martes, agosto 29, 2017

Matthew Ward - 26 de agosto de 2017

Con amorosos saludos de todas las almas en esta estación, este es Matthew. Comencemos por dirigirme al correo electrónico de un lector que es muy parecido al de muchos otros que recibe mi madre: "Todo trabajador de la luz que conozco está enfermo o en situaciones que son menos envidiables. Nos hace preguntarnos si es todo por nada. La gente está al borde del agotamiento y no tiene el nivel de energía para mantener a los demás en la enseñanza o simplemente estar presente. Tal vez Matthew podría darnos una idea.

John Smallman - Jesus - When you go within, to your holy inner sanctuary, you find peace and release from fear and anxiety - August 29, 2017

I just want to reassure you that humanity at large is in the process of clearing enormous amounts of self-disparagement and non self-acceptance that have lain buried within and that must and will be released because you are now ready to do further very important inner work. It is very unsettling for you because you have already done an enormous amount of inner work and had thought that you were finished. But, of course, as humans this is a constantly ongoing process. Nevertheless, when all that has been buried or denied is finally seen and released you then find yourselves free to grow and evolve toward awareness of your true state – Oneness – which is what waking is all about.

Ailia Mira - The Council of Radiant Light - Discovering the Perfection of You - Aug 29, 2017

Hello, Divine Ones,

We greet you in love. We are excited because you're starting to discover your capacity for unconditional love. You're starting to pay more attention to your ability to choose what you focus upon, and many of you are taking to heart this idea that you might focus on what you easily love. That is the most effortless to bring more ease and alignment into your experience.

Jamye Price - September 2017 Ascension Energies - Mental Focus - Aug 29, 2017

August Review

I was surprised that August was as smooth as it was energetically. There was plenty of challenge going on in different ways, but the collective energies were a fascinating juxtaposition. The August energies (the electromagnetic influx and response) were ushering in a resonance that had a deep effect on a mental level.

The emotional and physical effect in the immediate may have felt like a back-and-forth of release/resolve repeating. It was stirring up some patterns that needed to be released from the collective through each individual.

Jennifer Hoffman - Helping the World Heal Itself by Jennifer | Aug 28, 2017

It can seem like the entire world is falling apart right now and in a way it is, as the 3D glue that holds the world together has dis-integrated completely. Not only is the veil gone, so is the opportunity to be fully asleep, ignorant of what is going on in the world. Everyone is in some stage of waking up and those who are not are getting increasingly loud wake-up calls. It’s like being at the carnival, with the noise, lights, frenzy, motion, and chaos all happening at once.

Natalia Alba - The Energies of September 2017 - Cosmic Re-birth into 5D Earth - August 29, 2017

Beloved Starseed Souls,

We are about to enter into a new energetic month, in which, we finally are going to witness the cosmic rebirth of our Planet into the 5D realm. A space where freedom, unconditional love and authenticity is our only way of BEing and existing. We have been in old worlds, ones that were useful for our soul growth but that - due to who we have become - are not aligned with our New 5D Timeline, any longer.

We have been dissolving our inner shadows, bringing acceptance, light and higher understanding to what previously seemed unresolved for our lower self. After doing all the inner work, one that never ends within this endless Divine Spiral, we are finally ready to cross the veils of illusion - that once served us to experience a limited reality - and step into a New Octave, where a Higher Aspect of us, already dwells.

Laura Pleiadian - Adjusting to The New Frequencies ~ The Divine Council of Overseers - August 29, 2017

The New Light Frequencies are the Downloads you are receiving that activate the Light Codes within your own unique Blueprint. You are a conglomerate of various frequencies throughout what appears as your Universe.

You are a Light Being and are receiving that which awakens you to your knowing ~ of the Light Being that you Are.

Selacia - Su Regalo al Mundo Actualización de la Energía Post-Eclipse - 23 de Agosto 2017

Traducción: Alicia Virelli
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Con las energías del eclipse solar todavía ondulando en nuestra conciencia e impactando por cierto al mundo de una manera profunda, es hora de reevaluar dónde estamos y qué nos espera.

Lo más probable es que hayan notado aperturas sutiles o incluso mayores durante este raro ciclo de eclipse. Algunos de ustedes pueden simplemente sentir más energía fluyendo o un entusiasmo renovado para moverse en nuevos territorios. Para algunos, el impacto del eclipse es más saber que la vida acaba de recibir una actualización de algún tipo. Otra posibilidad es que sientan un nuevo nivel de intensidad y tal vez una distorsión del tiempo. Continúen leyendo para comprender mejor lo que significan estas cosas y cómo pueden utilizar plenamente las bendiciones de este portal de eclipse lleno de oportunidades.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Tuesday August 29, 2017

Dear Ones, love is what you are. When you withhold giving love to yourself or others, you are, quite simply, denying your own truth and essence. Allow your love, your beingness to flow, and from there you will find yourself feeling a joy and satisfaction that is beyond what you ever thought possible. ~Archangel Gabriel

Pamela Kribbe - Yeshua - ¿Quién o qué es el Alma? - Junio 22 de 2017

Queridos, YO SOY Yeshua, vuestro amigo; en este momento estoy con vosotros como un hermano, aceptad mi compañía, mi presencia; porque no estoy lejos. Yo quiero acariciar tu corazón con mi mano para recordarte quién eres y la unidad que nos liga. Correspóndeme el saludo, ábreme tu corazón. Yo Soy un mensajero de la Unicidad; y me arrodillo ante ti porque tú eres mi hermano o mi hermana; y en ti Yo veo a un igual, a un compañero Álmico.