jueves, junio 09, 2016
Sheldan Nidle - Las nuevas semillas estelares - 24-05-2016
Las nuevas semillas estelares* que estaban naciendo fueron contradiciendo lentamente esas “normas” de los oscuros….. El mundo, tal y como lo conocéis, está cambiando.
2 Muluc, 2 Pax, 12 Manik
¡Selamat Jarin! ¡Vuestro mundo se está preparando rápidamente para una sorpresa que realmente os va a conmocionar a todos!
La Luz ha sido forzada a esperar el momento adecuado para golpear.
Hasta ahora, a los oscuros y a sus diversos secuaces asociados con el régimen conocido como USA, Inc. se les ha dado un cierto margen.
Esto les ha permitido dedicarse a ciertas trampas a escala global.
La Luz está preparada para concluir esta extraña parte de vuestra historia.
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Valerie Donner - Mira from the Pleiadian High Council - June 6, 2016
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.
I greet you today with love and optimism. Please know that all is proceeding as planned. We keep a pulse on everything so please understand that all is well. We understand how challenged most of humanity is right now. This is how it is supposed to be because the third dimensional way of living is complete. It is challenging to know within that it is over and that life is going to be entirely different from what you have known.
This ascension process is not for everyone. I am sure you know this as you see some that you love leaving their incarnations. Some are unable to adapt to the changes or they choose not to adapt. Just think if you have had everything your way on planet earth by controlling money, having power and manipulating others, you will be sorely disappointed when you lose your grip. This can be a big shock and you will begin to see how awkward it is becoming for those in this category.
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Blossom Goodchild - June 9, 2016
Hello! Last week’s chat was rather mind blowing for many. I fully accept what you said. Yet, that doesn’t mean I necessarily understand it! At the end of the day … I FEEL that it doesn’t really matter WHAT we understand. What matters is that we LOVE and FEEL LOVED. For me, being here upon the planet is not just about lifting its Vibration into a Higher /better place, it is also about ‘finding myself’. The ‘God-self’ in me.
The largest of heartfelt welcomes to you this day. To Each One who follows their path and acts upon that which reunites them with this very thing ... their God- self.
An interesting word that … ‘God’. Warms and soothes and uplifts the hearts of many and turns off the minds of so many others. I guess I look upon God as Source/Love. That makes more sense to me, as being brought up a catholic (convent boarding school, strong catholic father) the word ‘God’ also turned ME off for a long time. Although now, I am much more comfortable with it.
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Benjamín Fulford - 06-06-16. La mafia jázara Rothschild usa maniobras dilatorias, pero el tiempo se acaba
09 Jun
Fuente y comentarios en inglés: http://benjaminfulford.net/2016/06/06/rothschild-khazarian-mafia-using-delaying-tactics-but-time-is-running-out/
La soga que se está cerrando sobre la mafia jázara y el nexo de la familia Rothschild que lo controla está apretando cada véz mas fuerte. Después de haber perdido una fecha límite para encontrarse con un representante de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco, se supone que debe reunirse con un mensajero de la Sociedad del Dragón Blanco mañana un representante del Barón Jacob Nathaniel Rothschild (7 de junio) en los EE.UU... Si los Rothschild se pierden esta reunión o no llegan a un acuerdo, en principio, a continuación, la SDB, los gnósticos Illuminati y otros grupos aliados prometen que será declarada época de caza para todo ese grupo familiar genocida.
Además, la quiebra oficial de la Corporación de los ESTADOS UNIDOS DE AMÉRICA el 2 de mayo de 2016 ha desencadenado negociaciones de alto nivel entre las autoridades estadounidenses y chinas esta semana. En Beijing un intercambio económico y diplomático de alto nivel está concluyendo el martes.
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Benjamín Fulford
miércoles, junio 08, 2016
Sarah Varcas - June 2016 – April 2017: Eris Conjunct Uranus - 08/06/2016
Image: “Rising Up” by Gary Rosenberg
Revolution Within and Without
Sarah Varcas
9th June 2016 sees the first exact conjunction between Eris and Uranus in the 24th degree of Aries. In it we meet the untamed feminine: wild and radical, owned by no one, shaped by nothing and prepared to do what it takes to expose the enduring lies that diminish and debilitate humanity. She points the finger without hesitation, names the oppressor and fights to the death of all falsity presented as truth. Eris is our power – men and women, one and all – to take a stand; to face the unpalatable facts of our sterile life; to honour the deep, gutsy knowing in our very bowels that life itself is raw, passionate and cannot be tamed. Her alliance with Uranus affords her ever greater influence, instilling within those who join her crusade the power to shake awake even those most deeply asleep in this world on the brink.
Unlike Mars who will fight to impose, Eris fights to expose. She refuses to accept the social mores of conformity used to keep us down. Eris unflinchingly illuminates millennia of denial and degradation of the feminine, highlighting equally its trademark oppression of women and girls, alongside its brutalisation of boys and men. Currently aligned to Mars, the archetypal masculine, we see these two forces in intense dialogue, negotiating a settlement and positive way forward which honours both polarities in us all.
