martes, septiembre 06, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - HOLY PURITY.... Literally.... - Sept 6, 2016

La imagen puede contener: noche y texto

I was awoken by my Universe to get up and start working at 4am, as I have a slamming day and lots to do, and I always take the first few hours to just BE in my space, create, share, work on whatever needs to be done before I go into scheduled stuff....
I awoke to very active Stargates, Quantum Cells moving, crystals jingling... after we got activated huge amounts of Diamond Frequencies yesterday afternoon to evening. (Upper chest/head/breathing adjustments/sneezing come with these)...
After a few moments, the entire gambit of frequencies totally shifted and went mega-ultra high in pitch to "silent" (but we can hear silent), then "above silent" (the only way for me to describe, as I can hear this too). They all combined into one and became ultra-pure... started tuning our frequencies to PURITY..... so I went looking for a picture to "show" what I see... Now we are on hour 3 of these, solid, continuing stronger, higher we increase....
The straight line down the center, this is what it looks like. The other frequencies representing "out of tune distortions".... all being brought into purity.... These are working their way through the physical body, every cell, every body part AND the physical realities too (it's always simultaneous). These hugely re-configure & re-align all....

Vera Ingeborg - 15 Tips how to become a Master Alchemist and transmute Energies - August 28, 2016

Processing Abstract Visualization

So often we hear about lightworkers being here to transmute energies and raising the frequency of the planet to help humanity ascend. In the article “Why feeling like Crap is an essential Part of Lightwork” we had a closer look into the Universal energetic dynamics at play and why there is no way around the pain we experience. Nevertheless, there are a lot of good methods to ease the process of transmutation and to get back into balance again. This process is like a boot camp to prepare you for the mission you came here for: Helping humanity and planet earth to ascend. It is not for the fainted heart and not a walk in the park. But there are many helpful tools to make it as smooth as possible and learn how to be an alchemist – because that is what energy transmutation is all about. And: The rewards are real! Doing the work is so worth it. Living in 5D is living in paradise on earth. It is beyond anything we could imagine when we are still caught up in the 3D matrix.

Emmanuel Dagher - Becoming Your Awakened Self - September 2016

Hi My Friend,

The momentum of energy has been building, in both our individual lives and in the collective.
The winds of change are blowing through every area of our lives!
Have you been feeling it?
This great shift is becoming more apparent than ever, and it’s stirring up a great deal of energy in our mental, physical, and emotional bodies.
If you’ve been feeling more anxious, scattered, or emotionally charged than usual, know that all of that is part of the current wave of energy that’s moving us in brand new directions.
Some of these directions may come as a complete surprise, and some may have been years in the making.

Maryann Rada - Anica - Now Is the Time to Arise, Awakened - September 6, 2016

Anica, speaking on behalf of the Galactic Federation of Light

To introduce ourselves, we merely say that we have long waited to see the time arrive when we and the League of Light could openly talk publicly about the nature of the work we do, in service to love and to a stable network in transformation. While our name carries some familiarity with some reading these words, it has little historical meaning for others, including the one writing this message for you now. The truth about our pure beingness as a civilizational extension of those worlds which give beingness to people who carry codes akin to your own is this: Many worlds have had long followed your world’s progress in loving ways, for your world is part of a network of worlds many humans consider to be home, and we watch with great care so you may become acclimated to such a reality with ease, as much as is possible.

We of the Galactic Federation of Light work in accord with the League of Light on many levels and in various ways to support your world’s entry into a more open and integrated relationship with the network of star systems and planetary bodies which comprise awakened humanity’s home.

Pleiadian Message 2016! CAUTION! Chaos Ahead!

“I Can Heal Water” – A Star Child Speaks, Calls for Humanity to “Wake Up!”

The idea that a 9-year-old girl can heal water is astounding enough! Find out what else she can do and the message she has for humanity.

