martes, diciembre 15, 2015

Ron Head ~ The Council ~ All of You Are A Part of A Consciousness - Dec 15, 2015

We continue.
We were discussing oneness, unity, the idea that all of you are a part of a consciousness. Many of you have a problem with that. You have been taught thoroughly and well over many lifetimes that you are separate and unique. And you have been also taught that you are separate in every other way possible. And those ones over there bode you no good. And those other ones are truly dangerous. And just forget about the ones we haven’t even mentioned.

There was – no, there is – a reason for this. And you know very well that it is a mechanism to keep you all apart and under control. You cannot be made to treat someone that you care about as an enemy. And profit requires enemies. The security of the top layer requires enemies among the lower layers. This is the concept that your world functions upon. It is not true, but it is believed, and belief creates. Belief creates B.S., belief systems.

lunes, diciembre 14, 2015

Jahn J Kassl - „MASTER EXAMINATION“, MOTHER MARY - December 14, 2015

channeled by Jahn J Kassl
translated by Franz

Dream: I tell a former friend in no uncertain terms that
I no longer want anything to do with him, because I find
the manner in which he deals with human Beings and his
ways of manipulation repulsive. After that he changes his
whole behavior and becomes biddable.
In the next scene I find myself out of nothing in the middle
of a master examination, it feels like for the master ship of
a cabinetmaker. And as I pass the exam, an indescribable
feeling of bliss overcomes me. (End of dream)

Méline Portia Lafont ~ 12:12 Golden Gateway ~ Solar Christ consciousness, resurrection phase, closure

Blessings Love Tribe

We are in for another form of manifested creation through the potential of the 12:12 Gateway. For a few days now I have been seeing the first glimpses of that gateway which is a Golden Light entering our spheres and our consciousness. A welcomed gift many will appreciate and so will it inspire many of the Love Tribe to continue and hold on to their mission.

The Love Tribe has been going through phases of waking up to certain illusions which have been strongly held before and so a new phase of clarity will show you the way as the Golden Light enters in a new format during the 12:12 gateway.

Brenda Hoffman - From Nice to Large Creations - Dec 14, 2015

Dear Ones,

Let us start by welcoming you home – a time for which you have prepared for eons.

Does welcome home mean you will be zipping from planet to planet or through dimensions and frequencies?

No. Instead, that you value yourself enough to allow your totality of who you are to sparkle through the grayness that has been your 3D existence. That you allow yourself to expect more than acceptable in your world.

domingo, diciembre 13, 2015

Celia Fenn - Archangel Michael - The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015 - December 13, 2015

Beloved Family of Light, in this month of December you are integrating and balancing the powerful completion energies of the wave of Quantum Cosmic Light that was initiated in August at the 8:8:8 and descended through the Lion's Gate. This energy has been amplified and integrated over the last months, and now December will allow you to adjust and prepare for the great events coming in 2016.

Marlene Swetlishoff - Hilarion - December 13-20, 2015

Beloved Ones,

The Beloved Lightworkers throughout the world have been paying more attention to the needs of their home, the Earth, and we want to state that your efforts have been most appreciated. The energies that you have been directing have been dispersing and dissolving a great amount of the energies of fear that had been affecting human consciousness. Most individuals are now able to discern more clearly what is and is not working in their lives and in their thought patterns. Adjustments are being made and things are looking up. We thank you for working with us in this way and ask you to continue to uphold the Light and also your daily focus with the Violet Light energy.

LOOK! Huge Underground Base Entrances Found On Mars In Google Earth

Marilyn Rafaelle - Arcturian Group - 12/13/15

Dear ones, it is with joy that we commune and join with you as you journey ever more deeply into enlightenment.

We wish to speak of benevolence, a subject that is frequently misunderstood. Benevolence is considered to be the practice of meeting of some need--the giving of time, money, or service by some group or individual without personal consideration. The USA is considered to be a benevolent nation because of the spiritual principles upon which it was founded and most religions of the world believe benevolence to be representative of spirituality. The holiday season in particular promotes benevolence as the Christmas message.

The Archangel Michael Vortex of Banff - AA Metatron via J Tyberonn

Shanta Gabriel - Archangel Gabriel - The Prayers You Offer to Others are a Ticket to Higher Consciousness - Dec 13, 2015

We are drawing on the compassionate and timeless wisdom of The Gabriel Messages to provide insight and inspiration that we can apply every day of our lives.

The Gabriel Message for this week is suggesting that we use prayer as the first resort and not the last in any situation.

The Gabriel Message card for this week

The prayers you offer for others are a ticket to Higher Consciousness, because the gifts and blessings sent out in Light and Love have a tenfold return.

Sometimes it is so difficult to know what to do when faced with situations that seem beyond our comprehension. That is when prayer has such wide-spread capability. It gives us something positive to do for every situation.