miércoles, septiembre 07, 2016
martes, septiembre 06, 2016
Sarah Varcas - 27th June – 1st December 2016: Chiron Retrograde in Pisces - 06/09/2016
Reflections on Healing and Wholeness
Sarah Varcas
In the presence of Chiron we encounter the issue of healing. When retrograde, Chiron asks what it means to us, what we foresee when we contemplate personal healing and how we view those aspects of our self we consider in need of ‘repair’. It encourages reflection on the standards we set when it comes to the notion of becoming ‘whole’. There can sometimes be a subtle (or at times not so subtle!) judgement placed upon physical, emotional and mental dis-ease. Opinions about the cause of disease, what it says about the individual and the part they’ve played in their own health (or lack of it) can be under-pinned by an inference that if you’re suffering in some way it’s because you’re not really up to scratch, not ‘spiritual enough’ to be well, not taking full responsibility for your own well-being: your thoughts are wrong, your beliefs are skewed, you’re not living in the right paradigm.
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Sarah Varcas
Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - September 5, 2016
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council. I continue to work full time with the Earth Council like I have for the past five years.
Our focus is on you, ground crew. We need you to be vigilant too about what is occurring on the planet. We are a co-operative unit with you. We are the galactic alliance. We are here to assist in fulfilling our missions and to see that you achieve yours.
We do this in tandem. Everything that you glean from events we also experience. We need to know your spin on these events. We know that there is much that is contrived in your media so we rely on you. We watch how you are doing physically and know that it has been challenging for many of you. We see how hard you are working to release the past and become the new humans that you are intended to become. We understand how tired you are of the lingering third dimension and what is required to remain in a physical form. We assure you that as you rise in consciousness your efforts to live and thrive will become naturally easier. Those that have been holding you in their stronghold are losing their grip. You are already beginning to see what we mean.
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Alto Consejo Pleyadiano,
Valerie Donner
John Smallman - Jesus - Stop judging and judgment will no longer be reflected back to you - September 7, 2016
You all know at the depth of your being, deep within you where the flame of Love burns brightly and constantly, that there is only the One. But, having chosen to experience separation from that inseparable state, you closed your awareness of it many eons ago and are only now allowing awareness of It to arise within you once more. Many are now telling their stories of this personal awakening, and of the peace and joy it has provided for them, and are encouraging others to seek within themselves what all can and will find there, the absolute and unassailable knowing that there is only the One, You and God.
It is there for you all because it is your nature and your inalienable heritage. Now is the time to release your grasp on any sense of guilt, sinfulness, or unworthiness that continues to persuade you that God finds you in any way wanting, unacceptable, or unworthy of His Love, and that succeeds in convincing you that to attempt to make contact with Him is pointless.
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Jesús-John Smallman
Sheldan Nidle - Update from the Galactic Federation of Light and the Spiritual Hierarchy - Sept 6, 2016
from Planetary Activation Organization
3 Cauac, 2 Zip, 12 Caban
Dratzo! Many interesting events are now happening. The most important is that those in charge of delivering the vast amounts of humanitarian funds are preparing to do so. This vast transfer of funds globally promises to create the means for transforming how this world operates. Many parts of this globe have been deprived of the means needed to construct needed water, sewage and modern transportation systems. With funding, those nations that the old financial system either abused or denied can begin the complex process of design and construction. These various projects can swiftly bring even the most primitive regions the necessary water, sanitation and electricity so they can be modern and self-sufficient parts of this world. Then, a more contemporary education system can also be provided. These projects are to ensure that every part of this globe is connected to the worldwide net, as well as enabling all to have those things that are considered a part of the accoutrements of this modern world. Thus, these funds will end the disadvantages of the previous financial realities!
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Benjamin Fulford 9-6-16… “Khazarian mafia bosses offer to return Tsarist gold to Russia in exchange for shelter”
Posted by benjamin, September 6, 2016
Reliable Russian and CIA contacts both told the White Dragon Society that the top bosses of the Khazarian mafia are seeking to trade shelter in Russia for gold. This is just the latest in a whole slew of signs Khazarian mafia rule of the planet earth is crumbling. The White Dragon Society and its allies will continue to press the offensive with the aim of permanently ending their rule as early as this autumn.
Another big sign of Khazarian mafia defeat has been the degrading treatment given to UNITED STATES OF AMERICA corporate spokesperson Barack Obama in Asia and elsewhere. Obama was literally denied red carpet treatment on his arrival in China for last weekend’s G20 summit. This was in sharp contrast to the super VIP treatment given to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who has been recommended to China by the WDS as a better leader for North America than either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump. Trudeau was treated like a superstar in China during a one week visit that resulted in Canada publicly dumping its support of the US corporate government by announcing its intention to join the China led AIIB.