An Excerpt from the forthcoming book The New Human by Mary Rodwell

I received the following email about a nine-year-old from Northern Europe who speaks about her ability to ‘heal’ water through star languages. She also gives her perspective on God and her Mission:

“Poor us. poor kids who come to volunteer; we have such a difficult time ahead of us, a real fight. I am here to help my family ‘wake up,’ EVERYONE is sleeping.”

Cathy’s Mother:

“My nine-year-old daughter speaks ‘star languages’ to heal water. I live in Northern Europe and have four children. At the time of my first pregnancy, a ‘voice’ told me my children were not mine.

They would only come through me. These children belong to no one. It wasn’t until recently that I was aware there were such things as extra-terrestrials.

John Smallman - Saul - To love yourselves, just as you are, is the only task, the only duty that you have to complete - 09/06/2016

These are interesting times!  Humanity is moving very positively into awareness of its spiritual heritage, of its Oneness with Source from which it has never for a moment been separated.  And that is inspiring, uplifting, and extremely exciting!  In fact humanity is most definitely established on the collective path to awakening, although, of course, each individual has his or her own personal path that is different from everyone else’; no two are the same among the many billions presently incarnate on Earth.
Here in the spiritual realms, where we constantly watch over you lovingly and compassionately, we are truly in awe at what you are achieving.  You have made the collective decision to awaken from the dream or nightmare and you are most positively implementing it.  Great changes are in the process of transforming your attitudes toward each other and God.  Love now pervades the Earth plane and is penetrating every heart that has not made a conscious choice to block It or lock It out.

lunes, septiembre 05, 2016

Mahala - Planet Alert September 2016 - September 5, 2016

Are you ready to move out of the Matrix and be free from control? Are you enjoying the chaotic energy that seems to be affecting everyone these days? Some people are really happy and others are depressed and in chaos. There have been a lot of changes and transformation occurring, and it has been a challenge to stay in a neutral state of mind as people around us are becoming unbalanced. This energy seems to be up one day and down the next. This is due to the intense waves of energy that are affecting Earth right now.

We just entered the month of September with a solar eclipse and eclipses affect a lot of people. It is like the light is dimmed for a period of time. The solar eclipse was on September 1, 2016. And in numerology this day adds up to a number one because (9+1+9) =19 or 1. Number one indicates a new beginning in some way. There was a wave of energy that hit us on August 30th a little before the eclipse. I felt this energy very strongly and it made me dizzy. The effects of this wave were felt up until the eclipse on September 1st. There are more energy waves to come as we move through September.

Brenda Hoffman - You REALLY are of 5D or Beyond - September 6, 2016

Dear Ones,

The messages you access confuse many of you – “You are of 5D.” to “You cannot possibly be of 5D until you do this.” to “You will not be 5D in this lifetime.”.

So you shift between feeling quite pleased with what you have mastered to feelings of despair that all your work (and it has been work) is for naught in this lifetime. That someday your grandchildren might experience the results of this amazing transition, but certainly not you in your current physicality.

You are indeed on a unique path – a path you created. The messages that seem to contradict once another are for humans in various evolutionary stages.

Perhaps your best friend is just starting to acknowledge his value. Or someone you know is becoming interested in crystals, chakras, astrology, or channeling – pieces you accessed years, maybe decades ago.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - All Continually Re-Configures & Re-Aligns In Accordance to MY Own Soul's Codes & Sequences NOW - 9/5/2016

Coming to UNDERSTAND that one purpose of EVERYTHING is to show you about yourself, which aspects are dominant/prominent and creating your physical reality world.

All will provide enhanced VISION:

Where your heart is/is not fully open

Where you do/do not let your head run the show

Your convinced/fix or unlimited mentalities

Where you do/don't trust yet

Where you do/don't open up to share & support

Where you do/do not put yourself out there

Where you keep doing the same things (patterns/themes/programs)

Where you still have fear, lack, need and feed these things in others

Where you do/don't give your power away

Where you do/don't love you fully yet

Where you do/don't respect fully... by what you do and say