sábado, diciembre 03, 2022

Jim Self - Seminario Online Descubriendo tu Clarividencia, Clarisentencia y más - Parte 2 - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy – 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022,

Parte 2 – 10 de Noviembre

¡Hola! ¡Qué lindo estar aquí! ¡Bienvenidos de vuelta! Entonces, ¿qué hicimos ayer? En su mayor parte, el propósito de esto es crear una percepción conciente. De modo que esta serie en dos partes no está realmente enseñándoles, no les enseña cómo ser clarividente, leer las mentes, elegir el número de lotería, todo es posible pero no es realmente a donde vamos con esto.

Higher Light Decree: Invoking the Muse/Universal Creative Genius.

Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - Diciembre 2, 2022

Nuestro interés por vuestro futuro va mucho más allá de lo que podéis imaginar. Estáis pasando por una serie de cambios necesarios para asegurar que los que os estáis preparando para ascender continuéis en ese camino. Somos conscientes de que algunos de vosotros os habéis echado atrás por la naturaleza contundente de los últimos mensajes, pero eso se ha hecho necesario para aseguraros de que comprendéis plenamente la importancia del momento actual.

Asara Adams - Archangel Michael - Energy Update - Dec 3, 2022

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you...

As you are going through your Ascension journey, things might not always go your way.

Oftentimes, humans get frustrated or give up on their goals, because things are not working out.

James Gilliland - ECETI News Mauna Loa Eruption - Dec 3, 2022


ECETI News Mauna Loa Eruption 

Sorry about the lack of communication, been real busy with taking the coffee and mac-nut orchards back from the jungle. We also removed two large truck loads of old refrigerators, stoves, golf carts, tires and a mountain of trash from the property. Just finished chipping the last of the branches and limbs. The heavy lifting is done now it is just maintenance.

John Smallman - Saul - You are all divine beings whose true nature is LOVE, and NOTHING else! - Dec 3, 2022

As the collective human awakening process rapidly approaches fruition, there is much happening around the world that would appear to indicate that the levels of conflict and corruption are increasing. This is not the case. What is happening is a massive release of information about the enormously corrupt practices that have been ongoing for all of human history, and which those in power have done their utmost to conceal – until very recently they have been very successful at doing this – and which they no longer have the power or support that they need to continue doing so. This has naturally led to an inordinate explosion of anger and resentment among the vast numbers of people who have been so deceitfully misled, and an intense desire for justice through criminal indictments of those involved at every level, followed by judgment and the imposition of suitable levels of punishment.

Christine Day - Pleiadian Message December 2022 - Dec 3, 2022

Beloved ones we greet you,

You have taken a journey of unlimited proportions by agreeing to come to the planet at this time of transition and play your unique individual roles on Earth. Remember you said “yes” to being here. Your Ego mind may not remember the pre agreements that you made for this juncture however your Heart holds the frequency of these pre agreements.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Do This to Release Yourself from Oppression - Dec 3, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very interested in seeing what humanity will do when you have freed yourselves from the limiting beliefs that we can feel weighing humankind down in these times you are living in right now. We know that life is not easy there on Earth, and we don’t wish to make it seem as though we feel that it would be very simple for you to just let go of those limiting beliefs we are referring to right now. But the truth is that we do feel so many humans are anchored at this time to the belief that they are more oppressed than they are empowered. So many on your planet feel more victimized than they do empowered by the truth that they are Source Energy Beings.

viernes, diciembre 02, 2022

Jim Self - Seminario Online Descubriendo tu Clarividencia, Clarisentencia y más - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy - 9 y 10 de noviembre de 2022

Parte 1 – 9 de noviembre

¡Hola! Bienvenidos, muy lindo estar aquí, como siempre. Esto es excitante, mucha gente quiere saber sobre la clarividencia, la clarisentencia, la clariaudiencia. Lo realmente gracioso es que ustedes saben todo al respecto. Vinieron con el cuerpo, podían usarlas toda su vida. Tal vez no tenían una definición de cómo usarlas. De modo que jugaremos aquí, en este contexto, hoy. Déjenme decir hola a unos cuantos de ustedes que son nuevos, no he visto sus nombres antes, muy lindo tenerlos aquí.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - December 2, 2022

Our interest in your future goes much further than you might imagine. You are going through a series of necessary changes to ensure those of you who are getting ready to ascend continue on that path. We are aware that some of you were taken back by the forceful nature of recent messages, but that had become necessary to ensure you fully understood the importance of the present time.