educación, la voz, la madurez, la sabiduría del ser humano, pero procede de otro lugar. Mi socio dice que es una corriente regular de grupos de pensamiento intuitivos que luego son interpretados. Mi socio está aquí, pero no está aquí. Cuando se hace a un lado, literalmente abre este receptáculo y los mensajes, que ustedes oyen, llegan a través de su pineal y su Yo Superior. Les digo esto para que sepan que no es él. La última vez que canalizamos así, en otra ciudad, definimos realmente quiénes somos. Pero no es una definición muy buena porque no es lineal.

Sarah Varcas - ¡Despierten y sientan el olor del café! - 1 Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Febrero se puede sentir más que enero como el comienzo de un nuevo año. Con Mercurio retrógrado durante gran parte del mes pasado puede que hayamos estado ocupados atando cabos sueltos, identificando asuntos que pensábamos habían concluido y limpiando en general los negocios sin resolver, fuesen prácticos, emocionales o espirituales. Ahora que Mercurio está de nuevo yendo hacia delante tenemos una oportunidad mejor de avanzar a nuestro ritmo. Lo que viene bien realmente, dado que una estación de eclipses comienza justo después de la luna llena de febrero, antecediendo un par de eclipses en marzo. Pero antes de entrar en eso, hay cosas que hacer….

martes, febrero 02, 2016

Questions for Jim - Clearing the Astral Plane

Anna Merkaba ~ Message to Ground Crew – Sirian Council of Light - Feb 2, 2016

The transformation of collective consciousness has begun unfurling in your reality full force. The transmutation and deliberate invocation of innovative ideas and energetic upliftment is underway. Through the utilization of innovative concepts and comprehension of new technologies by the protégées stationed on GAIA. Through this set of new technologies encapsulated in the LOVE principles of BEing, you shall be able to maneuver through the tribulations swiftly moving through your planet.

Sheldan Nidle - February 2, 2016

8 Etznab, 11 Yax, 12 Manik

Dratzo! Everything continues to move forward. This very complex process is being carefully guided by a series of new security measures to ensure quality control. This has been added to by the irregularities of a number of banks and other such institutions that serve as the appointed monitors for the various ancient families and European royals that are part of this operation. We expect for this whole process of special wires and deliveries to take less than a month. We simply ask that you remain patient and ready to put your blessings in safe and secure bank accounts, which you have privately prepared for this process. The present governments are on their last legs and we expect to hear the required announcements shortly. This series of developments are to pave the way for our first public announcements concerning the mass landings. We first want to give you a general explanation of what we intend to do. Then we want to give you a basic understanding of our mentor program.

Benjamín Fulford - 01-01-16. El imperio contraataca mientras el falso virus del zika y las tasas de interés negativas de la mafia jázara fallan

02 Feb

Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/02/01/the-empire-strikes-out-as-jázara-mafia-fake-zika-virus-negative-interest-rate-offensives-fail/

Es evidente que la mafia jázara está huyendo y se está quedando sin municiones. El hecho de que el Banco de Japón controlado por la mafia jázara se viese obligado la semana pasada a recurrir a tasas de interés negativas demuestra que su falso dinero fiduciario ahora vale menos que nada. La Junta de la Reserva Federal pronto se verá obligada a hacer lo mismo. Cuanto más dinero pongan en sus bancos, más dinero desaparecerá. Más sobre esto más adelante.

La otra cosa que está fallando claramente es su capacidad de crear pánico, miedo y odio masivos, sus herramientas de control tradicionales. Su último intento, la elevación de una enfermedad relativamente menor conocida como virus zika a una pandemia reductora de cabezas de bebé es totalmente falsa. Con nada más que gráficos de ordenador de bebés de cabeza pequeña como prueba, muy pocos médicos reales u hospitales les están tomando en serio. Tiempo para cercar a los mentirosos criminales en la OMS.

El último intento de crear pánico por enfermedad puede estar relacionado con los esfuerzos para obligar a la Fundación de Bill y Melinda Gates a ceder el control sobre su vacunación y otras actividades “médicas” (eugenésicas) a una gestión meritocrática.

Aisha North - Water Speaks - Channeled Images - 02/02/16

lunes, febrero 01, 2016

Dianne Robbins - We are Free of Income Taxes - Feb 1, 2016

It's that time of year again when Income Tax is on our minds, so I thought you would like to hear what the people in Telos think about this. The following is from my book:

"TELOS: 1st Transmissions ever received from the Subterranean City beneath Mt. Shasta"

Your Tax System Is Fraudulent

As you know, there is no tax system in the Subterranean Cities or in the Hollow Earth. We are tax free, and everything we need is generously given to us from Mother Earth herself. It seems ludicrous to us to have to pay a tax on fruit from our Mother’s garden or grains from her fields, that she yields so generously. We wonder at the reasoning behind taxing the foods that are supplied from the Universal Food Basket of Abundance, and denying people their share.