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Benjamín Fulford
Suzanne Lie - Sharman el Pleyadiano - PREPARÁNDOSE PARA EL PRIMER CONTACTO Capìtulo 22 - 9-3-16
Sharman el Pleyadiano - A través de Sue Lie
Compañeros de Luz con la Naturaleza
Saludos. Soy el Comandante Sharman hablando con ustedes desde nuestras Naves Estelares. Digo, "Naves Estelares" porque hay muchos de nosotros que estamos manteniendo una conexión constante con Gaia dentro de las versiones tetradimensional superior y pentadimensional de Su realidad.
Los Humanos han adoptado la creencia, o el prejuicios, de que sólo los humanos tridimensionales están vivos, y todo lo demás va bajo la categoría de "naturaleza", ya que la categoría "humano" era más importante que la categoría naturaleza.
El hecho es que la naturaleza pudiera, y lo hizo, sobrevivir y luchar mucho mejor antes de lo que los humanos se volvieran "civilizados". En realidad los humanos no - civilizados estaban mucho más sintonizados y en cohesión con la naturaleza, que lo que ha sido llamado "el hombre moderno".
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Suzanne Lie
Lisa Transcendence Brown - HOLY PURITY.... Literally.... - Sept 6, 2016
I was awoken by my Universe to get up and start working at 4am, as I have a slamming day and lots to do, and I always take the first few hours to just BE in my space, create, share, work on whatever needs to be done before I go into scheduled stuff....
I awoke to very active Stargates, Quantum Cells moving, crystals jingling... after we got activated huge amounts of Diamond Frequencies yesterday afternoon to evening. (Upper chest/head/breathing adjustments/sneezing come with these)...
After a few moments, the entire gambit of frequencies totally shifted and went mega-ultra high in pitch to "silent" (but we can hear silent), then "above silent" (the only way for me to describe, as I can hear this too). They all combined into one and became ultra-pure... started tuning our frequencies to PURITY..... so I went looking for a picture to "show" what I see... Now we are on hour 3 of these, solid, continuing stronger, higher we increase....
The straight line down the center, this is what it looks like. The other frequencies representing "out of tune distortions".... all being brought into purity.... These are working their way through the physical body, every cell, every body part AND the physical realities too (it's always simultaneous). These hugely re-configure & re-align all....
I was awoken by my Universe to get up and start working at 4am, as I have a slamming day and lots to do, and I always take the first few hours to just BE in my space, create, share, work on whatever needs to be done before I go into scheduled stuff....
I awoke to very active Stargates, Quantum Cells moving, crystals jingling... after we got activated huge amounts of Diamond Frequencies yesterday afternoon to evening. (Upper chest/head/breathing adjustments/sneezing come with these)...
After a few moments, the entire gambit of frequencies totally shifted and went mega-ultra high in pitch to "silent" (but we can hear silent), then "above silent" (the only way for me to describe, as I can hear this too). They all combined into one and became ultra-pure... started tuning our frequencies to PURITY..... so I went looking for a picture to "show" what I see... Now we are on hour 3 of these, solid, continuing stronger, higher we increase....
The straight line down the center, this is what it looks like. The other frequencies representing "out of tune distortions".... all being brought into purity.... These are working their way through the physical body, every cell, every body part AND the physical realities too (it's always simultaneous). These hugely re-configure & re-align all....
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El Gran Cambio,
Lisa Transcendence Brown
Vera Ingeborg - 15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies - August 28, 2016
By Vera | August 28, 2016
So often we hear about lightworkers being here to transmute energies and raising the frequency of the planet to help humanity ascend. In the article “Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork” we had a closer look into the Universal energetic dynamics at play and why there is no way around the pain we experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good methods to ease the process of transmutation and to get back into balance again. This process is like a boot camp to prepare you for the mission you came here for: Helping humanity and planet earth to ascend. It is not for the fainted heart and not a walk in the park. But there are many helpful tools to make it as smooth as possible and learn how to be an alchemist – because that is what energy transmutation is all about. And: The rewards are real! Doing the work is so worth it. Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix.
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Emmanuel Dagher - Becoming Your Awakened Self - September 2016
Hi My Friend,
The momentum of energy has been building, in both our individual lives and in the collective.
The winds of change are blowing through every area of our lives!
Have you been feeling it?
This great shift is becoming more apparent than ever, and it’s stirring up a great deal of energy in our mental, physical, and emotional bodies.
If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered, or emotionally charged than usual, know that all of that is part of the current wave of energy that’s moving us in brand new directions.
Some of these directions may come as a complete surprise, and some may have been years in the making.
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Emmanuel Dagher,
Reporte de Energías
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