sábado, junio 01, 2013

Preparing For Ascension 1

Lightbody Activations (Lifting The Shadow) - Transmissions for June and July 2013

Travel INSIDE a Black Hole

OVNI entra al volcán Popocatépetl - 30.MAYO.2013

Ute Posegga-Rudel – Our God-Self: Retreat Into The Heart Of Being! – 1 June 2013

Retreatsig.By Ute Posegga-Rudel
Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright 2013
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Beloved Ones, I Am your God-Self!
Yes, at this time the currents of events are  now sprawling into all directions, because so much is happening in the mind of humanity.Where else does all this happen but in the mind? Content of consciousness not being played out in the human brain for eons is coming to the surface and is being registered by those who have opened themselves up for a bigger picture. In that case you have opened your awareness beyond your individual interests, as you care for your whole species and your planet and beyond.

Peace is Vital at This Moment – SaLuSa 1 June 2013 – Multidimensional Ocean

Global PeaceDear ones, we salute your brave courage during this period of intense awakening across your planet.
The cabal is doing all it can to tighten its grip around you and break your spirit. However, the people have the courage of taking to the streets, of supporting each other and of taking their power back from corrupt politicians and corporate cruel interest.
We wish to salute the global movement of union and cooperation, setting into motion a world that would be based on mutual support, understanding and love. People are waking up to the fact that their trust was misplaced when it comes to politics, and realize the need to set in place a better, more humane system, which would not allow for corporations to stir public affairs and interests, and place their gains before human welfare and happiness.
Although your voices seem steadily unheard by the governments, behind closed doors they tremble, which prompt them to increase terror attacks and expands military and policing budgets, to acquire more and more powerful machines, to spy on your personal conversations on the net and on your phones.

Aisha North - Welcome to the second Gathering around the Pond, Sunday June 2, 2013

Dear friends!
Last night, I had such a wonderful vision. I saw myself finally opening up my heart by reaching inside my chest, and lifting out my heart. I held it in my hands, and then I released it into the air, and it flew up like a bird. But then, it changed into this beautiful, iridescent blue butterfly, and it soared above me. I opened my chest even more, and I let the light flow into it and fill it completely, all the way into the deepest corners. And from my chest, hundreds of butterflies came flying out, all the same brilliant blue colour as the first one. They all flew out into the world, and each one landed on a different person. I saw them landing on each one of you, on my family and on my friends, on strangers, and on my guides and family on the other side of the veil.

Shifting now - The power of your mind! How to shift into the best reality possible! - Anna Merkaba


What started out as a rather awful day full of disappointments, stress, anxiety and sadness, turned into the most wonderful day full of incredible experiences, wonder and pleasant surprises. All this happened because I decided that I was going to think positive no matter what.

Constructions workers who decided that the perfect time to start drilling the building so that it was shaking at 7 in the morning….. SO WHAT.. Land lady coming in while I was in the middle of the shower.. GREAT!... Driving on a highway in a torrential rain and swirling off the road nearly getting into an accident… AWESOME! Food gone bad in the car all because I turned the fridge to HEAT instead of COLD.. YAY!... And sooo much more!

The great thing about all this is that this gave me an opportunity to try out the Universal Laws and see how they would apply to these situations. Instead of being frustrated at all of these experiences, I decided to look for something positive in each of the “disappointments” that were coming my way.

THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS: We’ve all heard this. Think happy, be happy… right, sometimes you just don’t have it in you to BE HAPPY in that instant, no matter how hard you try. They say when you force yourself to smile your body responds instantly and your mod is uplifted. Sadly it doesn’t always work…I tried to sing happy songs.. nothing… think about all the good things and remember all the fun times I’ve had… NOTHING.. I set there driving and feeling SAD… because I was so exhausted.. it is then that I decided that what I needed was a good shake.. And so I forced myself to “sit dance”.. you know, when you sit in a car.. and you begin to shake your body as if you’re dancing. And FINALLY.. finally!!!!!! I cracked a smile! Ohhh the glorious feeling of being happy again.. even if for a split second… I say split second because it disappeared just as quickly as it came… and I was back to my gloomy self.

The sadder I got.. the gloomier everything seemed.. the more “accidents” kept rolling my way.. here’s when I remembered another trick! BE IN THE NOW… I thought to myself that I was going to just enjoy the fact that I’m on the road again YAY! Looking out the window seeing beautiful trees and clouds.. that is when I began to note the shape of clouds.. and birds.. and such.. the day began to shift into a new direction… until.. I spaced out completely.. and barely avoided an accident..

I decided it was time for SHIFTING into a NEW reality.. This is the BEST trick in the world, taught to me by a wonderful friend of mine (you know who you are ;P) … and so THIS IS WHAT DID IT !!! I said to myself.. I AM GRATEFUL for everything that I have.. BUT.. I want to shift into another reality.. where I am completely happy, completely at ease, completely safe, completely complete, joyous.. etc., etc., etc… and LO AND BEHOLD… I began to feel how my body actually started to accommodate me completely without question to all of my thoughts and desires to feel the emotions of happiness, peace, etc.,

It was THEN and only then that I finally began to feel energized.. something I badly needed in order to keep driving.. I felt incredible!!! I began to experiment with confirmations, etc., etc., but instead of say “I AM so and so”.. as we’re all begin taught.. I kept saying “I AM SHIFTING NOW INTO.. blah blah reality.. SHIFTIN NOW!!!!”

Not only did I instantly begin to feel better, but surprising to me, I was completely aware of the NOW.. time stopped existing.. I was just there… IN THE NOW…. BEING GRATEFUL… AND HAPPY!

So the point of me sharing this experience with you.. is next time you find yourself, frustrated, exhausted, stressed, angry .. SHIFT into the reality you wish to be in.. because by staying in the gloomy state of mind.. you’re only making yourself even more sad, and even more sick, and attracting more and more trouble your way. It’s true.. so please use the power of the shift… OFTEN and enjoy your present reality to the fullest :D MUCH LOVE & LIGHT TO YOU ALL. ♥

Talking together – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn June 01, 2013


My child, you are not alone. You are in every instant surrounded by invisible lightbeings. They guide and lead you. Likewise they also protect you. I too am always with you. I am in your heart und know each moment how you feel. I know all your sentiments, all your thoughts. Nothing is strange to me. You can’t hide anything from me, only from you and your fellow men. I know you from your inside and outside and so nothing needs to be embarrassing in front of me. You can talk about everything with me. I listen to you and answer you, if you however hear me lies in yourself. Listen to me and and we both can have wonderful conversations, my child. I wait so much to talk with you. ~
Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given. http://sirianheaven.wordpress.com/

The Ascended Masters: You’ll find the Mastery We’re Known For - May 30, 2013 - Wes Annac

-Channeled through Wes Annac-
Every lesson you’re being given is ultimately designed to help you find the emotions, heart sets and understanding of the higher realms, and we ask you to treat yourselves and those around you with the grace and ease of the Creator; which many of you are beginning to find yourselves able to do with increased ease.
This is because the pure energies delivering your ascension, which you are absorbing and assimilating unto yourselves with fervor yet grace, are settling upon your perspective and helping you to understand and see the Divinity of every single moment of the infinite and glorious Now.