viernes, julio 01, 2016

Lisa Transcendence Brown - Collective Gridwork Clearing of Humans Putting Money & Things Over Their Own/Others Souls...7/1/2016

Aloha beautiful light family!

Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. HUGE template clearings, collective gridwork clearings.... and NEW EARTH Light BEing physical body upgrades for all!

I will expand upon this more along the way, as I'm on a schedule today (as usual).....

Massive frustration energy collectively cleared, for a multitude of things.... (thank you Lee Bonde for your contribution to this.)

Time templates adjusted so as we have more time to do that which is of higher consciousness existence and less time for that which is not.

When the collective gridwork clears, those of us linked in to participate in this clearing for all, get to experience this energetically, while the human experiences in their waking world much of the time (and the sleeping/closed eyed one).

Lena Stevens - New Moon Update 7-4-16 - July 1, 2016

Dear Friends,

New Moon is Monday, July 4, at 5:00 AM Mountain Daylight Time (MDT).

This is an emotional moon and in keeping with the themes for the month, use it to focus on your self care, your personal needs and healing your heart. How do you heal your heart? You love yourself, you cherish who you are and you treat yourself like you would treat the most valuable thing in your life. Pay attention to beauty and allow the higher emotional center to be activated in you through the beauty you see in your life and all around you.

You can be greatly inspired during this time, or you can get mired in your judgments, cynicism, and all the nasty negative feelings you have been holding on to for so long, maybe even lifetimes. It is time to move on from all of it, to put yourself first, to forgive others and to allow the transformation that wants to happen to begin to unfold. Spend some time in and around water today if you can, and use it to nurture and feed something new and unique to you that wants to grow and emerge.

Be patient with others, accommodate them in your life, but take care of yourself first.

Many Blessings on this New Moon,


Christine Meleriessee - Lord Adama ~ How To Access the 5th Dimensional Divine Intent Within Your Consciousness - Jul 01, 2016

This is Lord Adama’s Discourse from the New Earth Consciousness – Circle of Light Teaching of the Golden City of Flanancia over Edmonton, Alberta, Canada which represents the 18th Ray of Pink Gold.

Aluna, Aluna, Aluna

It is my pleasure as Lord Adama to be with each of you again.

Breathe deeply as Meleriessee has shared – allowing the higher rays of light to go into all parts of yourself bringing forth these elements of the higher frequency of Light to come down into your full body system, for you to receive, to receive, to receive. Take a breath as you take a moment to reflect.

For the classs today we bring forth the Fifth Dimensional Divine Intent representing the Ray of Pink Gold. This means allowing your consciousness to be of that higher essence.

This is the real experience of Telos that each of you desires to have in your life fully. It is important to allow the effects of your Higher Consciousness to expand into all parts of yourself, into the parts that don’t feel those energies. Concentrate hard on allowing it to come in. Sometimes when there are blockages within the Etheric Body you may want to succumb and say “I cannot do it, I cannot bring forth these essences unto myself.” So allow what you have learned through your spiritual tools of the Will and Power, the fortitude and acceptance to bring forth these essences into yourself allowing your Higher Self to be the commanding energy and not the physical self. But allow the body to feel it, to come into this space.

Patricia Cota-Robles - THIS IS THE FINAL STAGE OF PREPARATION - July 1, 2016

2016 has been a year like no other. Day by day, we have been experiencing shifts of energy, vibration and consciousness beyond anything Humanity or Mother Earth have ever been able to withstand at a cellular level. These amazing accelerations were made possible through the invocations and the unified efforts of Awakening Humanity and the Company of Heaven. These efforts were greatly amplified by the Celestial events associated with the Equinox and Solstice, the Solar and Lunar Eclipse series, the Divine Intervention of Mother Mary and Saint Germain in May, the rare occurrence of five planets in retrograde position, and the myriad Activities of Light conducted by the millions of Lightworkers all over the world.

