domingo, marzo 12, 2023

Aurora Ray - The Universal Law - Mar 12, 2023

The Universal Law

Greetings, dear ones,

Today, we'd like to talk about one of the universe's fundamental laws with you.

It's all about cause and effect. Everything that happens in this universe is based on cause and effect. When a cause is established, the effect will follow. There will be no effect if there is no cause. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. It's a coincidental connection.

John Smallman - Saul - You all incarnated with the intent to BE; to be loving all of humanity - Mar 12, 2023

As your collective awakening draws ever closer – yes, I know you are getting tired of hearing me talk so frequently of its imminence! – continue to hold, share, and extend the Love that each of you are just by being. There is no need to do anything, although if any of you are intuitively guided – NOT egotistically driven – to be activists for peace, then do bring the love that you are to meetings of that nature, and set the intent to spread it freely and indiscriminately to all who are present. Doing that is extremely powerful and effective, as many of you have already realized. You are LOVE, and you are sharing and extending it by being vulnerable, by just being yourselves. You incarnated with the intent to BE; loving all of humanity and greatly assisting in the awakening process, and that is what you are doing most successfully.

Blossom Goodchild - Channeling The Federation of Light - Mar 12, 2023

Hello! So nice to sit down and get in touch! What a ride, what a ride, what a ride! … and … I feel we haven’t even let the brakes off yet!

Welcome, Blossom. Welcome to Each One on this ride … same train … different carriages.

Nicely put and so True. It is a big awakening to/of self to come to the understanding, that how others behave towards you, or themselves is simply where ‘they’ are at. Letting go of the attachment and simply sending Love. It feels good to reach certain stations on the journey!

Diana Cooper - There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension - Mar 12, 2023

There are currently unprecedented opportunities for ascension to the fifth dimension… Why?

Since the fall of Atlantis ten thousand years ago our planet has become very dense and dominated by masculine energy. The reason we fell into such a dark space was two-fold. First we were a plane of free will and no one anticipated we would use it to cause such destruction. Secondly Earth is the solar plexus chakra of the universe and so we have taken in and transmuted the fear of this entire universe.

Marilyn Rafaelle - The Arcturian Group - March 12, 2023

MARCH 12, 2023

Dear readers, welcome once again to our message, a message meant to offer hope, information, deeper spiritual awareness, and a fuller understanding of the what you personally and the world in general may be experiencing at this time.

These are troubling times throughout the world, but change and discord are inevitable as many commonly accepted beliefs begin to crumble in order to make room for a new world consciousness, one that serves all and not just a select few. Change is difficult because the ideas, concepts, and beliefs that created and continue to sustain ideas of separation continue to resonate as reality for many.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it - March 12, 2023

You would not have the desire without the means to fulfill it. 

Dear One,

All things in life are a part of the Universal Consciousness. This includes the desires of your heart. You have within you all that it takes to fulfill these desires and create the life you want to have. Know that each time you feel a deep longing, the seed of fulfillment is inherent within it.

There is a deep re-awakening within you, showing you a potential for all that you desire. This re-awakening results from your connection to God and the remembrance of the Angels who are guiding you always. As you commune more and more with this energy, your life will begin to take on the magical qualities you desire.

The Forces Of Light Ensure Victory

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Progress Report: How’s the Awakened Collective Doing? - Mar 12, 2023

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have continued to monitor your progress with delight over the past several weeks, as we see those of you who are awake doing more to stretch your consciousness out. Sometimes it does take an awakening experience to get someone to recognize that there is so much more. Many people on Earth who are still not awake are chasing that experience in all the ways they know how. But once a human has an awakening experience, they understand what is possible, and they want more of whatever it just was they experienced. And that’s what we are seeing at this time; we are seeing the active pursuit of the expansion of consciousness among the Awakened Collective.

sábado, marzo 11, 2023

Gregg Braden - Del Libro La Matrix Divina

Clave 1: la Matrix Divina es el contenedor que sostiene el Universo, el puente entre todas las cosas y el espejo que nos muestra lo que hemos creado.

Clave 2: En nuestro mundo, todo está conectado con todo lo demás.

Clave 3: Para tener acceso a las fuerzas del Universo mismo, debemos vernos como parte del mundo en vez de separados de él.

Clave 4: Una vez que algo se ha unido queda conectado para siempre, ya sea que permanezca o no unido físicamente.

Aurora Ray - The Light Is Winning - Mar 11, 2023

The Light Is Winning

Dear ones,

The Galactic Federation is not just a legal framework for trading goods between planets, but an ethical, moral, and spiritual one as well.

We are the overseers and protectors of peace, liberty, and the evolution of consciousness among the vast number of galactic civilizations.

In the near future, your civilization will likely evolve into a multi-planetary entity.