domingo, febrero 21, 2016


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A Message from the Spirit Beings of the change of time and transformation.

We would like to tell you, that a huge breakthrough has occurred in your world. It is a breakthrough of a kind that happened never before. It is not the repetition of something old from earlier in your history, but it brings about a radical new experience.

This new experience is not that easy to recognize and integrate, but requires your conscious opening and collective preparation.

We are companions on your way. Call us Spirit Beings of the change of time and transformation. We are perpetually in a floating state, ready for new forms of existence. Our consistency and stability is our consciousness, our capability of detached observance and awareness of gross and subtle substances, forms, states and creations.

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - You Are a Divine Expression - February 21, 2016

One way to Harmony is remembering who you are in every moment...a Divine Expression, Spirit into matter.

Dear One,

Who you are is so much more than a body in the material world. Your very essence is part of a greater whole — God in whom you live, move and have your being, the Source of all Life. This Presence expressing through you is the gift you give to the world.

Imagine what Earth would be like if all people remembered they were the Divine Essence expressing in a physical world. There would be so much more love, and so much less fear. In the essence of God, there is no separation into race or religion. There is no separation of any kind. It is all a great connected Wholeness.

Patricia Cota-Robles - HOLD ON! WE ARE MOVING TO THE NEXT LEVEL. - February 21, 2016

Since the birth of the New Earth on December 21-22, 2012, the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on this Planet has been raising the frequency of vibration of our Earthly Bodies the maximum we can withstand in every 24-hour period. Day-by-day this process of Divine Alchemy has been slowly changing the cellular structures of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies from carbon based planetary cells into 5th-Dimensional crystalline based Solar Light cells. Many people are consciously aware that there is something unusual going on within their bodies, but the masses of Humanity are oblivious to what is actually taking place at this time. This lack of awareness is causing much stress and anxiety as every day our bodies are pushed to the limit in this transformational process. Fortunately, the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth are aware of the mental and emotional challenges this process is causing, and they have joined with the I AM Presence of every person to cocreate a Divine Plan that will ease the stress and bring comfort to the process without slowing down our physical transformation.

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - Feb 21, 2016

Dear ones, greetings from the Arcturian group. We see you eager and aware and growing more so each day. It is a time of celebration on this side as we observe the Light of mankind becoming ever more bright. These times have been anticipated eagerly by all on this side working with Gaia and her people. Know that you are loved immensely and honored for the courage and bravery you show in the midst of so much turmoil and struggle arising to be cleared at this time.

We wish to speak of the great gains you have made in your journey because many believe nothing has changed. This is because without your realizing it, your evolving consciousness has become your ordinary. Take a moment to examine the you of ten, five, or even one year ago and you will see how much you have grown and changed in attitude and beliefs. Issues that seemed important, valid, and unchangeable to you, no longer seem even worth the effort of concern. You have moved to new levels of awareness.

Nancy Tate - Wake up Call: St. Germain - February 21, 2016

There is coming a very important message for the world. It has to do with the conspiracy that has been taking place for so long all over the world and especially in the United States of America. There is a taste of the situation on the Internet news today, and as it progresses it will take on a new idea of interpretation that will regulate the times that it will travel throughout the background.

As I tell this one the news, I am seeing that behind me is the progression that has taken yet another turn. It tells me that as the news reaches the forefront it will not only change, but it will also regulate itself according to the expedition of the energy of it. It will represent the intention of the people who are in contact with the news I speak of. In that case it is advisable to spread the word as far as you can to see the changes take place that represent the truth. That will change the course of what is being broadcast, and what needs to come forth that will give more people the essence of the truth, and the idea of what will be able to change it all for the better. When I speak of better, I am referring to what will get out to the public and enable the people who have been in the background to come forth and take the steps they feel to take that will be powerful in bringing about the changes that must take place for the world to become the freedom assembly of all of life in expression around the planet.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - February 21-28, 2016

Beloved Ones,

As the energies intensify even more than before, it is difficult to stay focused on any one thing for any length of time. One’s mind jumps from one thought to another without any logical conclusion. It is a case of having entered into unknown territory where everything is possible, and there are no handholds or footholds to grab onto. It is therefore important to be aware that you do not have to do anything or accomplish anything in particular during these moments; all you must do is ride the wave as it comes and experience it - nothing else is required. When you can, send blessing thoughts to everyone and everything around you including your common home, the Earth, and have faith that you will all make it through.

