domingo, octubre 27, 2024
Giant Sunspot Cluster Turns Toward Earth
Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness - October 27, 2024
You attract to you only that which is in your consciousness.
Your thoughts are magnetic. Even when you are not conscious of what you are thinking, the power of your thoughts affects your life. What you hold in your mind creates a level of consciousness, and this influences that which you experience in your world.
So, if you want to change the world you live in, start with your own thoughts and feelings.
Marilyn Rafaelle - The Group - October 27, 2024
Gustav Klimt
OCTOBER 27,2024
Dear readers welcome to our message which in reality is your message because the consciousness of the readers draws forth the message they are in alignment with.
All is proceeding according to plan. High resonating frequencies of Light now flowing to earth from the sun are continuing to expose pockets of dense energy thousands of years old some of which is presently manifesting as war. If or when personal clearings become physically, emotionally, mentally, or spiritually draining and difficult allow them to unfold rather than automatically responding with fear and resistance. Always remember that releasing of old energy is a forward step not a backward one in spite of the effects that often accompany them. Trust that your higher self is always governing the process and does not need direction as to how to do it.
Daniel Scranton - Thymus: The Collective of Ascended Masters - What is to Be Revealed in Each of You - Oct 27, 2024
“Blessings. We are Thymus. We are the collective of ascended masters.
We are here to give you what you already know but what it is also very deeply buried inside of you. We want you to know that everything does exist inside of you, and that you also get to have the experience of having it drawn out of you by those who know it more clearly and with more certainty. We are here to remind you of that which you already are and to show you a path to getting to that place where you always know and experience who and what you really are.
sábado, octubre 26, 2024
Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update - Oct 26, 2024
Adama of Telos:
"Greetings, Beloved Ones.
We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - October 26, 2024
Good morning. Ok. I am going to pose a question, with a little trepidation, as sometimes I feel the answer won’t come. How’s that to start this conversation with Trust?! Someone sent in a very good question. Here it is … Ok, here we are, the strongest of the strong. But, what about the pedophiles, murderers, rapists, criminals, and thugs? Are they the strongest of the strong because they are here on Earth at the same time that we are? I think the FOL once told us that many, many souls wanted to be on Earth at this time, but not all could “make the cut.” So, why would some of these precious “soul slots” be given to the lot I just mentioned? We all know the behaviours they typify are not what we should emulate. … And … the answer is?