domingo, mayo 29, 2022

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Your Roles as the Ground Crew, Lightworkers & Gridworkers - May 29, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are continuing to observe the many ways in which you humans there on Earth are coming to a new understanding of who you are and how you are creating the realities that you experience. We see you coming to new conclusions, able to sort out the various ways in which you have been operating at a particular vibration, and we see you making the necessary course corrections.

sábado, mayo 28, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Por qué estoy deprimido? - Preguntas y Respuestas - 12 de Mayo de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy – 12 de Mayo de 2022 
¿Por qué estoy deprimido? 
Preguntas y Respuestas

Si tienen preguntas, estaré feliz de responderlas. Y déjenme ver si Roxane está disponible.

Roxane: ¡Lo estoy! ¡Hola a todos! Si tienen una pregunta, la escriben en el panel de control, y yo la puedo presentar por ustedes. Hágannos saber si están en algún programa de Mastering Alchemy o no, y eso ayudará a Jim a responder a la pregunta de acuerdo a las herramientas que tienen en su equipo de herramientas.

Aurora Ray - The new Ships arriving on Earth and how they can help us - May 28, 2022

The new Ships arriving on Earth and how they can help us

The time is now. The moment has come. Great change is upon us, and the benevolent beings from the stars are here to help usher in a New Earth.

Many benevolent beings are arriving on Earth at this time. They are coming in great numbers, and they want nothing more than to help us through these difficult times.

These beings are known as starseeds because they come from the stars, and they can see beyond the limited perspective of reality.

The starseeds are coming to Earth.

Kryon por Lee Carroll - Monument Valley Día 1– 6 de mayo de 2022

Canalización de Kryon por Lee Carroll
Monument Valley 1 – 6 de mayo de 2022 

Saludos, queridos. Yo soy Kryon, del Servicio Magnético.

Nunca es un misterio para el Espíritu, para el otro lado del velo, para la Fuente Creadora, o como quieran llamarla, nunca es un misterio, estos mensajes, dónde están ustedes, dónde está mi socio, quiénes son ustedes, de dónde vienen, qué están atravesando, tal vez. Todas las cosas son conocidas porque este Creador suyo es un Creador amoroso, que no quiere otra cosa que las almas en este planeta entiendan, se descubran a sí mismas y encuentran la majestad dentro de ellas. Es más que la felicidad; es satisfacción con su divinidad, sabiendo quiénes son, entendiendo tal vez un cuadro más grande que lo que alguna vez les han dicho.

James Gilliland - Self Mastery in Times of Chaos - May 27, 2022

May 27, 2022 Issues #34

Self Mastery in Times of Chaos 


After the eclipse and full Moon I observed a lot of people did not fare well with the new energies. It was a golden opportunity for a reset if one could put their ego aside. It was a time where if one was brutally honest with themselves, they could take a quantum leap in evolution yet it seems few took that step. Rather than going within, processing old wounds, traumas and wrong conclusions from past experiences and using discernment on the accuracy of or where their information is coming from most chose to project and blame rather than admit deep down inside they know something is off. Something within them or the beings they are receiving guidance. There were lots of pissing matches during the full Moon eclipse. What was sad is some don’t even have the reference points to know what is healthy, what is truly aligned with Universal Law, higher consciousness, or what it means to be an evolved human.

Asara Adams - Adama of Telos - Energy Update for May 28, 2022

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we are sending you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.

Dear One, the crystalline structure of the planet is changing over to the 5D frequencies and this is connecting with your human DNA and RNA messenger codes within your bodies.

This might cause what you term "Ascension Symptoms," such as dizziness, trouble sleeping and so forth.

As always during these phases of intense energies, it is important to be kind to yourself, rest, meditate and drink plenty of pure water.

Schumann Resonance Today ⚡️ Power 32 - May 28, 2022

Schumann Resonance Today – Latest Image

Main Graph
Dependencies of Amplitude
Dependencies of Quality
Dependencies of Frequency
(click to enlarge)

Schumann Resonance Today

28 May 2022 17:00 UTC

Schumann Resonance Today 28/5 17:00 The instability continues due to the wide oscillations of the frequencies and even today was characterized by a series of isolated peaks the largest of which was Power 32 at 3:30 UTC. The subsequent movements were moderate, however, Power 13 was recorded at 14 UTC.

Schumann Resonance Today 27/5 17:00 Today the activity started around 2 UTC and intensified during the day, once again there was a long series of isolated peaks, the “Pillars of Light”, generated by the oscillations of the frequencies that are all on moderately low values with the Primary Frequency which maintained, since the early hours of today, around 7.70 Hz with fluctuations that have approached 7.40. The most intense phase was from 6 to 10 UTC when the highest peaks were recorded, Power 40 at 6:30 UTC, Power 36 at 9 UTC and the maximum value so far of Power 42 at 10 UTC. The average for the month still remains very powerful, Power 43!

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - This Is What Really Matters - May 27, 2022

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are quite capable of receiving all of your requests, even if they are all being made at the same time. That is one of the advantages to being a collective consciousness, and it is also one of the advantages of being nonphysical. You have two ears to listen with, but we have no ears, and yet, we can sense all. We take your requests as energy that we then are able to format in a way that it makes sense to us. That is what Daniel here is doing with our energetic transmission, and it is what we do with your energetic transmissions. This is how communication is happening on so many other levels than just words spoken or written, and you are receiving energies from above all the time, but many of you want to hear a little voice in your head so that you know exactly what you are receiving in that moment.

viernes, mayo 27, 2022

Jim Self - ¿Por qué estoy deprimido? - Meditación - 12 de mayo de 2022

Seminario Online de Jim Self – Mastering Alchemy - 12 de mayo de 2022

¿Por qué estoy deprimido? - Meditación

Tomen una respiración, y dejen los ojos abiertos y elijan estar presentes. Justo aquí, aquí mismo. Una manera simple de estar aquí mismo, es estar justo en el centro de la cabeza. Centro de la cabeza. De modo que puedes mirar a través de tus ojos. Algunos son nuevos, otros ya lo conocen. Centro de la cabeza. Y desde el centro de la cabeza miren a la pared allá. Pero no vayan a la pared; no vayan allá a verla; permanezcan aquí y permitan que la pared venga a ustedes, por así decirlo. No vayan a la pared. Y toman una respiración. Bien

Estoy presente, justo aquí, mirando a la pared, tomo otra respiración, y me voy a relajar. Simplemente relajarme. Sentir el peso del cuerpo en la silla. Otra respiración. Nada en qué pensar, solo estamos sentados en una silla, relajándonos.

Natalie Glasson - The Arcturians - How to Understand Your Truth - May 27, 2022


How to Understand Your Truth 
by the Arcturians

Channeled through Natalie Glasson – Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa

Greetings and love, we are the Arcturians. We come forth as a collective and consciousness to bring into your reality a greater connection and understanding of your own personal truth. Many of you seek your truth, many of you wish to embody and express your truth, and many of you wish to discover the truth of the Creator. A truth that will bring forth enlightenment, gifts, skills and abilities.