lunes, octubre 26, 2015

Geoffrey Hope - Walk On - An Experience Beyond Time


Walk On beyond time and space... suddenly, reality shifts.

Enjoy this excerpt from the groundbreaking message given by Adamus Saint-Germain on October 5, 2015, Walk On Series, Shoud 2.

To hear, read or watch the entire message, please visit the Channel Library. Music is a from

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain, October 26, 2015

I would like to add something to the news of Mike Quinsey and his move to stop channeling. There will come a time when it will not be considered channeling by anyone because it will be speaking what one knows is the truth and sharing it with anyone who cares to read, or hear it.

There is coming that time for so many who are now channeling. They will realize that what they are bringing through is from their own inner knowing. It will be a subtle difference in what they are saying and feeling about the information. It will be resounding throughout them in a way that their own consciousness now shares information that they know is the truth, because it is being lived on a conscious level.

Jennifer Hoffman - Know When to Stop Blooming - October 26, 2015

One year ago I wrote an article entitled ‘Bloom Before You Go‘ that was a message to me, to be happy where I was now so I could have closure here and create the energetic paradigm for my new location from a place of joy. I did my best to bloom and it is now time to move on. Other places are calling me and I am ready to go. I had done all of the blooming I could, ‘grow time’ is over and it’s now ‘go time’ Sometimes that’s hard to do because we want to make sure that we have fulfilled our entire purpose where we are, learned all of its lessons, and done all we could. Mostly, though, we don’t want to repeat lessons in our new place, we want a new beginnin.

Alex Collier Interview - September 2015

Brenda Hoffman - The Past is Past - Oct 26, 2015

Dear Ones,

Today’s channel is for those experiencing difficulties letting go of 3D aspects, those with difficulties moving beyond that which was familiar in 3D.
Even though you are no longer of 3D, some memories linger that prevent you from fully feeling the joy of new you. Just as is true for those who experienced a major illness or trauma in 3D. The trauma or pain no longer exists, but memories negate the joy of the moment. Many label that Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).
That is not to say you cannot be cautious if such feels appropriate for the moment – such as not wishing to jump off a cliff in either 3D or New Earth – but you only need caution about happenings of the moment, not your past nor your future.

Judith Kusel - The Sun Discs revisited – as consciousness rises the Ancient Order returns……October 26, 2015

There is a great and ongoing connection now the great Central Suns and the 12 Master Galaxies pertaining to those, which all formed part of the original Creation.

Therefore then there is a steady awakening of very ancient energy fields, which hold within themselves immense encodements and glyphic awakening keys for mankind, as it has been ordained by the Intergalactic Federation to come to pass at this time of massive shifts on the planet and in the Milky Way Galaxy.

domingo, octubre 25, 2015

Irma Kaye Sawyer - Full Moon Report for 10/27/15 - Oct 25, 2015

A Celebration for Heroes with a Rainbow and a Pot of Gold.

Hello friends. Welcome to the annual Full Moon in Taurus/Sun in Scorpio. It dawned on me recently that this is the opposite sign energy of the Wesak “Buddha” Moon in May, also featuring Scorpio and Taurus energies. The Full Moon in Taurus is traditionally associated with rest, harmony, pleasure and earthliness in all of its enjoyable forms. This one still has that going for it, but it’s a bit livelier than usual based on some of the other energies traveling along with it: namely Venus, Jupiter and Chiron. Jupiter (Virgo) is conjunct this Full Moon by sign giving us an extra healing boost. Based on the astro-cosmic energies of the past two weeks especially, we can certainly use it. I’ve been hearing from quite a few people that this year’s Scorpio Season has begun with quite a bang. Considering we are still in the “8” Universal Year vibration, we simply aren’t doing things halfway for the most part, so that does make sense. Scorpio energy is no stranger to serving up a dose of drama, intrigue and even despair to get its point across. The challenge is to find the wisdom and blessing within it and yes, there really is one. There is also the Phoenix/Eagle aspect of Scorpio which ascends to great heights above denser realities.

Sandra Walter ~ The Gifts of Resurrection - Oct 25, 2015


Blessings Beloved Light Tribe, 

It is written into our Golden HUman DNA; the quest for Self-realization, Ascension and reunification with source. Creation is an extraordinary story, and it is our own. A Universal, Galactic, Solar template; a Source BEingness fractalized for our experience, laid out by our Higher Levels for our discovery and participation.
As above, so below is reflected in every aspect of this Universe. The In-Carnate Self reflects the external activity until we awaken and begin the Ascension process, then we begin to reflect the Higher Self activity. This reflection expands as the consciousness ascends, reflecting higher and higher aspects of the multidimensional Self. The multidimensional Self model reflects the multidimensional Universe, or Source-as-Self; the Divine cosmic quest for complete Self-realization.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - Anchoring True Wisdom Within You - Oct 25, 2015

The Gabriel Message card for this week:

True Wisdom and Pure Love go hand in hand. You must love all of yourself before Pure Wisdom takes solid root within you.