All of this preparation has been designed to strengthen Humanity and Mother Earth at a cellular level and to recalibrate our DNA structures so that we will be able to receive NEW patterns of perfection for the Earth. The Beings of Light have revealed that these patterns which will be encoded in Humanity’s DNA are beyond anything we have been able to fathom with our finite minds.

Questions for Jim - Handling Death and Dying

Anomalies and UFOs near our Sun - June 30, 2016

Suzanne Lie - los Arcturianos - Preparándose Para El Primer Contacto Capitulo Doce - Su Sentido Expandido Del Ser - 27-6-16



Nosotros, los Arcturianos, quisiéramos preguntarles cómo están? Cuando decimos ustedes, significamos la "humanidad despierta" porque la humanidad dormida es incapaz de imaginar incluso que alguien sería capaz de comunicarse con Seres que son invisibles a sus percepciones tridimensionales. De hecho, hay aún muchos humanos que sólo pueden creer que la realidad es UNICAMENTE tridimensional. Pueden considerar que algo más sucede cuando meditan o sueña, pero la explicación necesita ser ruteada dentro de su pensamiento tridimensional.

Para nuestra percepción podemos ver que hay varias realidades que existen dentro de su AHORA. Está la realidad de aquellos que sólo creen en su mundo tridimensional, y no pueden imaginar siquiera que cualquier otro componente de su vida es “real”. Hay una realidad en la cual algunos creen que sus meditaciones tetradimensionales y sueños son un retoño de su ser físico, que es su “ser real”. Así, estas meditaciones y sueños “pueden ser” alguna forma de comunicación con su Ser interno. Sin embargo, su ser físico es su ser primario y/o más elevado.

James Tyberonn - Archangel Metatron - The Angelic Realm - Part 2 'The Misconception of Fallen Angels'

Copyrights Reserved 2016

Greetings Masters, I am Metatron, Angelic of Light. I am joined in this session by Tyberonn of Crystalline Service & we greet you in a vector of unconditional love.

Dear Ones, we continue in this session with the final potion of our channel on the nature of Angels. We ask you to keep an open mind in the information we share, for portions of what we share may differ from your religious teachings.

Angels are Messengers of Gods, and as we have said are also the engineers of reality. We of the angelic realm have important roles in revealing God's nature & purpose. We are intricately connecting to humanity. We have been & are now closely involved with important events in the evolution of humanity in the earthplane and duality realm.



Beloved masters, it is of vital importance that you endeavor to incorporate the higher states of awareness, along with the will and Self-discipline needed to correctly implement the higher frequencies of truth into your physical, everyday life style in order to become a Master on the Path. Vital information for each incarnation is stored within the Soul-Seed Atom. However, the consciousness of the human personality must reach the required frequency patterns in order to access any advanced Cosmic information. Over time, desire is transformed into aspiration, and aspiration develops into a clear, definitive intuitive ability.
It is a proven fact that humanity evolves and gradually makes life changes through experiencing moments of crisis. The fusion of the Soul with the personality produces incredible changes in the ego-desire body consciousness, thus affecting every aspect of a human Being who is functioning within the physical plane existence. Living in the present moment, fully aware, without judgment or prejudice is the foundation of joyful, abundant living. Past memories and future expectations/aspirations create your present reality and future experiences.
Remember: Spiritual Fire is the basis of all manifestation, which forms the background for human evolution. The power of the Universe is in the present moment of the NOW, within the STILL POINT between the past and the future. The STILL POINT of Creation is not a void—it is filled with White Fire God-Seed Atom energy—the Creator’s unmanifested potential.

Mike Quinsey - Channeling his Higher Self - 1 July, 2016

The people of Great Britain have exercised their personal individual power to bring in changes that will one day be looked upon as world changing events. At present the world is rapidly heading for a melt-down, but the consequences will in no way be as bad as some are suggesting. You could view it as the end of the old ways that no longer serve you, and out of it will arise beneficial changes that will firmly place you on the road to a new Earth and your freedom. Many people have already given of themselves working for it and very soon events will enable you to help bring the changes into being. This time has been planned for many, many years and the Forces of Light are well organised to move into action at a minutes notice, to ensure your success.