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Sarah Varcas
Suzanne Lie - The Arcturians - Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody & Anchoring Lightbody--3 Day Webinar - 6-8-16
Unity of Personal and Planetary Lightbody
More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column.
The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As you consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise up your spine.
At first, the kundalini moves up a little bit, you must adjust to that unique feeling, as well as the other new sensations in your body. Therefore, you go back into your daily life, and the Kundalini moves back down into the base of your spine.
But the next time your consciousness arises, your attention is focused on your personal transformation, and you are ready to continue your process of personal transmutation, the Kundalini moves up a bit higher, but returns to the base of your spine as you gradually adapt to this unique sensation,
The Arcturians
More and more people, especially those who meditate on a regular basis, are beginning to have their initial experiences of Lightbody. The Light of your Lightbody is within yourself, within your spinal cord, within that kundalini energy that is within the core of your spinal column.
The kundalini energy is stored at the base of the spine and is often known as the “Sleeping Serpent.” As you consciousness expands into your fifth dimensional gamma waves, the kundalini energy begins to rise up your spine.
At first, the kundalini moves up a little bit, you must adjust to that unique feeling, as well as the other new sensations in your body. Therefore, you go back into your daily life, and the Kundalini moves back down into the base of your spine.
But the next time your consciousness arises, your attention is focused on your personal transformation, and you are ready to continue your process of personal transmutation, the Kundalini moves up a bit higher, but returns to the base of your spine as you gradually adapt to this unique sensation,
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Cuerpo de Luz,
Suzanne Lie
Mike Quinsey - Ser Superior - La verdad tiene que conocerse - 03-06-2016
La verdad tiene que conocerse y vuestra historia debe reescribirse de acuerdo con ello.
Todo va bien a pesar de cualquier apariencia externa, y los diferentes aspectos asociados a la Ascensión siguen en avanzada preparación.
Los Oscuros siguen perdiendo poder y sus opciones se están limitando mucho.
Les hemos pedido muchas veces su rendición pero lo han rechazado, pareciendo estar preparados para luchar hasta el amargo final.
Ciertamente, no pueden escapar a la justicia como habían planeado, pero casi con certeza intentarán regatear en lo que concierne a su rendición.
Se tienen que enfrentar al hecho de que sus días están contados y que ya no pueden esperar cumplir su plan original de dominación del mundo.
Muchos grupos han dado apoyo a los de la Luz y juntos representan un formidable reto para los Oscuros.
Junto con muchos individuos poderosos, ellos representan una poderosa fuerza por el bien.
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Mike Quinsey
Fran Zepeda - Yeshua - Iluminación e Inspiración - 22-05-2016
Queridos Míos: Deseo hablarles hoy sobre la Libertad.
Empezaré diciendo que ayuda el orientarse a la perspectiva de ver su vida como el tener la libertad PARA ser o hacer, no una libertad DE algo.
Con este enfoque ustedes son libres para avanzar más allá y despejar viejos patrones, con la intención de avanzar hacia la Luz y su nueva vida sin vivir en el pasado, que es simplemente su lugar de aprendizaje.
Y avanzando adelante y viviendo lo que han aprendido ustedes son libres para catapultarse a realidades más expansivas, que es su verdadero derecho de nacimiento.
La libertad es permitir y aceptar la expansión hacia el Verdadero Ser de uno para descubrir las infinitas posibilidades. Es el abrirse más allá de las limitaciones.
Sus Yos Superiores los están alentando a abrir las puertas que están aguardando a ser abiertas.
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Fran Zepeda,
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray - Pineal Gland Stargate Third Eye - June 8, 2016
Awakening the Galactic Human DNA
Revelations of the Starseed EmpathThe pineal gland is a dormant stargate in the middle of the human brain, a bridge of higher dimensional awareness and time travel. There are multidimensional portals in the human body field that can be attuned for direct communion with the electro-magnetic energy of the grid and Universe. These human stargate portals are avenues to telepathic communication with the Galactics, the angelic kingdom and your DNA star essence of sovereign power.
The intuitive sensitive empath and starseed are already inclined to attune to these subtle energy fields which can resurrect these human stargate portals. Your sensory resonance of empathy is your first nature of being, a way shower of your direction and path that leads you to the reawakening of the Galactic Star Human DNA lineage.
Pineal Gland Stargate—the way to disclosure—knowing who you are.
Reawakening the pineal gland 3rd eye stargate can reveal hidden information and secret knowledge that can bypass traditional forums of disclosure as there are information link highways that can be accessed via the crystal link transmitter into an interdimensional library. As you come on line in this way, you are enhancing the light grid web so that other light bearers and starseeds can more easily tune into and align collectively.
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El Gran Cambio,
Shekina Rose / Blue Ray
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