miércoles, septiembre 25, 2013

AA Miguel - Ron Head - Continuamos estando a un respiro, a un pensamiento, a una oración de ustedes - 18-09-13

suspiro dos
Arcángel Miguel: En éste momento maravilloso en su tierra, justo antes de su luna llena y antes de su equinoccio venimos a hablar con ustedes.
En sus tierras del norte, es su momento de cosecha. Y en verdad lo es para todos ahora.
Es tiempo de que comiencen a cosechar los beneficios de todo lo que pacientemente han sembrado y atendido.
Aún hay mucho aumentando y alcanzando un creciendo en lo que se está enviando a ustedes en términos de apoyo y energía.
Aún hay mucho cambio ocurriendo dentro y alrededor de ustedes.

Conversaciones con SaluSa - Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.- Océano Multidimensional - 19-09-13

alfa sirio  dos
Gentilmente mantenemos nuestra vigilancia a todos nuestros equipos queridos de la Tierra, y nos mostramos a ustedes en una forma más o menos directa, a veces con cierta duda. Seguimos siendo su familia estelar amorosa.

Queridos, estamos complacidos de verlos trabajando unidos y como si fueran uno durante éste último trecho hacia la última fase del despertar de las masas.
Disfrutamos inmensamente verlos trabajar en línea, con mucho amor, compasión y entendimiento entre ustedes.
Muchos de ustedes aún tienen grandes expectativas por la etapa de la Ascensión, muchos de ustedes realmente no ve que de alguna forma, muchos de ustedes ya ascendió pero desean continuar el juego, para que más hermanos y hermanas de ustedes vengan con ustedes.

SaLuSa - Estamos esperando a los primeros en llegar para darles la bienvenida y celebrar su regreso - MADAD - 17-09-2013

satar shipa ashtar dos
Estamos esperando a los primeros en llegar para darles la bienvenida y celebrar su regreso… No podemos responder a todas sus preguntas de la manera que ustedes desean, porque algunas respuestas ustedes deben descubrirlas,…..

La intensidad de la limpieza actual es visible también en su clima y tan pronto como estas viejas energías sean liberadas, el clima se calmará de nuevo.
Sientan este momento de limpieza energética y estén agradecidos porque así como llega la calma climatológica, también se calmará en lo más profundo de su interior todo lo que han estado soñando y ello se establecerá frente de ustedes y lo verán mejor pues su visión se aclaró de la ilusión que por muchos años mantuvo cubierto todo eso, lo que no se atrevieron a mirar.

martes, septiembre 24, 2013

Fran Zepeda – Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: The Sky is the Limit - Sep 24, 2013

http://www.moroni10.com/Mormon/Bible_References/Council_in_Heaven.jpgYeshua and the Company of Heaven:
Hello our dear illustrious ones. You have made it through yet another significant marker of your journey into and of ascension, and the energies are settling within you and about you, and reveal and represent and portend a significant jump in your vibration both individually and collectively.
The universe is expansive. But your energies are also expansive, and you are realizing that you can be as big in your energy as the universe and even beyond that to the multiverses. The expansion of your energies is so immense right now. As it settles and integrates, be prepared for many insights and inroads into a new way of living.
You have left the old behind in so many aspects and so many connotations of the concept of duality. You have been allowed by your own intentions to open the doors of your proverbial cage of duality and can now breathe free and soar through the door into many vistas of beautiful realities and possibilities, and yes, into the unknown, but dear ones, you are ready for that; you are prepared.
All the work you have done up to now to discard all that does not serve you is paying off big time…you have hit the jackpot so to speak. For in letting go and of your hold on limiting concepts and beliefs and fears, you have opened up your energy for so many possibilities and new experiences that it would take a while to categorize it, to quantify it, and to appreciate it.

NSA Surveillance Goes Beyond Orwell’s Wildest Imagination September 24, 2013

'All sorts of people around the world are questioning what America is doing,' Alan Rusbridger told an audience in New York. Photograph: Sarah Lee‘All sorts of people around the world are questioning what America is doing,’ Alan Rusbridger told an audience in New York. Photograph: Sarah Lee
Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia.
Stephen Cook: George Orwell’s dystopian book ’1984′ was a big (brother?) favourite in my family. I don’t quite know why, but my parents actually selected the numbers 1,9,8, and 4 for the final four digits of the phone number for our family home in reference to the book! (In hindsight: weird, huh?) Now Alan Rusbridger,  the editor of The Guardian, the newspaper that broke the story of Edward Snowden’s NSA revelations, says the depth of the NSA surveillance programs greatly exceeds anything the 1984 author could have ever imagined. Oh, and I suggest you read ‘Obama administration’ as more accurately being the ‘US government administration’.
By Dominic Rushe in New York, The Guardian – September 23, 2013