sábado, febrero 20, 2016

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - THE QUANTUM AWAKENING - Feb 20, 2016


***Battling Flying Monkeys

***Sacred markers are ‘reset’ and time ‘retuned’

***Those who have never put any energy in your direction bring a cornucopia of unexpected good will.

***You are not allowed the luxury of giving up on anything or anyone, especially yourself

***Goddess Portal Rose-Heart Orgone Silver Necklace



As we all come to the middle of the month it is obvious that we all have been battling flying monkeys with a rubber band in the middle of a scene from ‘frozen’. Everyday has become an adventure, just getting your chores and errands done can bring the most unexpected situations. You wake up at 4:00am and start praying for the day because you literally have no idea what is coming or how it will turn out. In the old days of manifestation we created from a point of knowing, but nowadays with all the dimensional rift and multiple interferences one cannot create in the graphics of the past. There are new rules and new schematics that we must master. Most of us are hardwired to the bone, nothing virtual about us, we are flesh and bone and very very human. Most of us that hold a vast light that never wavers were raised in the ‘era of empaths’. We feel so deeply, we cannot listen to the news or see another suffer or watch abandoned puppy commercials. We feel every drop of life and we often do what we can, not to feel, not to ride another’s hurt to far into the heart.

Sarah Varcas - Luna Llena en Virgo: 22/23 de Febrero 2016 - Un Poderoso Error de Percepción - 19 Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González
Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

La luna está llena en Virgo a las 6:21 pm UT el 22 de febrero. Ocurriendo durante retrógrados de Júpiter a lo largo del grado del eclipse solar desde el 13 de septiembre del 2015, esta luna ilumina en su totalidad los eventos de los cinco meses pasados, con su entretejido complejo vinculado a nuestras vidas en formas que pudiesen estar ocultas ahora a ustedes. La vida en toda su confusión puede a veces sentirse como un millón de manijas que debemos mantener girando simultáneamente o arriesgarnos al caos, cuando lo cierto es que estas partes separadas son simplemente muchas caras del Uno que anima nuestro ser. Somos una vida, todos nosotros. Lo que sucede fuera y alrededor de nosotros ocurre también dentro de nosotros. La noción de que las cosas nos suceden y que debemos responder es un reflejo distorsionado de ser. En su lugar somos nosotros quienes le ocurrimos a la vida – en toda nuestra gloria – creando el mundo por el camino.

Kara Schallock - Conciencia - 16 de Febrero 2016

Traducción: Fara González

Difusión: El Manantial del Caduceo

Lo más asombroso en estos Nuevos días son las hermosas sorpresas que recibimos. Hoy recibí una increíble piedra Mandala (se parece más a una roca enorme) de Sivane Gaia Gorny en Israel. Se llama ‘Mandala de Unidad Mundial’. La sincronía de recibir este regalo en el día que escribo esta nota es verdaderamente perfecta. Es un mensaje de Gaia a través de Sivane de que todos somos Uno. Con la actividad solar que ocurre constantemente, Gaia es Una con/al igual que nosotros, como lo es todo el cosmos.

Estar en lo Nuevo llama a la celebración. Estamos en la Tierra durante este tiempo sagrado para estar enamorados y para hacer brillar nuestra luz sea lo que esté ocurriendo en el viejo mundo. Nos comprometemos para elevarnos plenamente en Amor sin dudar. Continuamos expandiendo una vibración y conciencia cada vez mayor, que ayuda a alinear todos los aspectos de nuestro ser; particularmente donde todavía estamos apegados a la vieja vida. En otras palabras, las energías inferiores se alinean con las energías superiores. Recibimos Códigos de Luz en corrientes de Luz de la Fuente de alta dimensión que nos llenan de Nueva energía y Nuevas formas de ser. Recibir estas descargas pueden sentirse desconcertante a veces, podemos sentirnos un poco como si flotásemos o inestables; con ruido de mayor intensidad en los oídos y hasta vértigo y náuseas. La náusea ocurre cuando hay una diferencia entre nuestro cuerpo físico y la energía que está fluyendo hacia nosotros. Fluyan con todo en regocijo. Noten todos los regalos y los cambios en su vida y celébrenlos.