jueves, diciembre 30, 2021

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - Telepathic Communication with Arcturians - Dec 30, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been discovering new ways to make contact with those of you who are desiring that connection with us. We know that you rely heavily on your technology to keep in contact with each other, but you do not use technology to connect with your pets and other animal friends. You are, in fact, more likely to chat with one of your animal friends telepathically. And so, one of the ways that we have been reaching out to you is in those moments when you are communicating with one of your pets or some other animal beings that you wish to connect with.

miércoles, diciembre 29, 2021

Mensajes del Día de Navidad Alcazar a través de Prageet Harris y Julieanne - 25 de diciembre de 2021

Mensajes del Día de Navidad

Alcazar a través de Prageet Harris y Julieanne

25 de diciembre de 2021


Bienamados, los saludamos; soy Alcazar.

Es un gran honor para nosotros estar con todos y cada uno de ustedes, y compartir estos pocos momentos con todos ustedes.

Como han oído, el cambio está en camino. Cuán rápido suceda el cambio depende realmente de la humanidad, y cuán rápido ocurra su cambio individual depende de ustedes. Es muy fácil mirar al mundo a su alrededor y permitir una energía depresiva; las cosas no van bien. Pero bienamados, como ya han oído muchas veces, de muchos maestros, ¿dónde ponen su energía? ¿Qué es lo que ustedes desean iluminar? ¿Qué es lo que desean enfatizar? ¿Qué es lo que desean atraer a su vida? Enfóquense en elevar su vibración. Enfóquense como ya se ha explicado. Enfóquense en permitir, de modo que la separación que es manifiesta ahora en su mundo se vuelva menor en su vida. Abandonen el juzgar a otros y, más importante, dejen de juzgarse a sí mismos.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - the Mystery of a New Creation - Fields & Energy Organizing in New Ways - Dec 29, 2021

Divine One --

The planetary field now is different. You may feel like your own field is different as you are noticing it. This is also true as the planetary field and your own are in unity. Earth is opening up to vaster frequencies and energies that are organized in new ways. This is a new beginning.

The light within you is expanding as the vastness of your being arises within, spreading out and becoming you, as you allow this.

Aurora Ray - Galactic Federation Transmission: Ascension Update - Dec 29, 2021

Today I have come with a beautiful ascension update from our beloved Galactic Federation. I feel your hard work these days and the last few months have brought you closer to your soul. You can see the Light all around you. Nothing can take away that Light! Your soul is always powerful! Even if your physical body falls sick or breaks down, trust that you are eternal and that you will be healed as soon as you ask. Our Galactic Federation will help us every step of the way. Though they already are helping us by sending us messages like this one:

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel Daily Message - Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Every human being that is prioritizing balance and peace is a stabilizing point on the planet. As more and more of you embody these energies, you create the scaffolding for change.

This does not mean you need to be perfect. Far from it! For even if you lose your balance temporarily, by finding your way back you support others in finding their way back, as well. Realigning with your truth and preference, time and again, is exactly what creates momentum and is driving the shift of humanity that is occurring on your planet. ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young

Lisa Renee - Cathedral Activation Begins - December 2021

December 2021

Cathedral Activation Begins

Lisa Renee

Dear Ascending Family,

In the fog of global spiritual warfare, nothing can be accepted at face value, all is shifting on the inner, in between and outer planes, as the planet is in a state of grand flux in her ascension evolution. Through the transcendent moments of the triune unifier fire-water transmissions that were designed to surface our deepest spiritual wounds during the Ophiuchus cycle, these potent personal activations led up to a major crescendo of grid wars and defense of Christos trinity architecture and gateways. December was met with the major unpacking of NAA artificial machinery running black magic grids, reversal currents and metatronic base 5 programming throughout the ley lines as Dark Mother. These changes generated a series of explosions in the outer fields as the result of a series of Cathedral Activations which led to a grand activation at the Lincoln Cathedral in the United Kingdom during the Winter Solstice.

Daniel Scranton - The 9D Arcturian Council - The Strengths of Humanity - Dec 29, 2021

“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We have been observing you long enough to recognize the strengths that you have as a collective, and we would like for you all to focus on those strengths when you are considering your fellow humans and how far you have come. You all have a willingness to put yourselves in tragic circumstances just to elicit a feeling, and the ability that humanity has shown to endure trauma and tragedy is what makes you such a strong race of beings.

martes, diciembre 28, 2021

Aurora Ray - The Galactic Federation - You Will Ascend And Live In The City Of Light - Dec 2021

Today, I'd like to talk to you about what it'll be like when we go through this galactic ascension process, when we go through this change as a species on planet Earth and as a solar system that will make us all indestructible in some way, or at least give us the opportunity to be indestructible.

The reason I say this is because there are going to be some big changes coming up soon on planet Earth, and those changes involve taking us from being physical beings existing in what's called third density.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Mensajes en el Día de Navidad - 25 de diciembre de 2021

Mensajes en el Día de Navidad

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll 

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

Un grupo notable de almas antiguas está aquí ahora escuchando, y no estoy hablando de aquellos que ustedes ven en su pantalla. Hablo de todos aquellos, colectivamente, que están poniendo intención mientras miran.

Queridos, hay muchas cosas de las que deseamos hablar, pero solo hablaremos de una: qué está viniendo. A veces el Espíritu reúne algunos indicios y algunas metáforas. Y la más prominente sería la que es el significado de los números del año. Ustedes están por abordar el año 2022. Hay tres 2 en el año.

Jamye Price - January Energies – Inner Power - Dec 28, 2021


Inner Power is Infinite

As we begin the year of Creative Harmonics, we are asked to focus our Inner Power on aligning with the higher octave that life is offering. As the January energies of Inner Power initiate the year, it will be a continued and foundational focus that will support the details that follow each month.

To hold your harmony when life is in a different note requires concentration and a listening for the unobvious possibilities that complete a circle. It requires the willingness to express an opposing note that builds on the tension and release that is constant in life. The change state.