martes, marzo 07, 2023

Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation: We're Here To Accelerate Your Ascension - Mar 7, 2023

Galactic Federation: We're Here To Accelerate Your Ascension

Beloved ones,

We are the Galactic Federation of Light, here to guide you at this time of great change on your planet. We have come to visit you, to enlighten you concerning the face of reality, and to share with you our limitless wisdom.

Knowing that your ears are open, knowing that your heart is open, knowing that your mind is open, knowing that your soul is open. You are ready for us to share with you.

Tanaaz - Astrología Intuitiva: Luna Llena en Virgo Marzo 2023

Marzo del 2023 allana el camino para algunos de los eventos cósmicos más transformadores del año. Para finales del mes, es probable que hayamos enfrentado cambio, sanación y dado la bienvenida a nuevas oportunidades.

Para prepararnos para todos estos eventos cósmicos, la Luna Llena del 7 de marzo será nuestro faro.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message March 2023

Pleiadian Message March 2023

Beloved ones we greet you,

The winds of change are flowing across your earth plane. Within this flow there are powerful vibrations of love that have originated from the Universal consciousness and are transmitting out this pure flow to be absorbed through the energetic web that is encompassing Earth. This pure vibrancy of light is being aligned through the magnetic core and is pulsing across the earth plane, interacting directly through the heart cells of all humanity that is ready to receive, to remember.

KRYON - Examining The Fear of God

Geoffrey Hoppe - Canalización de Adamus Saint Germain - La Cruz del Cielo - Febrero 22, 2023

Por Geoffrey Hoppe – Revista de Marzo del Círculo Carmesí

Estábamos concentrados en el taller sobre Viaje en el Tiempo, con Adamus, en Kona, Hawaii, hace unas pocas semanas. En los primeros días Adamus explicó los fundamentos del viaje en el tiempo a los presentes, y luego estábamos en las experiencias reales de ir hacia el pasado y el futuro. Todos (incluyéndome) estábamos un poco “espaciosos” por las experiencias de viajar por el tiempo, en el último día y medio. En la segunda sesión del tercer día, Adamus aceptó preguntas de los presentes para clarificar lo que ellos estaban experimentando durante sus viajes. Una pregunta condujo a otra, y antes de mucho tiempo, Adamus se “salió de libreto” con una discusión abierta sobre el evento próximo de la Cruz del Cielo el 22 de marzo. Yo sentí que la información merecía estar en mi artículo de este mes porque agrega nuevas visiones no discutidas previamente en ninguno de los materiales sobre la Cruz del Cielo. Edité parte del texto para facilitar la lectura.

777Hz | FULL MOON Meditation Music | Energy, Abundance & Manifestation

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Tuesday March 7, 2023


We understand many of you struggle with the phase of manifestation that occurs behind the scenes. We would like to offer you another analogy to help you understand the importance of that phase.

Let us imagine that you have an idea to start a website. That idea feels really good to you so you start to take the steps to make that happen. You purchase the domain name, decide on the host, and begin the building process.

Who Are The Sirians And Their Mission on Earth.

John Smallman - Jesus - Your true nature, as One with God, is about to envelop you and fill you with joy and wonder - Mar 7, 2023

It is now impossible for almost any of you to be unaware that there is a great and much needed awakening unfolding. Signs and indications are appearing all across the world that enormous and totally beneficial changes are occurring everywhere, as Love intensifies the divine and eternal embrace in which She holds everyone of you, all planetary life, and the Planet herself, Gaia. This process has been ongoing for eons as you experience time, although it has been but a moment since it started, and its timeline – versus the numbers of the human population moving towards awakening – which has for all that time been rising in only a very gentle gradient above the horizontal axis, has most suddenly become almost vertical. You are all doing wonderful work in bringing it to fulfillment, and for this you are most highly honored, because without each and every one of you so graciously and magnificently delivering on the promises you made prior to incarnating it would not yet be almost upon you, as indeed it most certainly is.

Celia Fenn - Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn into Pisces - Mar 7, 2023

Full Moon in Virgo and Saturn into Pisces

Yes today is a kind of double whammy and very powerful day. And the new energies are moving very powerfully in synch.

The Full Moon is Virgo is celebrating the resurgence of Nature and the new power that is animating Nature as the New Earth grids are being activated by the outpourings of Solar Light Codes and Water Plasma Light Codes. It is truly a "New Creation"!