martes, septiembre 03, 2024

Daniel Scranton - St. Germain - Live a Life in Service to Source - Sep 3, 2024

“I am St. Germain, keeper of the violet flame.

You who have the physical lifetime to live need to realize that much more of you is nonphysical and coexists in this moment with this lifetime. You are meant to anchor in more of that which you truly are, and you do that every time you find something in your physical reality to love. When you give your attention to that which inspires love within you, that’s when you know yourself more fully as you truly are. And the trick is to not then become dependent on the object of your affection staying in that lovable state.

lunes, septiembre 02, 2024

Jennifer Hoffman - September 2024 Energy Report - Sep 2, 2024

Have you ever noticed that the holiday season creeps on us and while we think we have weeks to get ready all of a sudden it’s time to think of holiday celebrations, gifts, and decorations? As we enter September we are in that mode because although we have known for months that we would eventually arrive at the monumental re-entry of Pluto into Capricorn for its final visit, it happens this month. In fact, it happens on the second day of the month, September 2, along with the new moon in Virgo.

James McConnell - KaRa (Pleiadian Emmisary), and OWS) - The Few Dark Ones Cannot - Sep 1, 2024

KaRa (Channeled by James McConnell)

I am Ka-Ra. I come to be with you at this time in these moments that we all share together. Yes, I am on my ship and attending my council meetings. But my attention is always with you, with you, those of you that are part of our family. All of you are part of our family of light, the family of Star Seeds, the ones that come from many different civilizations.

Brenda Hoffman - You’re a Joy Activator - September 2, 2024

Dear Ones,

Even though you recently accessed joy in small bits and pieces, you are more than ready for full days and weeks of laughter and contentment. Starting this week, you will begin to enhance your happy thoughts.

The need for clearing, reviewing, and tears is over.

Galactic Federation Guides Big Cosmic Shift: Earth's Ascension to a New Reality!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The September Energies & the Final Third of 2024 - Sep 2, 2024

“Greetings. We are The Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been working with your guides, your higher selves, your oversouls and many high-frequency collectives and councils from across this universe of ours to determine what would best serve humanity at this time. There will be many contributors energetically for the month of September 2024, and the energies that you will be sent by all of us will be like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. These energies are about helping you to consistently hold your vibration in the highest frequency range that you can.

domingo, septiembre 01, 2024

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love - September 1, 2024


Ask to be a receptacle for pure Light, then allow the empty chalice within you to drink in the sweetness of Divine Love.

Dear One,

When you ask to be a receptacle for pure light, you are saying that you have space within you, and that you are willing to fill this space with love and all that which is God. You are saying that you want to be filled with Divine Light, and assist the process of bringing Heaven to Earth.

Patricia Cota -Robles - BREATHING INTO THE PATH FORWARD - September 1, 2024


Patricia Cota -Robles

September 1, 2024

Precious Hearts, in all of my many decades of consciously communicating with our Father-Mother God and the awesome Beings of Light who have selflessly served the evolutions of Earth since our fall from Grace, I have never experienced the level of Elation and Joy that is now pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms.

Celia Fenn - 1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse - Sep 1, 2024

1st September : Fall/Spring arrives and we move towards a Full Moon/Eclipse 

At last the change of seasons is here. Where I live we welcomed sunshine and warmer weather after two months of non stop rain and cold. In the north the heat of summer will be tempered by cooler weather.

Awakening the Cosmic Connection: The Stellar Sentinels' Call