lunes, julio 01, 2013

Planet Alert July 2013 By Admin on behalf of Mahala, on July 1st, 2013

Here we are in July already, where does time go?  We made it through the first six months of this year and what a ride that was. The Summer Solstice and the full moon brought lots of storms and flooding in various places. The large flooding in Calgary was caused by the conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter at the Summer Solstice. Jupiter brings large events. The flooding in Calgary did as much damage to that city as Katrina did to New Orleans. Then of course there was the flooding in India and China.
The storms and flooding will continue as Jupiter continues to move through the sign of Cancer. It will be there for one year. This will cause more water events from the Midwest to the Southeast and to the East Coast of the United States. Other parts of the world will also experience more storms and flooding.  Water also rules emotions so this will continue to be a very emotional year.

Jennifer Hoffman - The Energies of July 2013 - July 1, 2013

jenniferhoffman300x225As we begin this new month we also begin the second half of 2013. Rather than asking ‘What’s next’, a better question is ‘What’s left?’, as in what’s left to learn, understand, release, recalibrate, adjust and clear because it feels like that is all we have been doing since January and even long before that. Even with this month’s Mercury retrograde, we have some gentler times ahead of us as we move into this new period, but certain conditions apply. July is a fantastic month for clearing and preparing for new beginnings, (which may not arrive until September) that can be done any way you like, with grace and ease or with a healthy dose of chaos.

Angelic Guides - “Your miraculous transformation continues” - Taryn Crimi - July 1, 2013

Dawn_Over_New_ZealandToday we would like to focus your attention on the topic of your transformation.  You are continuing to evolve into more conscious beings as your “time” progresses.  Some may even find that the person whom they once were has become a distant memory of someone who is now unrecognizable in relation to the person you now find yourself to be.  This will continue on, as you have started down a path that is indeed winding, however you are ascending back into fully conscious beings vibrating once again within the higher realms; although how long it takes and what your journey will entail is entirely up to you.

Inelia Benz: WTF Is Going On? . . . I don’t know about you, but I started feeling the energies yesterday . . .- July 1, 2013
Dear Friends,
Welcome to July 2013!! Here is my latest article:
It started near the beginning of June, and it is set to continue and increase until around October or November.
Last year, when people were talking about huge physical changes happening in our Paradigm in December 2012, I kept feeling that nothing would happen at a physical level, but that in the summer of 2013, something was up.
And here we are!

Pallas Athena: You Are a Pristine Ball of Brilliant Light ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ July 1, 2013

Pallas Athena:

Greetings, I AM Pallas Athena, Ascended Master and protector of all mankind, here to impart information for your great awakening. I come to you in Peace and Love for all mankind, you human Angels of the Great Awakening.
My beloveds, human Angels that you are, you step into a world now full of promises and miracles, for as you awaken and enfold yourselves into your Divine Essence, you will be discovering so much is afoot, so much is possible, so much is emerging.

Nancy Tate – Wake Up Call – Love Speaker – 1 July 2013

NancyTateI Am here today to tell you about something that is taking place in the skies today around your earth. It is a matter of the sameness of the universe coming into being in the skies of your planet. In a way this is a time of coming into unison for the universe. In a way it is a time of all of you coming into unison on earth. It is a matter of all of you realizing that there is something astoundingly different about how you feel and what is taking place around the planet.
For some of you it may be a bit troublesome; worry not for that will pass. For some of you it is for the most part joyful and peaceful. It brings to you the feeling that finally some of your prayers are being answered for peace to come and the unison to be in place firmly and without doubt.  It is a matter of you being able to support whatever is taking place on the planet if not with your actions, then with your total and complete feeling of surrender to the Love that is prevalent.

How NSA’s PRISM Program Gets Your Data from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Facebook, Skype…- July 1, 2013

The National Security Administration headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPAThe National Security Administration headquarters in Fort Meade, Maryland. Photograph: Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA
Stephen Cook: Every day another part of this completely intertwined global secret surveillance program comes to light. Individuals, governments, businesses are all under the watchful eyes of those who delvered and implemented this program. The slides now featured by The Washington Post – and which I have posted in their entirety below – allow us to see what’s been going on with PRISM and how it was meant to work. And if you think this is the end of the story, I would suggest you brace yourself for a lot more…

The Hathors of Earth’s Solar Astral Planes: Decreasing Energetic Distortion, Your Sacred Connection and the Love of Source - July 1, 2013 - Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Numerous energetic upgrades continue to take place in the minds and hearts of every last one of you responding to the increasingly-pure energies you’re being delivered. We, like many others, encourage the active awareness many of you are garnering while finding and absorbing your ascension-energies.
These energies we speak of are being increased in purity in every moment they’re sent down to Create and sustain your realities and as such, the active absorption of these energies on the part of every one of you is crucial to your understanding of them.

Archangel Indriel. “The World Is A Stage.” By, Bella Capozzi. July 1, 2013.

images-2There is no problem so insurmountable that the loving hands of God cannot overcome.  Too often you forget to call upon your Mother and your Father during times of crisis, and instead you choose to work alone.  Why do you do this, Dear Hearts?  Why must you make things harder on yourselves than they need be?  For nowhere was it ever decreed that when you breathe your first breath of life in Human form then you must sever all ties with Us.  It is part of the Human condition to forget and then, ideally, to remember once again.  Through subtle reminders-and of late, not so subtle-we nudge at you to let you know that we are here.  We are guiding you, protecting you and on occasion barraging you with ingenious ideas.  It is our job to speak and it is yours to listen and to act.  Hear the voices of the Universe and heed the signs.  They have been erected everywhere, to guide you in the proper direction. ♥

Archangel Metatron ~ Ascension; what does it entail? And an update: Everything is already finished on the etheric level and now the physical aspects will be drawn through the centerpoint of the cosmos

Archangel Metatron as channeled by Méline Lafont
I greet all of you in the name of my Presence of Love and gratitude. I Am Archangel Metatron, at your disposal at all times. In the name of the Heavenly Realms of Light I bring you great tidings full of love as well as an update on your current reality.
Beloved children of God and of Mother Earth, it truly is a pleasure to be in connection with all of you as you are immensely loved, each and everyone of you. The times you are living in are remarkable to say the least and this gets more obvious for all of you. Nothing is at it seems anymore, everything changes and collapses in on itself on an energetic level. New forms and creations are adopted, in which the old energy finds a new life back into a higher light aspect of itself, for you all grow quite astonishingly into a light body and everything around you automatically follows the same path.