miércoles, agosto 30, 2017

James McConnell - Saint Germain - A Moment Heralded For A Very Long Time - August 30, 2017

Saint Germain

I AM St. Germain. I come with the Violet Flame, Violet Light to continue this process that was begun long ago, the process that you all came here with as the light workers, the light sharers, the light warriors that you were and have once again become.

This process is for all to experience. It is an ascension process. It is not an overnight awakening. For some it can be but for most it will be a process. And you are right in the midst of that process now because of the energies that are coming into the planet and are being accentuated by the galactic events, the celestial events that are happening in order to bring this all about.

Sue Lie and Shawnna Donop - Conversation With the Arcturians - 8-30-17

Conversation With the Arcturians
Arcturians through Sue Lie and Shawnna Donop

August 30, 2017

Arcturians:  Blessings, we are the Arcturians.  We are here within this meeting and are ready to answer any of your questions.

Shawnna:  Thank you. We appreciate your attention and guidance and we’re excited to start our next phase of activity.  We have several ideas in mind and are seeking guidance on what you felt was important or a priority within the next few months.

Linda Robinson - Archangel Zadkiel ~ Interdimensional Cooperation - September 2017


Greetings Beloved Ones,

This is Archangel Zadkiel, along with Archeia Holy Amethyst, and we greet you in Love and Light. Today, we are being joined by a host of the Angelic Realm and the Ascended Masters to discuss interdimensional cooperation.

Interdimensional cooperation arises from the concept of oneness, which we have recently discussed with you. All of Creation originates from the Source. Before original Light particles were imbued with their individual characteristics needed for their role in the overall design of Creation, the particles contained the pure Love and Light energy of the Creator in a homogeneous configuration. All particles were in harmony, and there was no competition.

Louise Hay transitioned this morning, August 30, 201

Our beloved friend and founder Louise Hay transitioned this morning, August 30, 2017, of natural causes at age 90. She passed peacefully surrounded by loved ones.

Louise was an incredible visionary and advocate. Everyone who had the privilege to meet her, either in person, or through her words, felt her passion for serving others.

Lee Carroll for Kryon - Going From The Dark To The Light - Saturday, 24 June, 2017 at Buffalo, New York

Greetings, dear ones, I am Kryon of Magnetic Service. I want you to put a bubble around this place, blocking out all other sounds and concepts. There is an energy here for you, and for some of you this day of teaching is an energy of "a-ha!" It's an energy that isn't new, for it's remembering.

Nancy Tate - Mushaba Message: 08-30-17

Hello Dear Ones,
Our friend Anakhanda and others of his family did a soul clearing recently. This soul clearing session was especially deep, and at the same time covering many beings located in various dimensions and places of the 2d universe. He sent Bob and me the following message this morning from the being known as All That Is, and from The Creator.
Love, Nancy

All That Is & The Creator
Dear Anakhanda and Amunn,

This has been a big surprise for me and all of us here in high dimensions. We never know what you will come up with and propose but we never thought it would be what you focused on in tonight’s soul clearing package.

The quarantine of the earth is a huge job, however it is being done, and the vibrations of the soul of earth are being raised exponentially. Already the many beings of light and motherships that have been working to help earth and its population are already celebrating the differences that are showing already. There were so many souls that were cleared tonight and all of the bad ones that were trying to hurt Mushaba beings have been all contained as well as their scout ships, mother ships and planets.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday August 30, 2017

In times of energetic intensity, self care is key. Not just physical self care, but also emotional self care. Many old issues, wounds, fears, and concerns may come up for examination, healing, and release. This process does not need to be traumatic if you are approaching it from a place of balance and love.

martes, agosto 29, 2017

Matthew Ward - 26 de agosto de 2017

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Comencemos por dirigirme al correo electrónico de un lector que es muy parecido al de muchos otros que recibe mi madre: "Todo trabajador de la luz que conozco está enfermo o en situaciones que son menos envidiables. Nos hace preguntarnos si es todo por nada. La gente está al borde del agotamiento y no tiene el nivel de energía para mantener a los demás en la enseñanza o simplemente estar presente. Tal vez Matthew podría darnos una idea.

John Smallman - Jesus - When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety - August 29, 2017

I just want to reassure you that humanity at large is in the process of clearing enormous amounts of self-disparagement and non self-acceptance that have lain buried within and that must and will be released because you are now ready to do further very important inner work. It is very unsettling for you because you have already done an enormous amount of inner work and had thought that you were finished. But, of course, as humans this is a constantly ongoing process. Nevertheless, when all that has been buried or denied is finally seen and released you then find yourselves free to grow and evolve toward awareness of your true state – Oneness – which is what waking is all about.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Discovering the Perfection of You - Aug 29, 2017

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are excited because you're starting to discover your capacity for unconditional love. You're starting to pay more attention to your ability to choose what you focus upon, and many of you are taking to heart this idea that you might focus on what you easily love. That is the most effortless to bring more ease and alignment into your experience.