domingo, junio 26, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Don’t Wait for The Event/Solar Flash - June 26, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been examining and exploring the various ways that you all have of letting your higher selves in and becoming that fifth-dimensional version of yourselves that you are destined to become on a full-time basis. We have noticed that you are most likely to let your higher self take over during times when you are laughing, playing, and letting go of all the cares that you have, all the worries, and even all of the goals that you have set for yourselves.

sábado, junio 25, 2022

Jamye Price - July Ascension Energies - Beingness - July 25, 2022

To Be is the only answer. The questions merely serve to distract the self from the Self.

Any outward focus is the reflection of the mirror calling you inward.

Being One

To discover the Self, one must look within for authentic connection with Life.

The understanding and the over-demanding of life continues to weave into thoughts and perceptions.

Pamela Kribbe canaliza a Jeshua - Vuestro fuego es eterno - Abril 9, 2022

Queridos amigos,

Soy Jeshua. Estoy entre vosotros y entre vosotros permanezco.

Yo fui, en mi día, un precursor de lo nuevo, pero ahora sois vosotros quienes portáis el impulso de Cristo y quienes estáis transmitiendo esta energía. Una energía que nace a través de vosotros y que, de ese modo, fluye hacia el mundo, si bien esto es algo que ocurre no en virtud de lo que hacéis o decís, sino de quienes sois y por medio de vuestro corazón. Vuestro corazón está abierto, aunque decirlo así hace que parezca más fácil de lo que realmente es. Abrir el corazón significa ir más allá de la voluntad personal, más allá del ego. Habéis llegado a un punto en el que os rendís y soltáis lo conocido, la certeza, el control, y os entregáis a la corriente que fluye a través de vosotros y que os lleva hacia un territorio nuevo e inexplorado. Esa corriente emana del corazón.

Aurora Ray - Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell! - June 25, 2022

Are You An Indigo Child? Here's How To Tell!

What Is An Indigo Child?

Indigo children are kids or adults who have a special blend of gifts and qualities that can make them seem like they're "different." They may be sensitive, intuitive, psychic, and even rebellious.

Indigos simply cannot accept any authority or authoritarian systems.

While all children have their moments of acting out, these kids can be especially challenging at times. But the truth is that they have a lot of potential to go on to do great things in life. The key is to help them connect to their inner guidance, let their light shine, and give them tools for coping with the world as it is.

Asara Adams - The Pleiadian-Sirian-Arcturian Council of Light - Energy Update - June 25, 2022

"We are here now.

We love you.

We are you, from your future, to assist you on your path.

You are stepping more and more into your creator abilities and with that, you will have more and more opportunities to create Your Divine New Earth reality.

What does your Divine New Earth look like?

We can observe the momentum that each one of you is creating already, and each individual has the potential to experience it.

Celia Fenn - Despertando Conciencia: Sabiduría Galáctica: Navegación Estelar 101 y la Puerta de los Leones - Junio 25, 2022

Despertando Conciencia: Sabiduría Galáctica: Navegación Estelar 101 y la Puerta de los Leones

Mientras entramos en la temporada de cáncer y nos dirigimos hacia la Puerta de los Leones, están pasando tantas cosas a nivel galáctico. Los Royal Star Lions se han vuelto mucho más activos y nos están enseñando las "habilidades" de Navegación Galáctica que necesitaremos para la Puerta de los Leones, donde daremos un gran "salto" hacia adelante.

La navegación estelar es una habilidad antigua donde el chamán, o sacerdotisa/sacerdote, tendría una conciencia específica para guiar el camino de la Tierra en una dirección determinada. En la Puerta de los Leones estamos llamados a mantener nuestra Conciencia en una alta frecuencia para que podamos guiar a la Tierra a una frecuencia más alta en su próximo ciclo. Juntos estamos creando una Red de Luz que levantará la Conciencia en la Tierra a través de la Puerta y en el próximo ciclo de Creación y Manifestación.

Celia Fenn - Galactic Wisdom : Star Navigation 101 and the Lions Gate - June 25, 2022

Galactic Wisdom : Star Navigation 101 and the Lions Gate

As we enter Cancer Season and head towards the Lions Gate, there is so much happening on the Galactic levels. The Royal Star Lions have become much more active and are teaching us the "skills" of Galactic Navigation that we will need for the Lions Gate, where we will make a massive "leap" forward.

Star Navigation is an ancient skill where the Shaman, or Priestess/Priest would hold a specific consciousness to guide the Earth's path in a certain direction. At the Lions Gate we are called to hold our Consciousness at a high frequency so that we can guide the Earth into a higher frequency at her next cycle. Together we are creating a Grid of Light that will lift Consciousness on the Earth through the Gate and into the next cycle of Creation and Manifestation.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - EL DESPERTAR CUÁNTICO - JUNIO 2022



*** De su Anfitriona de Luz

*** Verano 2022

*** Mantener su visión en silencio



A medida que entramos en nuestro verano solar, sean conscientes de que realmente se les está dando la oportunidad de convertirse en un receptáculo de sanación y amor que contiene una Gran Luz Celestial que se magnifica y fluye dentro de nuestra estructura solar. Este verano viene en forma de muchos aprendizajes ocultos que están desplegando verdades largamente olvidadas. Mientras la energía de Géminis se bate en duelo consigo misma hasta el nacimiento del verano solar en el Solsticio, todos nos sentimos arrastrados en todas direcciones, como un torbellino, rodeados de remolinos de polvo, escoltados por un huracán. Todo viene a distraernos de lo realmente importante. La oscuridad y la luz de los gemelos astrológicos exigen que hagamos las paces con la oscuridad interior y la oscuridad exterior.

Judith Kusel - Immense work is being done - June 25, 2022


Immense work is being done on our sacral, base, navel, solar plexus chakras since the soltice.

Much of the ancient trauma, pain, fears, etc. which are deeply subconscious are surfacing in order to be released now.

It is time to deep cleanse these areas.

Archangel Gabriel is working intensely with the base, sacral and navel chakras now, and the White Flame of purification and ascension and you may call on him to assist you, with his pure white energy. The 9th dimensional unicorns and white flame dragons work with Archangel Gabriel.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 11 - June 25, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

25 June 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 25/6 17:00 The day started with the frequencies stable on the base value and no other significant movement, from 9 UTC the 1 and 4 frequencies began a slight and gradual decrease and just before 11 UTC there was the strongest movement so far, Power 11.

Schumann Resonance Today 24/6 17:00 So far the day has been characterized by oscillations of the frequencies around the base value, they have generally been moderate except the movement around 10 UTC which occurred on all four frequencies and produced a movement of the Amplitude, which lasted about an hour, which has reached the maximum value of Power 48 at 10:30 UTC. After this oscillation both the Amplitude and the frequencies returned to calm values.