Lena Stevens - The main theme for February is COMMITTED CHOICE - Feb 1, 2016

January’s theme of RESET brought with it numerous opportunities for change and change often brings choices and decisions. Some choices and decisions are generated by your own chosen resets and some are a result of a reset you may have experienced from the outside.

As we enter February we encounter good influences that will take your choices and decisions and feed them with some momentum allowing for action, manifestation and flow. There are two elements that are necessary for this to happen: Commitment and discipline. Commitment to the choices and decisions you have made will ensure that you get the most out of them. It is a message to spirit that you are truly serious about what you have chosen and intended, what you desire and wish for.

Jahn J Kassl - STREAM OF GRATITUDE, ASANA MAHATARI - February 1, 2016

Healing due to God’s Grace

Channeled by Jahn J Kassl
Translated by Franz

Now we would like to let the energy of gratitude flow.
The never drying up stream of gratitude brings abundance,
peace and Love, because indeed: God’s whisper points the
way for us, let us overcome obstacles, enriches our life and
in each event we recognize it as a gift from Heaven.

Beloved Ones, Brothers and Sisters, companions of the Light!

We have all reason to be thankful, we have cause to thank the

Creator and thank creation. But foremost we have the assignment
to adopt the attitude of gratitude toward ourselves, instead of
being in conflict or in unrest. Today it is time to thank life, the
twists of fate, the accompaniment and direct guidance from God.

Fran Zepeda - Archangel Zadkiel - You Are A Unique Energetic Manifestation of Creator In All Your Glory - February 1, 2016

Archangel Zadkiel (Received January 31, 2016):

Greetings all, I AM Archangel Zadkiel, a keeper of the Violet Flame, and I hold you in my flame as I deliver my message to you.

In the hush of your energy now comes much transformation and truth. In the sustainment of truth comes true wisdom for all to perceive and convey. It is with utmost pleasure that I come in now to deliver immense truth and transformation for your continual evolvement and ascension.

Many of you are discovering that you are bereft of understanding of where all this energetic transformation is leading. You are left to your own devises to discover the truth. And that is the name of the game, dear ones. That is the energy of the Now, dear ones — Grasping and holding the energy of your own truth.

Brenda Hoffman - You’ve Added a New Sense to Your Repetoire . Feb 1, 2016

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are angry at yourself or the ethers for not yet creating your earth dream. Many of you feel as if nothing is happening and yet, something inside you appears new or different. Nothing tangible, merely a nebulous sensation that persists whether you are sad or joyful.
That nebulous something is your creation gene, your new genetic structure that will thrust you into new you in ways you have not yet contemplated.
Your immediate refrain is, “Where’s my earth dream if I’m so special?” Our response is as it has been time and time again, “You will create your earth dream when it is time for you to do so and that time is nearer than further away.”

Sarah Varcas - Wake up and Smell The Coffee! - Feb 1, 2016

February may feel a lot more like the start of a new year than January did! With Mercury retrograde through much of last month we may have been busy tying up loose ends, sorting through matters that we thought were done and dusted and generally clearing the decks of unfinished business, be it practical, emotional or spiritual. Now that Mercury is once again moving forward we have a far better chance of getting into our stride. Which is handy, really, given that an eclipse season begins right after February’s full moon, heralding a pair of eclipses in March. But before we get to that, there are things to be done….

This month begins with Saturn, Uranus and Pluto taking up position for an alignment which lasts until the lunar eclipse on 23rd March. Carrying shades of the Uranus/Pluto square which dominated the heavens from 2012 to 2015, this alliance highlights where we may have become overly complacent and need to wake up and smell the coffee. It may be tempting to review those three years with a sense of satisfaction…even, dare I say, smug satisfaction (!), reflecting on the huge changes we made and patting ourselves on the back for being so ‘cutting edge’! And of course we may well have been. Countless individuals went through traumas and/or transformations the likes of which they couldn’t have imagined surviving beforehand. We all had our mettle tested and many were painted into a corner out of which the only way was through the flames and out the other side. In which case it’s tempting to think we’re now on the other side and, really, everything should just calm down and chillax!

domingo, enero 31, 2016

Marlene Swetlishoff - Maestro Ascendido Hilarión - Del 31 de enero al 7 de Febrero, 2016

Traducción: Esther Abreu


Sobre ustedes, amados, descansan la fuerza y ​​la estabilidad de su mundo. Ustedes son los aventureros entrando en lo desconocido y valientemente experimentando cada momento en él. Al hacer esto están configurando la plantilla de la nueva realidad en la Tierra. A medida que más de ustedes toman este manto, su Luz y la Luz en el mundo crecen exponencialmente. Hemos dicho esto muchas veces antes, pero vale la pena repetirlo a menudo, ya que es fácil olvidar que los asuntos del mundo que les rodea los atrapa en sus dramas, de los cuales hay muchos. Repítanse a menudo a sí mismos que SON la Luz y que esa es su verdadera identidad.