jueves, febrero 09, 2017

Lena Stevens - Pat Liles - Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Update 2-10-17 - February 9, 2017

 Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse Update 2-10-17

February 9, 2017 

Dear Friends,

The Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse is Friday, February 10 at 5:32 PM Mountain Standard Time (MST).

The time around this full moon is very potent as it supports innovation, eccentricity and thinking outside the box. Think about how you can be expansive in your dreaming, changing and choosing. Eclipses always intensify any experience as well as support change, so look for some intensity during this time and turn that experience into something positive for yourself. We suggest that you are careful who you spend time with around these eclipses as you can be influenced by negative energy as well as positive inspiration.

It is a good day to do something that expands you. Take a hike to a mountain top where you can see a big landscape. Look at the heavens through a telescope. Go out into the vast ocean on a boat. Breathe deeply and expand your lung capacity. Take something you already do and do it longer and more energetically and with more enthusiasm. This informs the universe that you are ready for MORE.

The energy around this full moon is fiery and aggressive. Use this in a good way to propel and penetrate your bigger more creative dreams and desires into reality. Stay focused on what YOU want and don’t get derailed by the cynicism of others. Be creative, inspired, and take action.



Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Thursday February 9, 2017

Dear Ones, just as all things on your enlightenment journey are unique to you, how certain energies affect you and how to best move through them with the most comfort and acceptance is, as well.

We highly recommend, if you are finding yourself extremely energetically sensitive, creating an energy journal. Keep track of how you are feeling and then also write down any planetary events you may be aware of. You will quickly see a correlation between the two.

miércoles, febrero 08, 2017

Fran Zepeda - Mary Magdalene: “Walk with Me and Feel my Love” - February 8, 2017

AUDIO of Direct Voice Channeling Mary Magdalene Received 2.5.17

Text of Mary Magdalene’s Message:

Greetings Beloveds, I AM Mary Magdalene. I come to you in a blissful state, so that you may bring forth this within you.

All the happenings in this world are for a purpose. And they do not follow always the path of Love. But you have that within you, to transform all into the path of Love.

I beseech you, beloveds. Stay within that blissful, high vibration, loving state. For all will benefit, and you will rise into your Excellence, of Pure Love Energy, transforming all around you.

Sarah Varcas - 10th/11th February 2017: Lunar Eclipse in 23rd degree of Leo - Then the Change Comes - 08/02/2017

Then the Change Comes
Sarah Varcas

The Lunar Eclipse occurs at 00:45 GMT on 11th February 2017

If you’ve been wondering what on earth’s going on lately – if life has been too good to be true, too tough to endure or too confusing to warrant taking seriously – this eclipse may just help clarify the cause behind the effect and the part we play in life’s unfolding. Many so far this year, have found themselves facing what they thought was done and dusted: revisiting old thoughts, feelings and memories previously laid to rest, re-engaging with people places and behaviours that meant something ‘way back when’. Others have been propelled into an existence so completely new and unexpected they still can’t quite believe what’s happened. But most are on the middle ground, torn between a seductive past and an unsettlingly unknowable future, wondering whether to simply jump off the cliff of familiarity and see what happens, or retreat from its visceral edge to await clearer guidance on what comes next. Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself right now, take heart. Guidance, encouragement and support is on its way.

Shelley Young - Archangel Gabriel - Daily Message ~ Wednesday February 8, 2017

Stop and go energy can be frustrating, we understand, when you are excited to move forward with your creations. When there is forward movement you see things as good, and when it stalls you see it as bad.

When things seem to stop moving, it does not mean that progress has stopped being made. It simply means that there are elements that are required to make your creation sustainable over the long term. It is merely a pause, a collecting of elements if you will, an allowing of things to come together behind the scenes, to further support your creation. In a sense, you can think of it as the universe responding in kind to what you have started.


Ron Head - The Council – Expanding on an Idea - February 8, 2017

The Council – Expanding on an Idea.

In our last message, we mentioned that you would be well served to focus upon the idea that your current circumstance will result in the creation of the world that you have dreamed of living in, even if you cannot see how you might get there from where you are. We would like to expand upon that statement if we may.

Geoffrey Hoppe - SUEÑOS LOCOS - Febrero 2017


Artículo Revista Shaumbra Febrero 2017

Por Geoffrey Hoppe

Traducción: Héctor Ramallo

¿Cuál es la tendencia con Shaumbra estos días (y noches)? Sueños locos. Sueños realmente locos.

La otra noche tuve un sueño extraño e intenso que pareció durar ocho horas. Como otros sueños en los últimos meses, tenían una claridad y una profundidad inusuales. Los colores eran más profundos, los personajes más reales y las sutilezas no tan sutiles. Fue un sueño de "viaje", lo que significa que yo estaba tratando de llegar de un lugar a otro y a otro. Estaba lleno de obstáculos y desafíos, gente buena y gente mala, e incluso algunos fantasmas siniestros. Antes de decirle algo a Linda a la mañana siguiente, me dijo que había tenido un sueño largo e intenso la noche anterior. Pocas horas después, al teléfono con Alain Bolea, nuestro astuto Asesor, me habló de un largo e intenso sueño que había tenido esa misma noche.

Kara Schallock - Somos Hermosos Seres de Amor - 5 de Febrero 2017

Traducción: Gisela Díaz

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Estamos siendo bañados por hermosas energías de Amor. Esta energía de Amor trae consigo el paso a un nivel más elevado de conciencia de Unidad. Como ustedes saben, la conciencia de Unidad es la Unidad. La Unidad es saber (Conocimiento del Corazón) de que todos nosotros... humanos, animales, plantas, insectos y más allá de la Tierra, etc. ... estamos conectados por el Amor. Si una persona no mantiene su integridad (la Verdad de su Corazón), puede hablar, actuar y pensar en forma separada. Sin embargo, todos estamos conectados como Uno.

martes, febrero 07, 2017


Greetings Everyone!

I hope you are all doing phenomenally well. I know that these last few weeks have felt like months for some of you, with everything that is happening in our world at the moment, with all the chaos and uprising of various energies.

I understand how chaotic and at times burdensome it has felt for many of you to deal with all of these negative emotions, vibrations and energies. For those of us working on clearing negative energies from the planet this has been a busy few weeks having to deal with our own emotions and emotions of those around us. However, many of you are beginning to report that you are finally understanding the happenings of these amazing times, and the reason behind all of the rapid changes that are happening in our world. Changes that at a first glance seem as if we as a collective are taking a giant step back in our ascension process, where in actuality all that we are doing is “squatting” before jumping up high.