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Schumann Resonance Today
28 May 2022 17:00 UTC
Schumann Resonance Today 28/5 17:00 The instability continues due to the wide oscillations of the frequencies and even today was characterized by a series of isolated peaks the largest of which was Power 32 at 3:30 UTC. The subsequent movements were moderate, however, Power 13 was recorded at 14 UTC.
Schumann Resonance Today 27/5 17:00 Today the activity started around 2 UTC and intensified during the day, once again there was a long series of isolated peaks, the “Pillars of Light”, generated by the oscillations of the frequencies that are all on moderately low values with the Primary Frequency which maintained, since the early hours of today, around 7.70 Hz with fluctuations that have approached 7.40. The most intense phase was from 6 to 10 UTC when the highest peaks were recorded, Power 40 at 6:30 UTC, Power 36 at 9 UTC and the maximum value so far of Power 42 at 10 UTC. The average for the month still remains very powerful, Power 43!