miércoles, febrero 24, 2021

Jennifer Farley - The Creator - The Right Time - Feb 24, 2021

The Right Time 

As the newest wave of energy begins to arrive, please remember to continue your forgiveness work. It may be tempting to set it aside and come back to it later when things seem less energetically charged. The Universe is gently reminding you that this is definitely the right time. (Smiling) Being as clear as possible will make your transition more graceful, easy and peaceful. As always, The Universe is there to guide and support you every step of the way. ~ Creator

Lev - The New Vibrational Currents – From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 6 - Feb 19, 2021

The New Vibrational Currents – From 3D To 4D And 5D Part 6. By Lev.

In February, the separation of the etheric mental fields in a partially updated 3D Matrix and a new temporal 4D Matrix as transit in 5D continued in the Earth’s vibrational space.

Following this division, further events are formed for each 3D and 4D person within the planet’s Great Quantum Transition into 5D.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Many enlightening human beings find it much easier to give than to receive. This is a major theme that is up for examination and healing so those who are in service can move into the full support that is available for them and they so richly deserve.

Over giving often occurs because the person feels it isn’t safe to receive. This belief could have come from past life experiences where you accepted help only to realize that it came with strings attached. Worthiness issues can also be at the core of not being willing to receive. Being out of balance in your desire to honour your service contracts can also result in over giving.

Connect to Source

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

What you are trying to do
is get lost in love.

It isn't easy.

There will be roadblocks
trying to convince you

that you should never quite complete your journey.
That you should tarry awhile longer.

Lisa Renee - Spiritual Immunity


To be sovereign over one's self is to be free of the control or coercion of others. To truly have the freedom to direct one's own life requires an accurate assessment of conditions which affords the right to apply informed consent to our individual decision making. We extend that belief to include freedom of self-determination in the direction of one's consciousness which connects with the Soul, Spirit and the higher Avatar intelligence, the spiritual bodies which form into the powerful forces of protection that form the Spiritual Immune System. Self-Sovereignty is inherently a human right given through God Source and the Universal Laws, expressed through the Law of One which describe these laws that direct the complex quantum mechanics governing the movement of consciousness throughout time and space. Ascension is a simultaneous increase of expanded consciousness that occurs when our spiritual-energetic bodies connect into our physical bodies, and thus when these higher consciousness bodies come online, they activate and amplify our Spiritual Immune System. Our Spiritual Immune System requires personal attention, discernment of forces and proper nourishment in order to function well. It is the same as our physical immune system that requires nutrients and sustenance to be effective at deflecting and neutralizing negative pathogenic forces.

Schumann Resonance Today – ✨⚡️ Power 39 - February 24, 2021

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

24 February 2021 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today. We will try to keep you updated about the variations of the Resonance with this page. The great variations that nobody can explain but that give us a clear sign that the planet is changing. The Earth is vibration higher and higher, just like us!

The Chart time is based on Tomsk – Russia – UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) +7 – Source


Lena Stevens - Full Moon Update 2-24-2021 - Feb 24, 2021

Dear Friends,
Full Moon in Virgo is Friday night/early Saturday morning (depending on your time zone) February 27/28 Mountain Standard Time.

The theme for this full moon is “dealing with change and challenge”.

There is a lot of force pushing forward and we are still under the influence of the unexpected, which can be either very positive or very challenging. It is best to use this full moon to channel any emotional intensity into your future dreams and what can be improved, rather than resisting and getting stuck in a negative response to some change happening around you.

Judith Kusel - Life is indeed a journey and not a destination - Feb 24, 2021

Life is indeed a journey and not a destination, and more than this, it is daily unfolding of the infinite within and finding it reflected without.

It has no end, and no beginning. It simply is!

It is in every moment's unfolding, that we remaster our Universal Mastery. It is not that we have forgotten - it is more that most often we need to re-know, remastery, and in ever higher and greater degrees.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Most Powerful Portals You’ll Ever Access - Feb 24, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have awakened so many of you to the portals of energy that you have around you and that we continuously add to your dimension in order to improve our energy delivery system. We also want you to recognize that these portals pale in comparison to the ones that you are going to be opening inside of yourselves and all around you when you choose to tap in to those abilities. You have access to so much love, joy, abundance, creativity, downloads of information, activations, upgrades, and attunements, and we don’t want you to believe that you have to wait for us, or any other beings or collectives throughout the universe, in order to receive.