viernes, marzo 28, 2014

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – “Christed Moon Prep” – 28 March 2014

DjwhalKhul(Channeling begins)
Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.
Alright. This is just about a new moon coming up before the Sacred Full Moon of the Christ, which is the first of three sacred moons, would be Christ, Wesak, Buddha or Christ, Wesak traditionally Buddha Moon and then the third one would be the Full Moon of Humanity.

Sandra Walter – The Cosmic Christ Return: Fulfilling The Promise – 28 March 2014

SandraWalterBlessings Beloved Light Tribe,
The Equinox Gateway opened a powerful flow of Solar Cosmic Christ energetics. Deep gratitude to everyone who is participating in welcoming this new wave of Cosmic Christ light. It is GLORIOUS and continues to amplify and pour into the grid systems. It will be fully anchored by the Eclipse on April 14, steadily increasing the demand for Peace within and without. It is a divine service to all of HUmanity; please remember that as the timeline split sensation grows more intense.
I hold everyone in my heart who is going through this activation. There is much to reveal here, and I will do my best to be clear. My communication is changing, primarily because of a recent commitment and partially because of steps to first contact. There is so much going on, I would love to have a complete telepathic exchange with you. Words don’t capture the intensity of some of these experiences. However there are still 3 months of work left to this Gateway which require clarity in my current role of service. I will attempt a play-by-play style to get the details grounded here.


Suzanne Lie - Walking The Now

Eliza: A Time for Reflection - March 28, 2014

Lake Stuart
Eliza: A Time for Reflection
So we’re a week past the Equinox. How do you feel? Are you perhaps feeling lost and confused? Well, that’s a good thing! It means you have stepped into a new energy frequency that you have not experienced prior in this or other lifetimes. You have nothing to compare it with, or at least your rational (lower self) does not, so you wonder what has happened. So Lord Adama advised us last night.
He told us that it is important to take moments to reflect on how far you’ve come. Many of us who are on a dedicated spiritual path tend to be our most severe critics; we can never do enough good enough to meet some vague idealized goal. We need to release this tendency to self-judgment.
When I was much younger, I was very hard on myself, and yet there was always a part of me that remained untouched, unsullied by whatever I was experiencing, above the fray. I was quite aware of that pure and untouched part of me that remained separate and longed to unite with it. I was tired of suffering, afraid and unsure of myself in a strange world that made little sense to me.

Ashtar Command – “Parallel Realities” – March 26, 2014 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar - Comando Ashtar - "Realidades Paralelas" - 26.03.2014



Gabriel: Dear Family from the Stars! I make a sincere request. I really want to talk about the incident with the plane (MH -370 Malaysia Airlines flight), I want to write about the truth of the events. I have seen many posts and channelers talking about what really would happened …
Ashtar Command: Continue following your heart ! This is what we always say, Gabriel. There is no right and wrong, what is there is what is there and as you know, there are anomalies and such situation is something like that… Do not be discouraged or discredit that we are in contact with you. The work must continue and evidences already are more than clear about what indeed happened. Feel it in your heart: the answer is there.
We do not choose the channels that work with us ! You are who choose us by a sincere desire to serve the Light. You, my dear, like many others that collaborates, they chose themselves and gave the green light so we could get in touch with you to the work.

jueves, marzo 27, 2014

Christine Meleriessee - Docking the Higher Self into the Physical Body ~ Lord Adama - March 26, 2014

It is I, Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light.
Hello, Hello,  Hello everyone.  Welcome.  I should say… you’re welcoming me instead of me welcoming you.
Let’s just take a breath.  Feel the energies of this day and what it represents for us to fully understand the integration that is happening to each of you, to each of us, within this planet; and how we assimilate the movement of the energies within our physical conditioning.
Each of you are striving to bring forth your Higher Consciousness into your Physical Consciousness.  Through this process you must purge through the Etheric Body and allow that Etheric Body to heal in multi-faceted ways.  You’re also working within your Emotional Body and your Mental Body so that you can be fully healed in all aspects of your Soul’s existence; all lifetimes, all experiences, all moments within and without a body.  That’s a pretty big tall order to allow this energy to become fully integrated and grounded upon this Earth as the Earth is changing.  This is what each of you is trying to do.

Aisha North – Rebooting – 27 March 2014

AishaNorthDear brothers and sisters of the light!
I am finally online again after a prolonged silenced caused by what turned out to be an unusual malfunction in my old modem, but now I have been set up with a model that is so new, it was the first one of its kind the technician who delivered it had installed. I cannot help but think that it is not a coincidence, for the similarities between this and what has happened to me while I was offline are striking.

Jeshua via Pamela Kribbe: Paradise on Earth Mar 27

Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
Dear friends, I welcome you here today, and I greet you all from the bottom of my heart. It is my greatest pleasure to be with you. I admire you for your courage and perseverance.
You have come on Earth in order to contribute something to this time of transition. You all carry a very precious gift within you: the gift that you are. And you want to give it to the Earth, because you love her. You have been on Earth many times and a part of you belongs to her.
You are light bearers. You desire to bring light into a reality that has been immersed in darkness, where darkness stands for fear, ignorance, and a desire for power. And you yourself have also been lost in that darkness, because a part of your mission is for you to become acquainted with the darkness so that you might find the strength from within to overcome it.

Jahn J Kassl - IT FULFILLS ITSELF IN THE 9, BABAJI - Mar 27, 2014 - ES ERFÜLLT SICH IN DER 9, BABAJI - 27. März 2014

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Time has run out!
The last deadlines come to a close!
Every deception will be eliminated. 
The full view of the reality of life will raise 
the “Saints of Time” and those, who brought 
great calamities to this world, will be plunged
into their own calamity.