Wes Annac – The Pleiadians And The Arcturians : Your Evolution is Physical And Spiritual – 24 September 2013

wes-annac-300x229-Channeled through Wes Annac-
With Love and appreciation for the continual efforts of the awakening public in helping your Earth to ascend, I am SanJAsKa speaking for the Pleiadian High Council, the Pleiadian Council of Nine and the Company of Heaven overall.
We continue to watch you progress and expand in all Earthly endeavors you find yourselves undergoing, and we encourage you to seek spirit in any moment you feel as if your searches aren’t rendering the results you’d prefer.
In this time of development and expansion in the minds and hearts of each of you, you can find broadened and deepened connections with the spiritual realms if you can only open up to these connections and understand your infinite and uninhibited ability to bring through higher-dimensional energies and impressions.

Archangel Raphael – “Maturity” – September 17, 2013 – (English) by Gabriel Raio Lunar

AA Raphael
My blessed angels, my noble warriors, you are coming to maturity in this sphere. You have, over the ages, passed through all possible proofs and are finally reaching a wonderful maturity, a capacity for understanding andacceptance that has made the world around you overflow in light and this can be seen and felt almost palpably.
Are you aware of that? Have you ever stopped to see the way you deal with situations today? The way you stop to solve everyday issues? How are you more relaxed and confident? Yes, dear ones, accept it and not be afraid of it. I know many might say: ”Raphael, but I‘m not feeling like this, I keep stressing me out with anything“ - my dear angel, don’t you realize that in the past even this questioning couln’t do, besides rampaging and rampaging?(Smile), this is called maturity, dear angels, regardless of the situation.

You won’t be bored – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn September 24, 2013

(Translated from original language german)
Note: Today’s message was light in nature, because I was not quite undisturbed.
My child, you do not have to learn a lot anymore. As a Master and divine Being you know so much. You just have to remember. Still a lot is blocked in you, but this is subject to change. After your ascension your consciousness will be greatly expanded. You’ll continue to learn and develop yourself, because there is still so much to discover on your way back to me. You won’t be bored, I promise you. As a member of a galactic society you will then have endless opportunities to grow, to learn and to evolve your soul. Believe me, life in the higher dimensions will fascinate you. There are so many universes and multiverses to discover for you. And I am always with you in your heart. ~
Your Divine Mother
Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://thesilverplatinumflame.wordpress.com/

lunes, septiembre 23, 2013

AA Michael - Ron Head – …An ‘Inside Job’ Of The First Order – 23 September 2013

RonHeadMichael and Yeshua
On this day of your equinox, we urge each of you to look into your hearts and commit once again to the re-birth of yourselves and your world.  As you meditate, pray, walk in nature and commune with your higher selves, please continue your excellent work on this path.  Use the energy that is pouring into your world at this time to your best advantage.
Ask us for help in this endeavor.  Ask your Creator to send loving energy to you for the highest and best for you and your world.  Do not imagine this to be outside help, dear ones.  It is an ‘inside job’ of the first order.
Even if you do not yet feel the complete oneness of it, feel the love of family in it.  Feel the trust placed in you.  Feel the love.  Fill your hearts with it.  Fill yourselves with it to the point that it spills out into everything you do and everything you say.  This will make the changes that are needed seem effortless.  This will truly fill your days with joy.

Aisha North – A Short Update On The Energies – 23 September 2013

AishaNorthDear friends!
Yesterday ended with a massive injection of energy for me. As I have already commented under the previous post, I sat down last night, connected to the Pond and tuned into the Equinox energies. It was SO powerful. I ”saw” us all turning into these individual white flames that formed a blazing circle around the turquoise waters of the Pond. I heard the word ”fusing” as I felt a strong current of particles surging through this whole circle, and the image I got, was that we were something similar to the Large Hadron Collider at CERN. I collapsed into my bed after about 40 minutes of this, but the energies kept rushing through me for another two hours or so. This morning, I felt so full of energy, I had to go and literally dig in the dirt on my vegetable plot for several hours before I sat down to channel today’s message. I still feel full of energy and ready to DO things, so I really, really hope this is has come to stay ;-)