As we have greater access into 5D consciousness, the one thing that is becoming more clear is the importance of loving our most human selves, no matter what is showing up in life.

Becoming a blended being, integrating our most divine selves with our most human, has been a great challenge for most of us. We see ourselves growing and know in our hearts how we want to relate to others and show up in the world, and yet often fall short of our intentions. At these times, being compassionate and patient can be difficult.

Mike Quinsey - ALL CHANGE - Oct 25, 2015

Hi Friends,

I have decided that I am not going to continue channelling, as just of late I have not been happy or satisfied with my messages. I can only match them against how things were before I had my stroke, and they are not working as smoothly as I would like. When I started up again I was pleased with the way I got back into it, but it has dropped off lately.

Review of UFOs activity near the Sun in the period from October 23 to October 25, 2015

sábado, octubre 24, 2015

Magenta Pixie - Beyond the Rainbow (Turning the Wheel of Memory)

Selacia - Nuevas Energías Nuevo Tú - 21 de Octubre 2015

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Después del paso de la reciente conmoción cósmica, noten las energías más tranquilas y dediquen algún tiempo a auto reflexionar. Ustedes no son los mismos seres que eran en octubre pasado, en parte porque han avanzado a través de tiempos algo desafiantes pero también debido a la aceleración de su proceso del despertar. Ahora ven el mundo y a sí mismos a través de nuevos ojos y pueden catapultear su movimiento de avance al reconocer esto y entonces aplicarlo a lo que han aprendido.

James Gilliland Update - October 24, 2015

Eceti Banner


It has been a while since the last news letter due to extreme demands in other areas of the awakening and healing process. I have had my own personal challenges which include attacks by reptilian and grey factions on their way off the planet. They seem to have 4D pulse weapons which have a debilitating effect in 3D and occasionally do a drive by. They are the gangsters of the universe. Luckily this is all being cleaned up and the effects are healing and diminishing.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - El Planeamiento Del Alma - 18 de Octubre de 2015

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Ya lo he dicho antes muchas veces: yo sé dónde estoy. La canalización no está apartada de la realidad. Algunos se preguntan qué es esto, incluso aquí, en un escenario donde he estado tantas veces con mi socio, algunos todavía dicen: ¿Qué está pasando realmente? Queridos, lo que están viendo es antiguo. Así es como el Espíritu le habla a la humanidad; los antiguos lo sabían, tenían ceremonias para ello; los lemurianos lo hacían. Se dedicaba un tiempo para la comunicación intuitiva, en la que los seres humanos cedían una cierta parte de su consciencia y traían a la Fuente Central. En todas las Escrituras, en las Escrituras modernas, así es como el Espíritu les habló a los humanos.

James Tyberonn - 2016 - Understanding the Harmonic of Nature - Transcending the Storm


This message is from 19.10.15. I only got internet back yesterday.
Video (recommended)


Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

We are here today to share our joy about the wonderful developments on your planet earth. Many of you who have opened their very heart enjoy the new incoming blessings from the Centre of your Galaxy and beyond. This is the time to reconnect to your soul and to a greater degree to your Divine Source, with the desire to open up to Truth and true Spirituality.

Most of you are now able to receive the increasing Living Divine Light and Information, enjoying an inner freedom you thought was not possible in the limited circumstance you are still existing.

Alcyon Pléyades 31-1ª -Tapaderas del terror, Siria. Rusia frente a conspiración de la élite.

viernes, octubre 23, 2015

Suzanne Lie ~ The Golden Portal & Free Meditation Download the Arcturians 10-23-15

The Golden Portal



The Arcturians

Blessings, we are the Arcturians. We would like to take you through a corridor together. So all of you imagine your entire group in a huge circle and imagine that this circle goes all around your country, your area on Gaia’s body. And take a moment to allow that imagination to come into your mind and expand the circle beyond your country so that all of the corridors and all of the areas that are interfacing with your country will get the same blessing and will get the same amount of Light.

Natalie Glasson - The Celestial White Beings – The Transitions of Your Soul Group – 10-23-15

The shifts occurring in this moment of ascension are likened to the energetic transformations which have been taking place throughout this year. The only difference is that the intensity of the energy is now being enhanced and magnified dramatically.

The Goddess energy and Crystalline vibrations continue to support a transition of clearing, purification and renewal upon the Earth and within your being. However, their energetic vibration is allowing a new download of energy to anchor. It is each person’s Soul Group which is now stepping forward to work with their soul extensions.