domingo, julio 29, 2018

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Sunday July 29, 2018

When you are emotionally triggered by another the first thing to ask yourself is what fear has been activated in you. Is it true? Is it a real threat? Is it even yours? Is it pertinent to today or is it old energy? Explore the fear and the emotions that drive it.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Sunday, July 29, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Allow your new path to appear before you, which at first may seem invisible.

It is approaching and rapidly.

Do not hold back from life.

Embrace it fully.

Whatever you have been holding onto while identifying with the false self
is going to dissolve now.

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light - July 29, 2018

Call on us often and picture the wings of Angels enfolding you in Light.

Dear One,

To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must "do it alone" if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an Earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - 9+ New StarGate Codes Opened Up/Activated/Delivered/BEcame Available/Dialed In - This Week - 7/29/2018

We are in heightened/hyper photonic frequencies daily now, where each's own self-awareness, self-accountability and self-mastery are KEY.

Increasing photonic activity exacerbates, makes distortions more visible/louder, for each to go within to SEE and clear that programming from within.

sábado, julio 28, 2018

Chesterton Windmill CROP CIRCLE 26.7.2018 4k60p

Suzanne Lie and the Arcturians - Becoming ONE - July 28, 2018


We stand at the end to see the beginning

And dream of an Earth where ALL life is winning

No one is hungry. No one is poor.

No one is greedy, and no one wants more

We dream of an Earth where the land and the sea

Become ONE with the people, Like you and like me

Asara - Archangel Michael Update - July 28, 2018

Archangel Michael:

"Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We send you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we invite you to open your heart to our message for you...

Dear Ones, we are walking with you on your path.

Nicole Singer - Daily Teachings of the Masters - Saturday, July 28, 2018

Daily Teachings of the Masters

Saturday, July 28, 2018

You are on an upswing
and performing mightily.

You are realizing that you are in charge
of final reality
in all scenarios.

Kryon a través de Lee Carroll - Noticias Falsas - Reedición - Sacramento, California, el 25 de marzo de 2018

Canalización en vivo de Kryon a través de Lee Carroll, en Sacramento, California, el 25 de marzo de 2018

Para ayudar al lector, esta canalización ha sido revisada (por Lee y Kryon) para ofrecer una comprensión aún más clara. A veces se agrega o condensa la información. A menudo lo que sucede en vivo tiene implicada una energía que conlleva un tipo de comunicación que no ofrece la página impresa. De modo que disfruten de este mensaje realzado dado en Sacramento, California

Saludos, queridos, Yo Soy Kryon del Servicio Magnético.

El Cambio está ocurriendo en este planeta y está cambiando paradigmas que ustedes no esperarán. Todos los aspectos de su cultura se verán afectados eventualmente. Las preguntas que ustedes hacen son "¿Qué hago después? ¿Qué cosa daría más resultados?" La respuesta es lo que les hemos estado diciéndoles: Esperen cambios. Esperen el cambio benévolo y desarrollen la intuición para trabajar con él.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Saturday July 28, 2018

What beauty and magic can you choose to see in your life today? ~Archangel Gabriel through Shelley Young