domingo, agosto 28, 2016

Jonette Crowley - Diálogos en Keystone 2016 - Parte 1 - Agosto 12, 2016

Traducción: Mary García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

“MARK” Canalizado por Jonette Crowley

Canalización de Respuestas a las Preguntas sobre la Imaginación, la Evolución de la Conciencia, y los Milagros...


El primer tema es la imaginación. Cuando la palabra Imagina es deletreada en voz alta IMAGINA, suena como “Soy un Genio”

“Imagina” es verdaderamente la puerta hacia la Magia. El Genio, por supuesto, es el nombre para el espíritu. La Imaginación es el puente entre la mente y los sentidos humanos y que nosotros llamaremos “ultra-humano” o el hombre elevado. La Imaginación abre los portales a las realidades que no son limitados por la lógica. Por lo tanto, la Imaginación es el portal, es el puente a la manifestación, a la creación, para la re-creación, y para la no creación de las cosas que no quieres en tu vida. Entonces, ¿Qué es? Es la puerta sagrada.

¿Dónde está? Dondequiera que sea que los humanos dejen su lógica y el uso de sus fortalezas proveídas por Dios -“dones”- para crear algo que no está enfrente de ellos. El cerebro incendia la imaginación. El cerebro es el transductor (mecanismo que recibe la energía de una forma y la transforma de salida en otra) de la mente. La mente no es producto del cerebro sino producto de la conciencia. La imaginación está más en el Reino de la mente y es transducido o trasladado al cerebro.

Jennifer Hoffman - Probándonos a medida la nueva energía: una manera más fácil de invitar a que el cambio llegue a nuestras vidas - 22 de Agosto 2016

Traducción del Audio: Rosa García
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo en la Era del Ahora

Quería hacer este video porque, después de haber hablado con algunas personas, he visto que no les gustaban algunas cosas que habían creado en su realidad. Una vez que habían logrado manifestarlas, les obligaban a hacer cambios y a evolucionar; se sentían abrumadas al contemplar su vida y todo lo que debían cambiar y me decían: “Esto va a suponer una transformación total de mi existencia, no sé cómo voy a poder hacerlo”. No sabían por dónde empezar. En este video les enseñaré un método para poder atraer un tipo de energía y facilitar que el cambio nos llegue, pero teniendo antes la ocasión de “probárnosla”, como si se tratara de un traje a medida.

Me gustaría utilizar como ejemplo una historia que ya conté en mi show de radio. Hace algunos años, encontré en una tienda un vestido que me pareció fabuloso en la percha y me dispuse a comprarlo inmediatamente. Pero después de pensarlo mejor, porque era un poco caro, decidí probármelo para ver si me quedaba bien. De manera que fui al probador, lo descolgué y vi que ni siquiera sabía cómo ponérmelo, debido a la cantidad de cremalleras y cierres que tenía. No era capaz de distinguir la parte de adelante de la parte de atrás. Así que, no lo compré. Algo parecido nos ocurre a cuando pensamos en la transformación, en el cambio, y decimos: “Quiero cambiarlo todo, pero ¿por dónde empiezo?”.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group Message - August 28, 2016

Dear ones, we observe the confusion and emotions causing many of you to think you have somehow lost your way. The spiritual journey has changed from the way you have known it in the past for it is no longer a path of seeking and searching, but is now an action of realizing, accepting, and living; “I already am everything I have been seeking”.

The process of evolution can leave a person feeling lost and even panicked if they have no idea of what is taking place as their comfortable but illusory foundation begins to dissolve. Familiar ways of processing the world no longer “feel” right because his new state of consciousness is resonating differently from what he was used to.

Spiritual evolution is guided by the Higher Self as an individual becomes ready for new levels of awareness. If he is not consciously aware of his readiness or even interested in spiritual matters, a great deal of confusion and upset may result as the experiences necessary for his spiritual growth begin.

James Gilliland on the As You Wish Talk Radio, 20.8. 2016

Alien Underground, and 'Under Sea,' Cities You're 'NOT' Supposed To Know About

Shanta Gabriel for Archangel Gabriel - Your way to freedom is by total acceptance of your incredible differences - August 28, 2016

Dear One,

You have all been trained on this earth to fit in, to be a part of the way things have been, and to not go out of your way to change “what is.” This is the training and yet, deep down most people know the truth — that it is only by being different that great changes can occur. Creativity lies in not being the same as everyone else. It results from listening and moving to a different tune — the one within, not outside, yourself.
So many people go through life feeling like an outcast, as if there is something wrong with them because they are different from other people. We are saying that these incredible differences are your gifts to give to the world. It is time to accept these differences and follow the lead of your creative self. Trying to fit in stifles your spirit. Freedom comes from knowing that those parts of you that are different from others hold the key to the joy and success that you desire.

Lisa Transcendence Brown - AMPLIFICATION ENERGIES - August 28, 2016


Good morning sweet LOVE family,

Very active StarGate activity again today, high high high ion charged atmospheres... Looks like we have another day of AMPLIFICATION ENERGIES....

What are you vibrationally creating to experience here? What are you vibrationally transmitting out? What are you vibrationally feeling? What are your words vibrationally speaking? What ENERGY are you projecting out?

This is all about vibrations and energy and in order to understand all, you must connect through the vibrations and energy of all again. This takes many things... number one is opening your heart and bypassing your head, so that your head starts to implement that of you heart and both can unify to the frequency of love again. Christed Consciousness/Unity Consciousness is your head, your heart, your entire physical make-up, all merged in UNITY. Peace is restored to all... and your entire existence becomes an intentional creation here.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion – August 28-September 4, 2016

Beloved Ones,

This discourse is in response to a question that was put to Master Hilarion in regards to the idea that there is a Golden Money Belt surrounding the Earth. Is that in fact, true?

We ask that Hilarion give complete details on the Golden Money Belt that surrounds the planet Earth…

In response to this question I say that such a belt does not exist. This is disinformation that has been presented to the Lightworkers of the world to distract and confuse them.

It behooves each Lightworker to be discerning and not allow implants into their consciousness that they know inherently within them is not true. We understand that the majority of Lightworkers are not imbued with money wealth, mainly for the reason that their focus is always on the spiritual path and not on the material aspect of living on a physical planet. This then, does not bring forth a response from the universe to bring in money wealth but, it can be done if there is a consistent and persistent effort to bring to oneself greater abundance, greater wealth, including that of money wealth.